All posts by Jeremy Dickey

August Update from the City Manager

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

Dear Takoma Park Residents,

Happy August!

Photo of Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

Despite the fact that the City Council is on recess for the month of August, quite a lot is happening in Takoma Park. Here are a few things you should know about:

Elections – Elections for the City Council take place this November 7, with the Nominating Caucus on September 12. Since we’re only a month away from the Nominating Caucus there has been quite a lot of activity by potential candidates. Both the current issue of the Takoma Park Newsletter and the City’s website have really good election information for you. The Nominating Caucus is a true Takoma Park Event that you won’t want to miss (either in person or via video), and soon there will be candidate forums and other opportunities to learn about the candidates. The website has information on early voting times and locations. At least three candidates are running in Ward 2 and there may be multiple candidates in several races, so you will want to be familiar with our Instant Runoff Voting process where you rank your choices. It’s not hard to do, and our elections volunteers and staff are great and helpful, but you might want to become familiar with the Takoma Park system in advance. This election will be special because the Council will have their seats for three years rather than two,  it will be the last Takoma Park election in an odd-numbered year, and it will be the Takoma Park election held at the Community Center.

Want to run for Council or serve as an elections worker? Contact City Clerk Jessie Carpenter at or 301-891-7267.

Stormwater Bills That Reflect an Increased Rate Coming Soon – City of Takoma Park stormwater bills will be mailed soon. The amounts will be almost twice as large as in past years due to substantial work needed to our stormwater infrastructure. While the City Council cut the property tax rate for this fiscal year by a very large amount (much more than I proposed in my recommended budget), they did approve my recommendation to increase the stormwater fee. Stormwater fees pay for installing, cleaning and maintaining stormwater drains, inlets, and bio-retention areas, and doing stream restoration projects. The stormwater fee had not kept up with the costs of the program and there seems to be less grant money available now for the work we need to do. The need for doing the stormwater work is particularly critical due to what seems to be the impacts of climate change on our area. We have recently seen flooding in areas that rarely flooded in the past, and, in many areas, flooding is much worse than normal. We not only want to reduce flooding impacts, but we also want to make sure that stormwater runoff is slowed and cleaned before entering creeks, the Anacostia River and the Chesapeake Bay.

Major Construction Projects – Two weeks ago, City officials signed the paperwork borrowing $7 million for Library renovation and $2 million towards the costs of the Ethan Allen Gateway Street Project and the Flower Avenue Green Street Project. Detailed design of the Library Renovation project is beginning and we are looking for a location to store most of our books for the duration. (Know a location that might work? Let us know! The books need to be stored in order and in a way to be able to be retrieved by Library staff.) The final designs of the two big street projects have been approved and a contractor is on board for the Ethan Allen project. Actual construction of the Ethan Allen project will not begin until next spring, but a lot of preliminary work has begun. The Flower Avenue project is getting ready to go out to bid and construction work is also expected to begin in the spring. The work by Washington Gas on the street is nearly complete. Check the Project Directory on our Initiatives Page of our website for information on these and other projects.

Search for a Police Chief – An executive search firm has been retained by the City to begin advertising for and recruiting candidates for the position of Police Chief. Surveys of residents and Police Department staff have been done regarding the desired characteristics of a new chief. The City Council has weighed in with its thoughts as well and adopted Resolution 2017-45 on Goals and Priorities for the Police Department. The role of Police Chief is a difficult one, requiring skill in management, organizational development, budgeting, diplomacy, communication with all kinds of persons and groups, in addition to knowledge of best practices in 21st Century policing and specialized police skills. Takoma Park has an excellent Police Department and they, and we, deserve an excellent Chief. Speaking of our excellent Department, thank you to Captains Bowers, Collington and Frishkorn for handling the rotating Acting Chief responsibilities well. I appreciate your service!

A personal note – Many of you know that my mother, Anne Ludlow, who lived on Carroll Avenue, died a year ago and my husband, Vince Taylor, died of cancer in June. I am very thankful to the City Council and my staff for their support of me in these times, particularly for allowing me time off in my husband’s last weeks. There is something remarkable about being present at these life transitions. Just as with the upcoming solar eclipse, there is a sense of us all being part of a much larger and interconnected universe, seen and unseen. More than ever I appreciate the beauty of life and love and friendship and nature. I see it in Takoma Park and I know it is present around the globe, in all the ways we care for each other and for our world. I am so glad to have had a window into that beauty.

Have a wonderful and safe summer!



City Election 2017: Engage, Register, and Vote

The Takoma Park City Election will be here before you know it, and we want to make sure everyone is ready to engage, register, and vote during the upcoming election!

Are you thinking of running for office? Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Three-year term in 2017 (two-year term will resume in 2020)
  • Must be nominated at the Nominating Caucus on September 12, but start preparing now
  • Detailed candidate qualification information is available here

You may register to vote in Takoma Park elections if you:

  • Are a resident of the City of Takoma Park
  • Do not claim the right to vote elsewhere
  • Will be at least 16 years old on election day
  • Are not be under guardianship for mental disability or, if you are, you have not been found by a court to be unable to communicate a desire to vote
  • Have not been convicted of buying or selling votes

Important dates:

  • Nominating Caucus – Tuesday, September 12, 2017, 7:30 p.m. Auditorium, Takoma Park Community Center
  • Early Voting – Wednesday, November 1 – Sunday, November 5 (times and locations vary)
  • Election Day – Tuesday, 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Takoma Park Community Center
  • Certification of Results Reported to Council – Thursday, November 9, 7:30 p.m. Azalea Room, Takoma Park Community Center
  • New Mayor and City Council Sworn In – Wednesday, November 15, 7:30 p.m. Auditorium, Takoma Park Community Center

Please Remember:

Both United States citizen residents of Takoma Park and non-U.S. citizen residents are eligible to register and vote in Takoma Park elections.

Not everyone who registers to vote in City elections will be eligible to vote in county, state or national elections. Review the registration form carefully to understand the requirements for voting in the State of Maryland.

For more information about the Takoma Park City Election 2017, please visit

Statement from Takoma Park Police Department: Safety, Dignity, and Rights of All

Dear Takoma Park Residents,

The Takoma Park Police Department and City Manager wish to be clear to our community that we will continue to uphold the safety, dignity and rights of suspects and all others who come into contact with Takoma Park police officers and staff.

Despite recent comments by the President that condone or seem permissive of violent treatment of suspects, the Takoma Park Police Department and City administration do not tolerate the mistreatment of anyone with whom we interact.

We applaud the statements of major law enforcement and justice organizations in affirming policing that focuses on protecting the safety of the public and of all individuals.

This past Wednesday, the City Council adopted its policies and expectations for the Takoma Park Police Department in Resolution 2017-45, Establishing the City Council’s Goals and Priorities for the Takoma Park Police Department. As an organization, we are in full partnership in these efforts.

Takoma Park will remain a community that strives to uphold the highest standards of policing and care for others.


City Manager Suzanne Ludlow

Acting Chief Richard Bowers

Captain Tyrone Collington

Captain Dan Frishkorn

Please Report Suspicious Activity. What is Suspicious Activity?

The success of the Takoma Park Police Department is enhanced by the active involvement of the residents of Takoma Park. When you call to report suspicious activity, you aid not only the Police Department, but you make your neighborhood a safer place in which to live and work.

A suspicious activity is an occurrence that is out of place in your neighborhood and we have some examples below. Many times people notice something suspicious but don’t call the Police Department because they assume someone else has called. Don’t assume! Make the call – if the suspicious activity has already been reported, the radio dispatcher will tell you.

If you call the Takoma Park Police Department and you were wrong, that’s okay; you will not be in trouble. Your role as a concerned resident and good neighbor is to report whatever you think is wrong or suspicious.

Be prepared to report suspicious activity. Keep the phone number of the Takoma Park Police Department (301-270-1100) by your phone. Call 9-1-1 it is a life threatening situation or if you need the Police or Fire Department or an ambulance immediately.

Try to remain calm and avoid taking any risks. Your safety, and that of your loved ones, is important. Keep away from a crime scene to preserve evidence.

When you call to report suspicious activity, be calm and ready to provide as many of the following facts as you have available:

  • What happened?
  • Where and when did it occur?
  • Is anyone injured?
  • Description of vehicle(s)
  • License plate number(s)
  • Time and direction of travel of suspect(s)
  • Description of suspect(s), including clothing

While it may seem as though you are being asked a lot of questions, the information is for the safety of the responding officers. The radio dispatcher is attempting to gather as much information about the situation as possible so the officers will have a clearer picture of what they may encounter when they arrive at the scene. Please remain calm and cooperate with the radio dispatcher.

What is Suspicious Activity?

Some of the obvious things to watch for:

  • Person wearing or carrying bloody clothing. Could be a victim or a suspect in the commission of a serious crime.
  • Persons loitering around schools, parks or secluded areas could be sex offenders
  • A scream heard anywhere may mean an assault or a robbery.
  • A person being forced into a car – this could be abduction, domestic violence or a sexual offense.
  • A stranger entering your neighbor’s house or garage – it could be a burglar.
  • A beam from a flashlight in a neighbor’s home, especially if they are away. It could be a burglar.
  • The sound of breaking glass or loud noises – it could mean an accident, burglary or vandalism.
  • Open or broken doors or windows at a home or business. If the owners are absent, this could mean a burglary is in progress or was just completed.
  • Person entering or leaving a place of business after hours could mean a burglary.
  • Anyone peering into parked cars – they may be looking for a car to steal or for valuables inside the car.
  • Anyone removing accessories, such as license plates or gas, from a vehicle.
  • Persons loitering in the neighborhood who do not live there – they could be burglars.

Not So Obvious Things to Watch For:

Not every stranger who comes into your neighborhood is a criminal. Many legitimate people are in our neighborhoods all the time. However, some criminals do take advantage of this fact by assuming the appearance of salespeople, repairmen, utility and city workers.

Protect yourself by checking the identification of all solicitors, repairmen, meter readers or city workers before allowing them into your home. If you are ever unsure, just SAY NO.

So watch out for the following:

  • Anyone going door-to-door with offers of merchandise at low prices – this could be stolen property.
  • Someone going door-to-door, if after a few houses are visited, one or more persons tries to open a door, looks into a window, or goes to a back or side yard. This can be even more suspicious if one person stays at the door while another person goes to the back or side yard.
  • Human and vehicular traffic to and from a certain residence on a daily or regular basis; especially if it happens during late or unusual hours. This could mean drug or vice activities are taking place.
  • Persons taking a short cut through a back yard. They may have broken into someone’s home.
  • Parked vehicles occupied with one or more persons – if it is an unusual hour or you don’t recognize the vehicle – the occupants could be lookouts for a burglar.
  • Vehicles moving slowly and without lights and/or circling your block numerous times. Particularly in the areas of schools, parks and playgrounds. The occupants may be searching for a person to rob or home/business to burglarize, or they may be involved in drug or sex offenses.
  • Vehicles being loaded with valuable items in front of an unattended residence or a business after normal hours.
  • Person running who does not appear to be exercising, especially if carrying anything. They could be fleeing a burglary.
  • Persons casually walking through the neighborhood looking into cars, backyards, etc. They could be looking to burglarize a car or a home.
  • Abandoned vehicles parked on the block. This could be a stolen vehicle.
  • Persons making a quick change of vehicles. These individuals may be attempting to elude the police or they are abandoning a stolen vehicle.

Overall Crime Down 13% in Takoma Park for the First Six Months of the Year

Acting Chief Richard A. Bowers announces that for the first six months of the year, overall crime in the City of Takoma Park has declined 13%.  There were significant decreases in Aggravated Assaults (72%), Burglary (52%) and Auto Theft (12%).  In reviewing the statistics, it was noteworthy that residential burglaries were down 61% from last year.  People feeling safe in their homes is one of our top priorities; this reduction is very significant.

Unfortunately, theft from autos is up 44% and we continue to address this issue and look for ways to reduce this from happening.  We currently have a theft from auto summer initiative underway, “If they see it, they can steal it.”  We have officers in cars, on foot and on bikes participating in this initiative to remind residents to remove all valuables from vehicles.  We need your help to make it hard for the criminals!

The Department is pleased with the results, but cautioned the residents of Takoma Park to remain committed to being security conscious and reporting all crimes and suspicious activity to the police.  Acting Chief Bowers attributed the decreases to the efforts put forth by the entire police department.

Let’s continue to make a difference together! If you see suspicious activity, please call Takoma Park Police at 301-270-1100.


Following a nearly two-year process, Montgomery College President DeRionne Pollard will soon make a decision on the location of the College’s new Math-Science Building. Once a decision is made, there will be a public charrette process and a review by the County Planning Office, both of which will enable the community to explore design and construction details.

This year the City and the College jointly sponsored three community conversations regarding the Math Science Building design and location, and other related topics. Following the third meeting, Mayor Stewart and Councilmember Kovar wrote to Dr. Pollard in support of the prior master plan. A letter was sent by Casey Anderson, the Chair of the Montgomery County Planning Board. To review the video of the community conversations and view the letters you can go here

You can offer your views on which Master Plan you believe should form the basis for the new building here

We encourage residents who submit comments to describe their stakeholder connection to the College.

Lunch with the Mayor

We are thrilled to announce that Mayor Kate Stewart will be hosting lunches in restaurants in the Takoma Langley Crossroads neighborhood of Takoma Park. Listed below are the dates and locations of the lunches. Community members are encouraged to join!

          June 9            – Caribbean Palace 
          June 23          – Pupuseria El Comalito
          July 28           – Tiffin
          August 25       – Sardi’s Pollo A La Brasa
          September 8   – El Marinero Comida Lantina and Grill
          September 22  – El Campeon Rotisserie Chicken & Bakery
          October 13      – Tijuana’s Mexican Cafe

All lunches start at 12:00 noon. For more information and updates on location changes, please visit

Message from the Acting Police Chief Regarding Fake ICE Flyers

It has come to the City of Takoma Park Police Department’s attention that flyers are being posted in and around the District of Columbia warning about penalties for supporting illegal immigration. These flyers appear to be authentic with logos from the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. These flyers are FAKE. Both agencies deny issuing or sanctioning such flyers. It is not clear at this time who is posting them.

If you see any such flyer in the City, please take it down and contact the Takoma Park Police Department at 301-270-1100. The flyer is meant to scare the residents.

As former Chief Goldberg indicated to the City residents in November 2016, “The Takoma Park Police Department is committed to Constitutional Policing where the rights of all individuals are respected. As a local police department, we have sworn to uphold the Constitution of the United States, the Maryland Constitution and the local laws and codes. Our priority is and always has been the preservation of life and protection of property. To that end, I can assure our residents that we are apolitical and will continue to build and maintain our bridges with the community…We have no interest or authority in the deportation of immigrants. The mission and commitment of the Takoma Park Police Department is the safety and welfare of all our residents and visitors. We value and will continue to maintain our relationships with all members of our community.”

We respect all City of Takoma Park residents no matter their immigration status – Takoma Park remains a sanctuary city.

City of Takoma Park Recognizes Immigrant Heritage Month

Mayor Kate Stewart will issue a mayoral proclamation recognizing the month of June 2017 as Immigrant Heritage Month. Immigrant Heritage Month serves as a way to celebrate our country’s diverse immigrant heritage and emphasize the many cultural backgrounds of individuals and families who have contributed to making our City a welcoming place for all.

Mayor Stewart emphasizes, “Now more than ever, it is essential we take time to recognize and celebrate Immigrant Heritage Month. In coming together, we recommit ourselves to being an inclusive and welcoming community that upholds the right of all people to live with dignity and respect.”

Members of the community are encouraged to join the Mayor and City Council for a celebratory reception before the City Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on June 21, 2017. Please note that this event and the City Council Meeting will be held at the New Hampshire Recreation Center at 7315 New Hampshire Avenue.

Takoma Park is committed to fostering a livable community for all and this proclamation and event reaffirms that ongoing pledge.