All posts by Ryan Kelly

What is the Minor Master Plan and Why are We Doing It?


Source: Montgomery County Planning

Each community within Montgomery County has a master plan that creates a comprehensive view of land use trends and future development, like the 2000 Takoma Park Master Plan. These plans make recommendations related to land uses, zoning, transportation, schools, parks, and community and public facilities, and they address housing, historic preservation, pedestrian and trail systems, and environmental issues. Planners create new master plans every 15 or 20 years.

A Minor Master Plan amendment, like the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment (TPMMA), revisits a specific portion of the approved and adopted master plan and reexamines certain elements, often to address a change that was not anticipated at the time the adopted master plan was approved. A minor master plan amendment may offer new recommendations, or it may reconfirm the existing plan recommendations. In this instance, the TPMMA addresses the need for improved infrastructure, varied housing types, and additional public amenities such as parks and open space. The plan encourages reinvestment and reimagining of underutilized parcels and properties along Maple and Lee avenues, the Erie Center and the Washington  Adventist Hospital and University campuses, as well as surrounding areas.

The key recommendations in the plan are:
  • Envisioning a vibrant, mixed-income community where the housing stock, open spaces, and mix of uses meet the needs of an economically, socially, and racially diverse population.
  • Promoting safe, healthy, and convenient connectivity within and between the plan’s districts, and to high-capacity transit beyond the plan area, the existing trail network, and nearby activity centers.
  • Embracing climate-forward planning and design to address the impact of climate change.
  • Implementing a green promenade to provide a green, efficient, and attractive pedestrian connection through the plan area.
  • Protecting historic resources and providing for the interpretation of community history to promote a unique sense of place.

Learn more on the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Page.

Notice of Proposed Code Amendments Regarding Tenant Displacement and Relocation Expenses


Notice of Proposed Code Amendments regarding Tenant Displacement and Relocation Expenses, which modifies Takoma Park Code, Chapters 6.16 Landlord-Tenant Relations) and 6.36 (Unsafe Buildings-Public Nuisance Abatement) – To clarify the requirements of landlords in the event of a rental unit condemnation.

An ordinance updating the Takoma Park Code is being proposed to clarify the requirements of landlords in the event of a rental unit condemnation. The proposed amendments lay out the timeline, payment requirements, and rights of tenants in the event of a rental unit condemnation.


To obtain further information about the proposed regulation, contact:

Devin McNally, Housing Manager
Housing and Community Development Dept.

Written comments on the proposed regulation should be submitted to:

City Clerk



How Do City Council Priorities Affect You?

Takoma Park City Council Priorities are considered a tool to guide policy and budget decision making and outline strategies to work toward desired outcomes for a wide range of major projects, initiatives, and ongoing activities. Policies established by the City Council affects many aspects of civic life in Takoma Park, so developing and sharing priorities inform residents, businesses, and regional stakeholders on what the council considers important.

The priorities are not policy, but they serve as the framework to shape future policy. All are encouraged to engage with the City Council to help shape how the priorities are implemented. You can engage in the process by attending a City Council meeting; by contacting your City Council member; or by joining a board, commission or committee.

On April 12 2023, the council updated its priorities through 2024. Below, you can read the main priorities, but more information can be found on the city website (search for Council Priorities).

Takoma Park City Council Priorities

1. Advancing a Community of Belonging.

  • Build on lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic to increase residents’ and small businesses’ resilience to the impact of emergency situations, so that they can recover and thrive in the future.
  •  Further the City’s racial equity work.
  • Identify and prioritize programming needs in the community and develop approaches to meet those needs, emphasizing youth, families, seniors, and residents who tend to face barriers to opportunities such as Black, Indigenous, and people of color, immigrants, those with unsustainable lower-paying jobs or incomes, and people with developmental or physical disabilities.
  • Defend our status as a Sanctuary City and maintain our commitment to being a welcoming and inclusive community where all residents experience a sense of belonging.


2. Establish the City’s long-term fiscal sustainability strategy.

  • Explore expanding City revenue options to identify long-term solutions necessary to diversify the City’s revenue streams.
  • Explore ways to provide a more equitable property tax assessment system including providing property tax adjustments to residents in need.
  • Continue to build on improvements in the budget process, presentation of budget information, and communication to residents.


3. Environmentally Sustainable Community.

  • Climate Change Mitigation: Work towards net-zero greenhouse gas emissions goal by 2035.
  • Climate Change Resilience: Improve our ability to adapt and be resilient to local impacts of climate change.
  • Manage our Community’s Natural Resources Sustainably: Protect, maintain, and improve the health of our urban forest, natural resources, and water quality, with an emphasis on equity.


4. Engaged, Responsive, Service-oriented Government

  • Hire and onboard a new City Manager.
  • Advance City communications with residents and adopt innovative, culturally appropriate initiatives to improve public engagement and collaboration with residents, particularly with residents who may face barriers to participating in municipal government activities and community affairs.
  • Improve policies and processes to enhance resident interaction with the City government and the Council, including requests for government services, complaint systems, and code enforcement.
  • Review and reform the City’s approach to public safety to ensure racial justice and work toward a safer, more livable community for all residents.
  • Improve service delivery and reduce administrative burden by updating internal policies, IT infrastructure and software to support staff in doing their jobs


5. Community Development for an Improved and Equitable Quality of Life

  • Ensure that a range of safe, high quality, affordable, green and energy efficient housing options are equitably available in neighborhoods throughout the community.
  • Improve transportation planning, design, and implementation to create a safer, more environmentally sustainable and more racially and economically equitable community for all residents, including pedestrians, bicyclists, and vehicle occupants.
  • Plan and prepare for development in the City and region while maintaining the special character and economic and racial diversity of Takoma Park

Project Update! DDOT’s Plans for the Fort Totten-Takoma Leg of Metropolitan Branch Trail Construction: Starts Summer 2023


The District Department of Transportation (DDOT) invites you to a virtual project meeting on Tuesday, July 18, 2023, at 6:00 PM to discuss the status of the Metropolitan Branch Train Project (MBT). DDOT will present an overview of the project and discuss project features and milestones. This segment of the trail will connect with Takoma Park’s half-mile of the MBT, currently undergoing a redesign process of its own. (More information on the Takoma Park section is available on the city’s project page.)

District Department of Transportation (DDOT) Meeting

DATE: Tuesday, July 18, 2023
TIME: 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM


Click here to view the virtual meeting and presentation:

Event Number: 2308 603 0092
Event Password: Join250! (56462500 from phones and video systems)

Dial-in option
(audio only): 1-202-860-2110
Access code: 230 860 30092

  • The WebEx system will prompt you for a Numeric Webinar Password: 82659282. Press the # key to join the meeting.


For more information, please contact:
Kelsey Bridges, DDOT Transportation Planner


Notice Rent Stabilization Allowance: Annual Rent Increase Set at 3.7%

Effective: July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024

The City of Takoma Park law (City Code Chapter 6.20 Rent Stabilization) maintains the affordability of rental units by limiting the number and amount of rent increases charged for a specific rental unit. Generally, the rent may be increased only once in any given 12-month period.

Beginning July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, the Rent Stabilization Allowance is 3.7%. Landlords are required to comply with Takoma Park’s Rent Stabilization law and cannot increase the rent on occupied units any higher than this allowance.

Multi-family rental units and rental condominium units are subject to Rent Stabilization. Rent increases are limited to the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index published by the Department of Bureau of Labor Statistics for the period of March 2022 through March 2023.

Pursuant to the City Code, a two-month written notice must be provided to the tenant(s) before a landlord can legally increase the rent. (City Code Chapter 6.20.050(C) Notice of Annual Rent Increases).

Please note that the following units may be exempt from Rent Stabilization upon application to the City. The exemption is not automatic and must be approved by the City.

• Rental units leased to tenants under the Housing Choice Voucher Program;

• Any rental facility where the rents are regulated under contract by a governmental agency that controls the rent levels of not less than one-half of the rental units in the rental facility and restricts the occupancy of those rental units to low- and- moderate income tenants; and

• Newly constructed rental units for a period of five years after construction.

If you have any questions regarding your rent or need more information about the requirements of the City’s Rent Stabilization law, please contact Jean Kerr, Housing Specialist at 301-891-7216 or 240-672-1023 or email

Right in the Feels: Fiction and Empathy

by Jessica Jones

Something really interesting happens when we read fiction. Our brains take the words and turn them into imagery, characters, and feelings for which we suspend disbelief to appreciate. Even though fictional stories aren’t literally true, they give us a lot of intangible things, like entertainment, stress reduction, and empathy.

I don’t think that anyone who reads fiction would be surprised to learn that doing so encourages empathy, but science actually backs us up on this point. There has been a lot of research on this topic in the last decade especially, and it has been interesting to watch coverage evolve as the conversation continues. This is a very abbreviated summary of the conversation that, I think, is useful from an information literacy perspective.

For more about information literacy, check out the January and February 2022 issues of the City’s newsletter! In the meantime, a quick version:

Information literacy is a skill that is developed and utilized to evaluate the reliability of information. It involves using critical thinking to consider the context of information to make judgments about where and how that information may be applied. The ability to discern reliable information from “fake news,” and the veritable avalanche of uninformed and under-informed opinions we encounter, is crucial to safely navigating our world.

How do empathy and fiction fit into this definition? I believe they live in the “context” component.

Research shows a general consensus that there is a correlation between consumption of fiction and empathetic traits. John Best cites this consensus and notes in his 2020 North American Journal of Psychology article “Reading Literary Fiction: More Empathy, but at What Possible Cost?” that, “readers of fiction outperform nonreaders of fiction on empathy tasks.” This happens because when we read fiction, we, “use imagination and other cognitive processes to visualize and simulate social processes occurring among the fictional characters,” i.e., we take in the words and translate it through our lived experiences and observations into a mental picture with which we interact.

To my mind, validation and empathy are two sides of the same coin with fiction. When we see ourselves, it can be validating. When we see others in fiction — other cultures, ethnicities, religions, politics, disabilities, sexual orientations, genders, socioeconomic classes — in this setting where we are already mentally worldbuilding and imagining, we can expand our worldview, and we can empathize.

Granted, we bring our own biases wherever we go, and fiction is no exception. People can reach vastly different conclusions with the same text. I’m pretty sure that’s a big component of literary criticism as a field. But fiction can be a tool to get us outside of ourselves, if
we’re willing to go there. And, therein lies both the opportunity and the potential hazard.

In her 2009 TEDtalk, Chimamanda Adichie warns of the dangers of a single story, or expecting one narrative to speak for entire demographics. As wonderful as their stories may be, we can’t count on Adichie to speak for all women, Black people, or Africans; Isaac Bashevis Singer for all men, Jews, or immigrants; or, Joshua Whitehead for all two spirit peoples or Peguis Nation members, much less all Indigenous peoples.

Fiction can be a tool to help us understand, but there is no
single fictional title that is expansive enough to overcome every reader’s biases. To further illustrate, in Ann Jurecic’s 2011 article “Empathy and the Critic,” she states that, “one may read a novel that portrays the trauma caused by systematic urban violence in an American city and imagine that one understands the experience, but such identification can prevent one from recognizing one’s own complicity with the social and political structures that engender this violence.”

In other words, reading fiction will never be a substitute for understanding ourselves and the systems in which we operate.

The other unintended consequence of empathizing with fiction is that an author who understands how to elicit empathy from readers can also use it to advance their own agendas. They may not even identify their fiction as fiction. We see this happening everyday on social media, for example. How many of us know someone who was pulled into the toxic climate of disinformation that Facebook seems unable to correct? “Fake news” is just “News” when it’s taken at face value.

This article began as a piece about why reading fiction is good for us as a society, and I still believe that, overall, it is good for us. That said, I think it’s also important to interrogate why someone may want to elicit emotions from us as a sound information literacy practice.

Maybe we can file this under the “Nothing Is Ever Simple” heading, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. I believe we need to leave room for things to be complicated, because how will we ever begin to understand the people who think differently than we do, if we can’t put ourselves in their shoes? How can we imagine a better world for everyone without the understanding that our current systems affect everyone differently?

For recommendations on your next fiction read, please visit or contact the Library, and we will be happy to help you find something.

The works consulted for this article are available to any interested parties; please email for a bibliography and source attachments.

This article was featured in the June 2023 Newsletter. Visit the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage to see the full list of past newsletters.

Takoma Park Hosts the City Nature Challenge

By Anna Mische John, Vegetation Maintenance Supervisor

Have you heard of the City Nature Challenge? How about a bioblitz? The City Nature Challenge is a friendly competition form of a bioblitz—an opportunity to observe and document plants, insects, animals, and fungi on a particular site.

On April 29, the City hosted its first City Nature Challenge event. While the City is new to hosting, some of our residents are veterans of the project and active in documenting living organisms through the iNaturalist website.

This event took place over one weekend, in 482 cities across 46 countries. Participation in the annual event has been steadily growing since 2018. The D.C. Metropolitan area ranked fifth worldwide for participants and ninth for the number of species logged.

For this event, we worked at Circle Woods, the two-acre site located between Cockerille and Poplar Aves. and Spring and Circle Aves. The day started off wet, but by the time our birding group gathered, the rain had stopped and held off for the remainder of the event. Over three hours, nearly 200 individual species of birds, insects, and plants were documented at Circle Woods. Some of our noted observations included a horsehair worm (a parasite not often seen outside of its host) and a wood thrush (a species of concern due to its population decline in recent decades). We also saw what turned out to be the most observed species globally: the mallard duck. A nesting pair has made Circle Woods their home.

The Circle Woods City Nature Challenge was a fun way to get out and explore our natural world and meet neighbors. We hope to continue to track biodiversity at the site over the coming years as the plant composition changes with ongoing restoration work.

This article was featured in the June 2023 Newsletter. Visit the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage to see the full list of past newsletters.

Takoma Park Artist Leaves a Legacy of Passionate Kindness

By Eric Bond

Years of training and athletic instinct come together in a microsecond as the striker accepts a pass from her teammate and spots an opening between defenders. The stadium reverberates with energy as she swings her leg with focused power under the ball to send it sailing out of the grasp of the keeper—into the net.

This decisive moment was captured graphically by Takoma Park illustrator Noah Macmillan, and it is being widely distributed on a self-adhesive pieces of paper, about an inch by an inch-and-a-half. You can get a copy of Noah’s work by visiting the Takoma Park Post Office—where you can also pick up copies to share with your friends through letters and postcards. Noah’s stamp commemorating the July 2023 Women’s World Cup was released earlier this year.

This is Noah’s final published piece. He passed away from colon cancer on July 31, 2022, at age 33. Shortly before he passed, Noah learned that his illustration had been chosen, but he was not allowed to share that information. On October 24, 2022, the U.S. Postal Service announced Noah’s image would be the official Women’s World Cup stamp.

“It’s very heartening,” says Lucinda Leach, Noah’s mom, a retired art teacher. “We don’t have him with us anymore, but we have his work, and his work is being distributed so widely. I think they said they’re going to print 20 million copies of the stamps. So 20 million little reminders of Noah are flying around the country. It’s really a wonderful thing.”

“If there was one piece of art to be remembered by, this is kind of this perfect culmination of his interests,” says Jeffrey Macmillan, Noah’s dad, a professional photographer, “because he was fiercely devoted to soccer and to art.”

Noah’s team was Arsenal.

As a professional illustrator, Noah’s unique vision appears on murals and has been featured in publications such as Smithsonian magazine, the New York Times, Sports Illustrated, and Bloomberg Businessweek.

“I make pictures that tell stories with clear ideas, simple design, and obsessive attention to color,” said Noah, as quoted on his memorial page at the Sam Fox School at Washington University in St. Louis, where he earned his undergraduate degree in communications design.

“After teaching 18 years, there are always a handful of students you will never forget. Noah MacMillan was one of those,” says John Hendrix, professor and chair of the MFA program in Illustration and Visual Culture. “Noah had a rare and sophisticated visual language that cut across both design and images. I was in awe of his ability to draw, use color, and think graphically about edge and shape so seamlessly. “He had it all inside when I met him. His voice simply had to find a home,” says Hendrix.

“When he was a little boy, Noah had trouble writing,” says Lucinda. “And his hand would kind of cramp up, and he’d be miserable. But then he would use that same hand to draw, and he would sit for hours and draw. He drew incredibly intricate scenes of battles and soccer games and other things. We just pretty much always knew that drawing was going to be a big part of his life.”

Like most kids growing up in Takoma Park, Noah started kicking the ball early through Takoma Soccer. He kept playing during his years at the Edmund Burke School and at Washington University in St. Louis.

Then at age 23, just as he was jumping into his illustration career, Noah was diagnosed with colon cancer. After a long year of treatment, he was given a clean bill of health.

“He ran a marathon to celebrate,” says Jeffrey. “He had seven years cancer-free. He felt great, got engaged. And then, bang, back again.”

“It’s not expected at that age,” says Jeffrey, “so it’s often overlooked”.

While living in St. Louis, Noah met his fiancée, Hitomi Inoue, also a Washington U. grad, whom Jeffrey calls Noah’s third passion (along with soccer and art). Hitomi recalls how excited Noah was to be asked to illustrate a stamp in the summer of 2020, even as he faced a relapse of colon cancer.

“He was in the middle of his first year of grad school, getting his MFA [masters of Fine Arts] at the School of Visual Arts in New York, and COVID happened,” says Hitomi. “[We] decided to go up to Vermont. We’re up there thinking we’re going to be there for three weeks. But then we ended up being there basically for a year.

Illustrator Noah Macmillan’s stamp design was chosen by the U.S. Postal Service as the official image of the FIFA Women’s World Cup, which begins on July 20. Image courtesy USPS.

“So Noah gets rediagnosed with cancer in June [2020]. It’s this crazy time where he had just restarted chemo. We were living at the lake. It’s beautiful, but we’re also very isolated from everything,” Hitomi continues. “And he gets an email from this art director who works on a lot of the stamps.

“Noah was like, yeah, I’m gonna design a stamp. And I was like, what?” Hitomi laughs, “Like a postal service stamp? He was like, yeah, it’s real.

So it’s a very dynamic and powerful stamp,” says Hitomi. It reflects Noah’s years of experience capturing movement and emotion with clean efficiency.

“He has a history of having done a lot of soccer art,” says Jeffrey, “which is how he probably popped onto the radar of the art director. Many of his first jobs were working for soccer publications in the U.S. and in Europe—and he was just devout follower of soccer.”

Noah’s family and friends remember him as an extraordinary  individual.

“Noah was a gentle soul,” says Lucinda. “He has two younger brothers who are twins [Seth and Julian]. He was just always sweet to them from the time they were born. Most kids, I think, would’ve resented having these other two babies come into their lives and turn everything upside down. But he just was always a really good big brother.

“And, you know, it’s a hard loss for them as well,” she adds.

“One of his best friends said that whatever you say about Noah sounds fake because it sounds too good to be true,” says Hitomi. “He was just very kind, like deeply kind and not superficially kind. He wasn’t really all about bullshit. He wasn’t going to be nice [just] to be nice, but because he was kind. He loved talking to younger artists and people who had just started freelancing to help them figure out
how to set up an office, how to get new clients. How to do taxes.”

With Noah’s combination of training and talent—and kindness—in mind, the Macmillan family has established the Noah Philip MacMillan Portfolio Plus Scholarship at Washington University in St. Louis. This summer program provides intensive art classes to rising high school seniors to help them build their portfolios.

“It’s a really great program and hopefully we can fund more kids to go there and really build their confidence in artmaking and learn from the Wash U. professors, who are wonderful,” says Jeffrey.

Find out more about the Noah Philip MacMillan Portfolio
Plus Scholarship at Proceeds from the
sale of Noah’s prints will help fund the scholarship. You can
find Noah’s work at (search for Noah Macmillan).

This article was featured in the May 2023 Newsletter. Visit the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage to see the full list of past newsletters.

Hot Topic: Censorship and Libraries

Content warning: Discussion of potentially sensitive topics with reference to those in the LGBTQIA2S+ spectrum.

With the public dialogue in a frenzy about book banning in libraries right now, I wanted to talk about how libraries experience and interact with censorship.

You may have seen recently that the Missouri State House
voted in April to advance a FY24 budget that defunds their public libraries. You may have also seen the photos coming out of Florida
of empty school bookshelves in the wake of their governor signing HB 1467. A library director in Llano County, Texas, was fired last year for refusing to remove challenged books.

Closer to home, the Proud Boys protested a Drag Queen Story Hour event at Loyalty Bookstores in Silver Spring this past February.

I am, unfortunately, no stranger to this topic; I fielded many book challenges in Texas. This is a personal topic for me, so if the tone reads as more emotionally charged than usual, that’s because it is. There is a time and a place for emotional distance, but this article isn’t it. I want people who have the ability to advocate for libraries to understand what is at stake for everyone involved.

I can think of at least six different titles that were challenged when I was working in Texas; all of them were under the LGBTQIA2S+ umbrella, many were challenged multiple times, and all of them were intended for young audiences. There was And Tango Makes Three about the male penguin couple who adopt an egg and raise the chick together; it was returned defaced on multiple occasions. Heather Has Two Mommies inspired a boycott of our library by a local church-affiliated group, which resulted in some of the most hateful emails I have ever received.

The toughest challenge I fielded, however, was for a book called My Two Dads, which was part of a series that was all shelved together about different family situations that children may experience, like having a parent in the military or having divorced parents or living with grandparents. My Two Dads triggered a patron’s nerve in a major way.

Some quick background: I spent a year working in crisis intervention with AmeriCorps while I was deciding if I wanted to go to graduate school to become a social worker. Ultimately, I chose information science, but the year with AmeriCorps taught me a lot about de-escalating people in crisis and empathizing with them. These have been the two most useful skills I have honed when fielding difficult situations anywhere, and they are crucial to working towards positive outcomes with book challenges.

The patron who objected to My Two Dads very quickly went from
asking me how to take this book off the shelves, to yelling and crying in the middle of the reading room, when I said that we would retain the book in the interests of the LGBTQIA2S+ families who need to be represented in the library’s collection, just like her own family is. When someone reacts that disproportionately, it is almost always something more deeply rooted than the issue at hand. I talked to her long enough to find out that she had recently disowned her 16-year-old gay son and kicked him out of their family home.

Knowing that the odds are stacked against gay homeless teens, I found it extremely difficult to access empathy. I had to disengage from my emotional state to get through the rest of the interaction. The book remained in the collection, and I found another book for her to take home to the children she hadn’t disowned. On the surface, this was a positive outcome for the library—the patron calmed down, and we kept the book in our collection—but it spoke volumes about the state of our community. I went back to my office and cried.

When we talk about book banning and censorship, the objectors tend to suck all the air out of the room, but in reality, they are the ones least affected by their actions. Remember the youth who see their burgeoning identities under attack, the families who lose representation in publicly funded collections, and the teachers and library staff who go to bat for our marginalized communities every day—sometimes under the threat of firing or legal action.

Youth, their families, and the library and school workers who
provide services to them need advocates in their communities.  I do believe that for every person who demands removal of a title that makes them personally uncomfortable, there are far more people who can see the value in that contested title. We need disengaged bystanders to channel the bravery of library workers who promote diverse books and programs, the teachers who refuse to compromise their inclusive values, and the kids speaking out at school board meetings.

I want these experiences to be something you think about before we get to Pride Month in June, because Pride should be a celebration! Pride is joyful, but we do a disservice to our LGBTQIA2S+  neighbors when we don’t acknowledge the oppression many people in this spectrum experience when the outspoken opponents to their identity (ugh, merely typing that phrase is painful) politicize and target them to create “us versus them” situations, manipulate their environment to minimize their own discomfort, and appeal to our worst instincts.

I could not function in this world if I didn’t believe that there is more love in it than there is hate, but sometimes, in uncontested silence, it can feel like indifference outnumbers them both. I am not so naïve as to think that this library is immune from actions taken by emboldened bullies to retain “safe spaces” for themselves while condemning the term as it is used sincerely by marginalized peoples who do not feel safe in public spaces. I hope that, if the time comes to defend our own values of diversity and inclusion, that our allies will be louder than our challengers.

This article was featured in the May 2023 Newsletter. Visit the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage to see the full list of past newsletters.


The Takoma Park Recreation Department was fortunate to have a STEM Spring Break Camp this year. We wanted to highlight STEM camp instructor, Tosin Adetoro. Tosin taught the teens various STEM subjects, such as circuitry, robotics, and coding. Over Spring Break she kept the teen participants engaged and excited to learn about STEM.

Tosin has a bachelor’s in physics from Frostburg State University and a master’s in technology education from Virginia Tech. She also received her Educational Leadership and Administration Certificate from George Washington University.

“I believe that teaching STEM and STEAM in schools encourages creativity and problem-solving in students, while also teaching them how fun the world around them can be,” says Tosin. “The Spring Break camp with the City of Takoma Park challenged the campers to
use the engineering design process and the 4Cs (collaboration, communication, creativity, and critical thinking) to solve design challenges. I am looking forward to building upon these activities in the upcoming summer STEM camp in June.”

Another fun week of STEM camp is lined up for teens, June 26-June 30. Register now for a fun and educational week.

This article was featured in the May 2023 Newsletter. Visit the Takoma Park Newsletter webpage to see the full list of past newsletters.