Dear Residents,
The topic on so many of our minds is vaccinations. So many of us want to get a vaccination and the information that is out there on vaccinations is so very confusing.
It’s confusing for us, too!
Although the State of Maryland is putting out information on all who are eligible to receive vaccinations at this time, there is not enough vaccine availability for those who are eligible and the various vaccination sites each have their own criteria or process for registration.
We keep trying to get good information to share and then the information changes right away!
Please be careful about where you register for vaccines. Don’t use links forwarded to you from others. There are scams out there to steal your personal information. And, if you go to a vaccine site that someone else forwarded you information about, you will likely be turned away and not get the vaccine – sometimes after a long wait. Although some folks have registered at county sites outside of Montgomery County, some of those sites are now barring non-residents. Go to the Maryland Vaccine Website or the Montgomery County Vaccine Website for information and links.
Obviously, this confusion is terrible for everyone and disproportionately hurts members of our community who are more vulnerable to COVID-19. I know the State and County governments want to be doing the right thing and are working hard to straighten things out.
In the meantime, please know we are trying to learn and help, and we are strenuously advocating for the residents of Takoma Park. We will share good information as we obtain and verify it.
Suzanne Ludlow