All posts by Jessie Carpenter

City Council Meeting With SHA Administrator Pines – Advance Sign Up Required for Public Comments

The City Council will meet with Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administrator William Pines on Wednesday, May 22. The meeting begins at 7:30 PM.

There will be a 30-minute public comment period at the beginning of the meeting on SHA topics only. Comments are limited to 3 minutes each and advance sign up is required before 5 PM on the day of the meeting, whether commenting in person or on Zoom. Contact the City Clerk at to sign up.

After the session with Administrator Pines, general public comments will be permitted.

Notice – Proposed Administrative Regulation Regarding Use of Certain Public Facilities

An Administrative Regulation is being proposed to establish reservation procedures and requirements, fees, rules, guidelines, and programming priorities for the use of certain public facilities in accordance with Takoma Park Code, Chapter 14.20 Public Space and Public Buildings. The regulation updates and replaces Administrative Regulation 2011-1.

Pursuant to the requirements of the “Administrative Regulations Ordinance” (Authority: Chapter 2.12 “Administrative Regulations,” of the Takoma Park Code), notice of the City’s intention to adopt an administrative regulation must be publicly noted, allowing residents the opportunity to comment on the proposal. The proposed regulation is available for review at To obtain further information about the proposed regulation, contact Gregory Clark, Director, Recreation Department, 301-891-7227 or Written comments on the proposed regulation may be emailed to The deadline for receipt of public comments is Friday, June 7, 2024.

Joint Statement – Issued by City of Takoma Park, Maryland and The Neighborhood Development Company

November 30, 2023.

The City of Takoma Park, Maryland and The Neighborhood Development Company (NDC) have reached an agreement in principle to end their relationship in connection with the development of the Takoma Junction Project. A final agreement is expected in the coming days.

Mayor Talisha Searcy and NDC CEO Adrian Washington stated: “Takoma Park is a fantastic and unique community, and we are disappointed that the Takoma Junction Project was not realized. We recognize the efforts put forward by all stakeholders in the process and are grateful for their interest.”

The City of Takoma Park will immediately begin working with the Takoma Park Silver Spring Co-op and other stakeholders to address usage of the existing site.

Extended: Call for Youth Council Applications

The City Council is seeking applicants for the 2023-2024 Takoma  Park Youth Council.

Application Form

Applications have been extended for the Takoma Park Youth Council until Friday, August 25.

The Takoma Park Youth Council was established by the City Council:
  1. To provide an opportunity for the youth of Takoma Park to acquire a greater knowledge of and appreciation for local government through active participation in the system.
  2. To help the City Council to address problems and accomplish the goals of this community by working directly with the representatives of youth.
  3. To serve the youth of Takoma Park by:
    • informing the Takoma Park municipal government of the needs and wishes of youth;
    • planning and implementing social, educational, cultural and recreational activities for the youth;
    • working with the Mayor, City Council, City department heads, schools, civic clubs and service organizations to provide service and leadership opportunities for the youth of the City; and,
    • helping to instill a feeling of positive self-worth and esteem, teaching respect for the rights of others, and promoting community pride.

Youth Council members receive SSL hours for their service!

Youth Council Charter

Youth Council web page

Please contact Jessie Carpenter, City Clerk, with questions or requests for additional information: or 240-723-0437.

Proposed Amendment to Outdoor Cafe Permit Regulation – Opportunity to Comment


Administrative Regulation 2018-1 – Outdoor Cafe Permit Regulation, regulates the establishment and permitting of outdoor cafes operating within the public right-of-way as authorized in Takoma Park Code Section 8.16.090. The regulation has been in effect since 2018. An amendment to the regulation is being proposed to increase the permit and lease fees, enable annual fee updates by publication of fees on July 1 of each year, and remove the requirement for a “processing fee.”

Review the Proposed Amendment to the Regulation (PDF)

Pursuant to the requirements of the “Administrative Regulations Ordinance” (Authority: Chapter 2.12 “Administrative Regulations,” of the Takoma Park Code), a notice of the City’s intention to adopt, amend, or repeal an administrative regulation must be publicly noted allowing residents the opportunity to comment on the proposal.


To obtain further information about the proposed regulation, contact:

Ira Kowler, Acting Director
Housing and Community Development Department,
Tel: 301-891-7230


Written comments on the proposed regulation may be emailed to The deadline for receipt of public comments is Monday, July 31, 2023.

Ward 1 Information Session with EYA Representatives – Tuesday, June 6, 7:45 pm

It seems likely that the EYA project will pass through the DC permitting process and a mixed-use development will be built at the Takoma Metro Station. Evan Goldman, Executive Vice President Development and Acquisitions for EYA, and Caren Garfield, VP Multifamily Development, have both agreed to join Ward 1 at 7:45pm on June 6th in the Auditorium at 7500 Maple Avenue. Questions will be taken from the audience in the Auditorium and questions sent by chat will be taken over Zoom for those who cannot attend in person. The meeting will be recorded.

This meeting is hosted by Councilmember Fulcher (Ward 1)

Zoom link for those who cannot attend in person.

Budget Public Hearings – Monday, May 1, 2023 (including Constant Yield Tax Rate Public Hearing)

The City Council will hold two public hearings on Monday, May 1, beginning at 7:30 pm.

A. Public Hearing on the FY 2024 Tax Rate Increase


The City Council of the City of Takoma Park proposes to increase real property taxes.

1. For the tax year beginning July 1, 2023, the estimated real property assessable base will increase by 4.1%, from $2,688,034,783 to $2,798,767,009.
2. If the City of Takoma Park maintains the current tax rate of $0.5397 per $100 of assessment, real property tax revenues will increase by 4.1% resulting in $597,622 of new real property tax revenues.
3. In order to fully offset the effect of increasing assessments, the real property tax rate should be reduced to $0.5183, the constant yield tax rate.
4. The City is considering not reducing its real property tax rate enough to fully offset increasing assessments. The City proposes to adopt a real property tax rate of $0.5705 per $100 of assessment. This tax rate is 10.1% higher than the constant yield tax rate and will generate $1,459,642 in additional property tax revenues.

A public hearing on the proposed real property tax rate increase will be held at 7:30 pm on Monday, May 1, 2023 at the City of Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland.

The hearing is open to the public, and public testimony is encouraged.

Persons with questions regarding this hearing may call 301-891-7267 for further information.

B.  Notice of Public Hearing on the FY 2024 Budget

The City Council will hold a public hearing on the FY 2024 budget on Monday, May 1, immediately following the Constant Yield Tax Rate Public Hearing.

C. How to Testify

Testify in person. Advanced sign up is not required, but feel free to sign up on the sheet when you arrive at the Auditorium. People who sign up will be called before others.

Testify over Zoom. To testify over Zoom, advanced registration is required before 5 pm on the day of the meeting. Register to testify over Zoom.

Send written comments.  Send written comments to the City Clerk ( Written comments received will be distributed to the City Council and will be added to the record.

Questions? Call the City Clerk at 301-891-7267 or email

Public Hearing on the Proposed FY 2024 Budget – Wednesday, April 19, 7:30 PM

Don’t miss this first formal opportunity to comment on the Proposed FY 2024 Budget at 7:30 pm on Wednesday, April 19. The City Council wants to hear from you!

The public hearing will take place in the Community Center Auditorium, 7500 Maple Avenue.  Residents are encouraged to attend the hearing and sign up to speak.

If you would rather comment on Zoom, register before 5 pm on Wednesday.

Written comments are also welcome. Send to for distribution to the full Council.

Questions? Contact Jessie Carpenter, City Clerk by email or phone (301-891-7267).

Refuse and Recycling Regulations Proposed – Opportunity to Review and Comment

An Administrative Regulation is being proposed to provide guidance for compliance and enforcement of Title 10 (Refuse) of the Takoma Park Code as Authorized Under Takoma Park Code Sections 10.04.030 and 10.08.050. The regulation addresses refuse and recycling requirements and mandatory notices, collection of single-family residential refuse and recyclables, City collection of refuse and recyclables from certain multifamily facilities and the fees associated with the collection, multifamily facilities with a private collection, and business recycling.

Pursuant to the requirements of the “Administrative Regulations Ordinance” (Authority: Chapter 2.12 “Administrative Regulations,” of the Takoma Park Code), a notice of the City’s intention to adopt an administrative regulation must be publicly noted, allowing residents the opportunity to comment on the proposal.

The proposed regulation is available for review at

To obtain further information about the proposed regulation, contact:

Daryl Braithwaite, Director
Public Works Department
301-891-7615 or by email.

Written comments on the proposed regulation may be emailed to the City Clerk. The deadline for receipt of public comments is Friday, April 28, 2023.

Review the Proposed Regulation (PDF)

Candidate Forums in October at the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

Attend these forums to learn about the candidates running for office in the City of Takoma Park Election for Mayor and City Council (November 8, 2022)

The forums will be moderated by Eric Bond, Host of “Talk of Takoma” on Radio WOWD-LP, Takoma Park 94.3 FM

All forums will take place in the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium.

  • Mayoral Forum – Thursday, October 6, 7:30 pm
    (3 candidates: Seth Grimes, Talisha Searcy, Jarrett Smith)
  • Ward 1 Forum – Monday, October 10, 6:00 pm
    (3 candidates: Shana Fulcher, Mark Sherman, Elizabeth Wallace)
  • Ward 5 Forum – Monday, October 10, 7:30 pm
    (3 candidates: A. J. Campbell, Cara Honzak, Yared Tebabu)
  • Wards 2 and 4 Forum – Thursday, October 13, 7:30 pm
    (these contests are uncontested: Ward 2 Cindy Dyballa; Ward 4 Terry Seamens)
  • Ward 3 Forum – Monday, October 17, 6:00 pm
    (3 candidates: Mimi Diez, Randy Gibson, Alex Hadden)
  • Ward 6 Forum – Monday, October 17, 7:30 pm
    (4 candidates: Ambroise Agosse, Raju Charles, Mike Moore, Jason Small)

Ways to Watch the Candidate Forums:
Members of the public may also view the forums live on:

Afterwards, they will be available for streaming online.

For Candidate Information, please visit: 2022 Mayor and Council Candidates