All posts by Jessie Carpenter

Public Hearing Regarding Streets Potentially Named for Civil War Generals

Public Hearing / Meeting Regarding Takoma Park Streets Potentially Named after Civil War Generals (Grant, Hancock, Lee, Sheridan, and Sherman Avenues)

Monday, January 29, 2018 – 7:30 p.m.
Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

Public Hearing Agenda 

The City Council held a work session discussion on September 13, 2017 about names of City streets and parks that are associated with Civil War figures. Some options under consideration by the Council include the following:

1) seek authority from the Montgomery County Planning Department to change the street names;

2) rely on the procedure already in place for residences and businesses on a street to petition the Montgomery County Planning Department for a street name change, or;

3) maintain the current street names but add commemorative names or markers to the streets to provide a historical context.

Any of these options would require a community process to ensure that the decision reflects the views of the residents on the streets in question.

The Commemoration Commission is developing a recommendation for the City Council’s consideration. To inform the recommendation, the Commission is holding this public hearing to gather comments and suggestions from residents, especially those living on the streets potentially named for Civil War generals: Grant Avenue, Hancock Avenue, Lee Avenue, Sheridan Avenue, and Sherman Avenue.

Comments and suggestions are requested on the following options:

1) pursue renaming of the street(s) through the formal process with Montgomery County;

2) maintain the street names but add a commemorative name and signage to provide historic context for the existing names; or,

3) make no change.

The meeting will begin with an explanation of the process for making a street name change request to the Montgomery County Planning Department.

Please plan to attend the public hearing on Monday, January 29, 7:30 p.m. in the Community Center Auditorium.

Written comments are also being accepted through an online comment form.

The Commemoration Commission is a City Council-appointed commission that documents, maintains, and preserves past, present, and future memorials, commemoratives, and recognitions in the City. The Commission also recommends to the City Council procedures and programs for honors and recognitions and implements those programs.

Voter Turnout and List of Write-in Votes for the 2017 City Election

Voter Turnout – November 7, 2017 City Election

Registered Maryland VotersRegistered Takoma Park-only VotersTotal Registered Voters*Voted Turnout
Ward 1231630234649120.9%
Ward 2220331223586638.7%
Ward 3229525232045920.2%
Ward 41511100161118114.8%
Ward 5140343144621414.8%
Ward 61626117174329817.1%

* The number of registered voters above includes same day registration voters.

Turnout for 16/17 Year Old Voters

PreregisteredRegistered Same Day Total RegisteredTotal Voted
Ward 1174217
Ward 227123927
Ward 32082815
Ward 485135
Ward 5133165
Ward 6147217

*16/17 year old voters are included in the overall turnout.

Write-ins (first choice only)

Council Mayor
WARD 1Write-In (20) for CouncilWARD 1Write-In (23) for Mayor
1Alice Sims2Betsy Taylor
1Barbara Whitney1Denny May
1Betsy Taylor1Diane Curran
1Dick O’Connor1Donald Trump
2Emma Rose Borzekowski1Nobody
1Jonah Bregstone1Peter Kovar
3Lorraine Pearsall1Sam Abbott
1Marilyn Abbott3Seth Grimes
1No Big Dig10Sue Katz Miller
1Nobody1Takoma Park Co-Op
1None of the Above1Terry Seamens
3Seth Grimes
3Takoma Park Co-Op
20Subtotal, Ward 1 Council23Subtotal, Ward 1 Mayor


WARD 2Write -In (2) for CouncilWARD 2Write-In (33) for Mayor
1Cole Gilbert1Alex Marsell
1Tim Male1Bernie Sanders
3Catherine Tunis
1Chris Simpson
1Cindy Dyballa
1Cole Gilbert
1Cynthia Terrell
1Donald Duck
1Ed Sharp
1Joe Edgell
1Maurice Grant
2Molly King
1Nadine Bloch
1Neil Gorsuch
1None of the Above
1Not Kate
1Ozzy Osbourne
1Paul Hewett-Mary
1Rino Aldrighetti
1Roger Schlegel
4Sue Katz-Miller
3Tim Male
1Tom Littlefield
1Wade Jennings
2Subtotal, Ward 2 Council33Subtotal, Ward 2 Mayor
WARD 3Write-In (30) for CouncilWARD 3Write-In (35) for Mayor
1Brian Ernst1BruceWilliams
1Byrne Kelly1Byrne Kelly
1Daniel Ruiz1Carolyn James
1Danielle Veith1Daniel Ruiz
1Doug Disrud1Debbie Gay
1Eloise Lindblom1Diane Curran
1Emily Van Loon1Fanny Lou Hamer
1Jeffrey Noel-Nosbaum1Green space + Grocery Store , not a dense dev of Junction lot
1Joe Uehlein1Hillary Clinton
1Lacey Logsdon1James Sexton Byrne
1Michael Graul1Michael Kempel
1Michael Koempel1Mickey Mouse
2Nadine Bloch1No one
1Nancy Glass1No Preference
1No one1Nola
1No Preference1None of the Above
1None of the Above1Roger Schlegel
1Rhonda Kranz1Someone who will stand up to the Co-Op
1Roger Schlegel14Sue Katz Miller
1Someone who will stand up to the Co-Op1Takoma Park Co-Op
5Sue Katz Miller1Tim Male
2Takoma Park Co-Op
1Talish Searcy
30Subtotal, Ward 3 Council35Subtotal, Ward 3 Mayor
WARD 4Write-In (9) for CouncilWARD 4Write-In (2) for Mayor
1Arthur David Olson1James M. George
1Holly Ann Freso-Moore1Kathy Porter
1James Major George
2Jarrett Smith
1Jonathan Anderson-Taylor
1Kate Stewart
1Tamara Robinson
1Vineda Myers
9Subtotal, Ward 4 Council2Subtotal, Ward 4 Mayor
WARD 5Write-In (0) for CouncilWARD 5Write-In (8) for Mayor
01Haywood Jablome
1Katz Miller
1Kinky Friedman
1Mark Rupp
2Mike Tabor
1Ron Paul
1Terry Seamens
0Subtotal, Ward 5 Council8Subtotal, Ward 5 Mayor
WARD 6Write-In (1) for CouncilWARD 6Write-In (12) for Mayor
1Janee Max
1Jose Issac Lava
1Mickey Mouse
1Molly King
1No Vote – Not Happy
1Prabrakar Cherukuri
1Praveen Raveendran Pillai
1Sammie Abbott
1Sterling Archer
1Taco Bell
1Walter Sobchek
1Subtotal, Ward 6 Council12Subtotal, Ward 6 Mayor
ALL WARDSWrite-In for CouncilALL WARDSWrite-in for Mayor
Ward 120Ward 123
Ward 22Ward 233
Ward 330Ward 335
Ward 49Ward 42
Ward 50Ward 58
Ward 61Ward 612


Early Voting Started Wednesday

Wednesday, November 1  – 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue

Thursday, November 2 – 8:00 am to 2 pm
Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue

Friday, November 3 – 2:00 pm to 8:00 pm
Takoma Park Recreation Center, 7315 New Hampshire Avenue

Saturday, November 4 – 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue

Sunday, November 5 – noon to 6:00 pm
Washington Adventist University, Wilkinson Hall, 7715 Flower

Vote 7:00 am to 8:00 pm
Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue

City Council Resolution Regarding the Takoma Junction Redevelopment Concept Plan

At the October 25, 2017 meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution 2017-53 – Expressing the Sense of the Council Regarding the Takoma Junction Redevelopment Concept Plan.

Please note that a correction was made to lines 166 and 167 on Friday afternoon, after the resolution was first posted. The posted resolution is now correct.

View Resolution 2017-53

A redlined resolution that shows revisions made by amendment at the City Council meeting is also available for review: Redlined Resolution 2017-53.

Nominating Caucus – September 12, 2017

The Nominating Caucus to accept nominations of candidates for city council and mayor will convene at 7:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 12, in the Community Center Auditorium.

This meeting is open to the public and all are invited to attend. Only qualified voters residing in the City of Takoma Park may nominate or second the nomination of candidates. Arrive early to check in if you plan to place a name in nomination or second a nomination.

Any resident who wishes to run for the office of mayor or city councilmember in the November 7, 2017 City Election must be nominated at the caucus in order to have his or her name placed on the ballot. Candidates must meet all the requirements of the office.

View the meeting agenda with notes for participants and other information about the caucus.

View complete election information for candidates.


Notice of Public Hearing (Public Debt – Infrastructure Bonds) – June 7, 2017

The City of Takoma Park, Maryland, will hold a public hearing to consider an Ordinance authorizing an amount not to exceed $9,000,000.00 of public debt (the “Bonds”) to be issued under the State of Maryland’s Local Government Infrastructure Financing Program, pursuant to the authority of Section 4-230 of the Housing and Community Development Article of the Annotated Code of Maryland, as amended. The purpose of this debt is to finance a portion of the costs of 1) Takoma Park Library and Community Center renovations; 2) construction of the Flower Avenue Green Street Project and the Ethan Allen Gateway Project, including, but not limited to, roadway and streetscape improvements such as ADA compliant sidewalks and ramps and LED street lighting; and 3) to pay the costs of issuance of the bonds. The public hearing will be held in the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, Maryland at 7:30 p.m. on Wednesday, June 7, 2017. Written public comments may be submitted to the City of Takoma Park in care of the City Clerk, 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912 or via email at

Public Hearing on Proposed Charter Amendment “Nominations and Elections” – Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Wednesday, April 26, 2017
7:30 PM
Community Center Auditorium

Pursuant to Section 502(c) of the Takoma Park Charter, the Council of the City of Takoma Park will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Charter titled “Nominations and Elections.”

As proposed, the amendment would (1) change the date of City Elections from odd numbered years to even numbered years; (2) set the term for the Mayor and City Council elected in 2017 to one year; (3) change the date of the nominating meeting to the second Tuesday after Labor Day in an election year; (4) extend the time for the Board of Elections to certify election results; and (5) change the day on which the newly elected Mayor and Councilmembers take office.

The hearing will take place in the Auditorium, Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912, on Wednesday, April 26, 2017, at 7:30 PM.

All interested persons should attend the public hearing and sign up to speak. Written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk, 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912; or The full text of the proposed amendment is available on the Election Date Change page of the Project Directory.

Attest: Jessie Carpenter, CMC
City Clerk

Public Hearings on the FY 2018 Tax Rate and Proposed Budget – Wednesday, April 26, 2017


The City Council of the City of Takoma Park proposes to increase real property taxes.

1. For the tax year beginning July 1, 2017, the estimated real property assessable base will increase by 5.9%, from $2,120,994,549 to $2,246,294,286.

2. If the City of Takoma Park maintains the current tax rate of $0.5675 per $100 of assessment, real property tax revenues will increase by 5.9% resulting in $711,076 of new real property tax revenues.

3. In order to fully offset the effect of increasing assessments, the real property tax rate should be reduced to $0.5358, the constant yield tax rate.

4. The City of Takoma Park is considering not reducing its real property tax rate enough to fully offset increasing assessments. The City of Takoma Park proposes to adopt a real property tax rate of $0.56 per $100 of assessment. This tax rate is 4.5% higher than the constant yield tax rate and will generate $542,604 in additional property tax revenues.

A public hearing on the proposed real property tax rate increase will be held at 7:30 PM on Wednesday, April 26 at the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium, 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland.

The hearing is open to the public, and public testimony is encouraged.

Persons with questions regarding this hearing may call 301-891-7267 for further information.


The City Council will hold a public hearing on the City Manager’s Proposed FY 2018 Budget. The Proposed Budget is available for review online.

The hearing will take place on Wednesday, April 26, immediately after the  7:30 PM hearing on the proposed real property tax rate increase.

All interested persons should attend the hearing and sign up to speak. Comments may also be sent to

Attest: Jessie Carpenter, CMC
City Clerk

Public Hearing on Proposed Charter Amendment “Nominations and Elections”

Wednesday, April 5, 2017
7:30 PM
Community Center Auditorium

Pursuant to Section 502(c) of the Takoma Park Charter, the Council of the City of Takoma Park will hold a public hearing on proposed amendments to the Charter titled “Nominations and Elections.”

As proposed, the amendment would (1) change the date of City Elections from odd numbered years to even numbered years; (2) set the term for the Mayor and City Council elected in 2017 to one year; (3) change the date of the nominating meeting to the second Tuesday after Labor Day in an election year; (4) extend the time for the Board of Elections to certify election results; and (5) change the day on which the newly elected Mayor and Councilmembers take office.

The hearing will take place in the Auditorium, Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Ave., Takoma Park, MD 20912, on Wednesday, April 5, 2017, at 7:30 PM.

All interested persons should attend the public hearing and sign up to speak. Written comments may be submitted to the City Clerk, 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912; or The full text of the proposed amendment is available on the Election Date Change page of the Project Directory.

Attest: Jessie Carpenter, CMC
City Clerk