Tag Archives: library

Kavitha Cardoza to speak at the library

Photo of Kavitha Cardoza
Kavitha Cardoza

Join us at the Friends of the Library Annual Meeting on Tuesday, March 15 at 7:30 PM at the Library when NPR reporter Kavitha Cardoza will be our guest speaker.

Cardoza is a senior reporter for WAMU, who covers area news with a special focus on children, education and poverty. She has won numerous awards for her work. In 2012 she received the regional Edward R. Murrow Award for Hard News. That same year, her five-part series on childhood obesity won first place in the series category in the National Awards for Education Reporting and recognition from the Chesapeake Associated Press Broadcasters Association.

On Feb. 23, 2011, she was interviewed on “People’s District of Washington D.C.” Here is an excerpt: “I made a decision to go into radio, which was new for me because we don’t have public radio in India. I got my start in Springfield, Illinois and then moved to Washington almost three years ago. Working as a journalist in this country, I have come to realize how nuanced this place is.

“Because I have not grown up here, I am constantly asking questions about everything. Sometimes, those questions are about language and how English is used differently in America and India. Sometimes, the questions are about how things work here. Sometimes, those questions are about the bag tax and Michelle Rhee. In asking these questions, it gives me a really broad view of this place and lets me see things that some here don’t see because they may be so used to seeing things a certain way.

“I feel like I learn more about myself in this profession than in any other profession out there. Every day I meet someone new and match what they say with what I believe. It forces me to always think about every angle of an issue and take a very nuanced approach to things.” (See more at peoplesdistrict.com/kavitha-on-asking-questions#sthash.rS63KVOG.dpuf)

Cardoza joins other distinguished journalists who have been guests at the Friends’ annual meetings, including Jeffrey Bartholet, Armando Trull, Richard Harris, Clarence Page and Michael Dirda.

Friends Board Election

Following the program, there will be a brief election of board officers and time for refreshments and socializing. The following positions are up for re-election: president, vice president, secretary, and one or more member at large positions. Candidates for president must have served previously on the board for at least one two-year term.

Any member of the Friends whose dues are current may be a candidate for office and may vote in the election. Those wishing to be candidates for vacant positions should send a brief biographical statement to Anand Parikh at llgg23@hotmail.com by March 8. for inclusion in a printed ballot. Nominations may also be taken from the floor at the election.

The Friends of the Takoma Park Maryland Library have been active in fundraising and advocacy for the Library since 1994. For information about their many activities, see their newsletters and other information at www.ftpml.org.

This article appeared in the March 2016 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.


Public Meeting on Library Renovation and Possible Expansion

There will be a public meeting on renovation and possible expansion of the Takoma Park Maryland Library.

Public Meeting on Library Renovation & Possible Expansion

Thursday, January 7
7:30 PM
Takoma Park Community Center – Sam Abbot Citizens’ Center
Azalea Room

All are invited to join us for this presentation of the latest concept design by architect Greg Lukmire, and the following discussion. Check out the Library Renovation page in the Project Directory for background info.