Category Archives: News

Category for general news items.

Feeling Unsafe on Maple Avenue: Reasons for a Roadway Redesign


Since 2018, there have been six crashes on Maple Avenue that involved pedestrians or bike riders, and over twenty crashes involving vehicles alone. One resulted in severe injury and hospitalization of a bike rider. Active crashes aren’t the only thing that impacts an individual’s sense of safety: how long it takes to cross in a crosswalk (if there even is a crosswalk), how fast cars are driving by, the experience of “close calls”, the lighting of the sidewalk at night or the maintenance of the sidewalk’s surface, and even the number of other people around can impact how safe someone feels.

Every day, people use Maple Avenue for a multitude of reasons, from walking kids to school, to commuting to work, to getting some fresh air on a bike ride to the park. City staff also regularly hear about how unsafe walkers, bikers, riders, and drivers feel on Maple Avenue. And it’s no wonder! The southern section of Maple Ave is narrow and steep, while the northern section has lanes that are wider than on a freeway and gaping intersections designed for moving cars through the area as quickly as possible, at the expense of everyone else. These were design decisions made at some point in the past, and new design choices can work to counteract those aspects that do not work. We don’t need to wait until another serious crash happens before we do something about it.

The Maple Avenue Connectivity Project aims to increase the sense of safety and comfort for all road users, with special priority for pedestrians and bike riders. After all, even drivers and especially transit users are at least part-time pedestrians on their way to and from their rides. The project will explore different design options that use different strategies to achieve this goal:

  • Increase Visibility: design elements like high-visibility crosswalks, curb extensions, and restricted parking close to crosswalks help increase how visible pedestrians are, either by putting them in brighter contrast to their surroundings, elevating them, or removing visual obstacles, like parked cars.
  • Reduce Subconscious Incentives to Speed: painted lane striping doesn’t sound like much, but studies show that when drivers feel like the road is narrow or has more obstacles to consider, they subconsciously slow down substantially. Narrowing vehicle lanes, adding elevated crosswalks or flashing beacons as crossings, and even planting street trees that take up space in a driver’s line of sight all have subtle, subconscious effects on how comfortable a driver feels going fast.
  • Add Physical Deterrents to Speed: sometimes subconscious strategies aren’t enough. Adding features to the road such as speed humps, posts or bollards, or even strategically arranging on-street parking can be effective tools (and leave some overly reckless drivers with a lasting reminder of their transgression.)
  • Reduce Mixing Zones: the places where different modes of transportation cross one another can be some of the most dangerous, in part because there isn’t always a clear understanding of who should be where and how each should behave with each other. This becomes apparent with bike riders who feel uncomfortable sharing an unmarked driving lane, or seniors crossing private driveways on their stroll to the bus stop. Mixing zones can never fully be erased, but they can be minimized by the use of dedicated bike lanes, reduction in unnecessary driveways, and leading pedestrian intervals at intersections (as a few examples).


These and other strategies will be explored over the next few months to generate preliminary designs for the project. To weigh in on the safety issues that are important to you and stay up to date on the project’s progress, visit the city’s project web page:

Takoma Park Minor Master Plan FAQs


Source: City of Takoma Park

To see a listing of all blog posts for the Minor Master Plan – visit the Minor Master webpage.


  • If I live in an area that gets rezoned, will I be forced to change anything about my property?
    • No. The adoption of the Minor Master Plan Amendment will not force anyone to sell, give up, or change a property that they already own. There may be impacts on property value (likely increase), but how an owner chooses to keep, develop, or sell their property will remain up to them.
  •  Have Washington Adventist Healthcare and Washington Adventist University been involved in the planning process to date?
    • Yes. The Montgomery Planning team and City staff have been in regular conversation with both Washington Adventist University and Washington Adventist Health through the duration of the process, including monthly coordination meetings. Both organizations are stakeholders in the process, but do not drive the planning process; all stakeholders are taken into account.
  •  Will the green space at the corner of Maple Ave and Sligo Creek Pkwy, next to Essex House, be developed?
    • No. The green space being discussed is owned by Maryland-National Capital Park and Planning Commission (M-NCPPC) and is treated as a part of Sligo Creek Stream Valley Park. The Minor Master Plan Amendment treats the green space as a conserved area important for stormwater management. In particular, the space may be impacted by the recommendation to “address failing outfall infrastructure and unstable banks at Brashear’s Run where the stream daylights on parkland.” (p. 87) There are no recommendations for new building structures of any kind to be built on the parcel.
  •  What will the influence of the MMPA’s recommendation of a Green Promenade be with the Maple Avenue Connectivity Project?
    • The Maple Avenue Connectivity Project is already in the design stage, ahead of the Minor Master Plan approval. However, the Minor Master Plan was developed with the awareness that the Maple Ave project is underway, and deliberately leaves room and flexibility for the development of the project, without points of conflict.
  •  Will the County conduct a Climate Assessment, and when does that happen?

    • As required by Bill 3-22, approved by the County Council in July 2022, Montgomery Planning staff will prepare a Climate Assessment for the Planning Board draft of the Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment that will be transmitted to the County Council hopefully later this year. The document will be publicly available at that time.
  •  What kind of racial equity considerations or analysis is included in the planning process?
    • The County Racial Equity and Social Justice Act (Bill 27-19) requires the County Office of Legislative Oversight to prepare a Racial Equity and Social Justice Impact Statement for the County Council for bills and Zoning Text Amendments and for the Planning Board to consider racial equity and social justice impacts when preparing a Master Plan, which includes Minor Master Plan Amendments. As part of this “Equity Agenda for Planning”, Montgomery Planning closely considered equity in examining the history and existing conditions of the Plan area and surrounding communities, the community engagement strategy, the plan’s data analysis, and the development of recommendations.During staff work sessions following September 14, 2023, Public Hearing, the Planning Board will consider and discuss the racial equity and social justice impacts of the Minor Master Plan Amendment. Additional information on Montgomery Planning’s Equity in Agenda for Planning can be found online at Any new development that advances from this planning process would also be subject to the City’s racial equity initiative mandate to explore the racial justice impacts.


  • The next step of this process is for the County Planning Board to set up work sessions; what is the purpose of these, how is a given topic selected and by whom?
    • Maryland law requires the Planning Department to conduct a “comprehensive review” of the numerous aspects related to land development (e.g., land use, environment, transportation, schools, and more) before zoning can be changed for a defined Plan Area. As also required by the law, the Planning Board holds a Public Hearing on the Public Hearing Draft Plan to receive public comment. Oral testimony provided at the Public Hearing and written testimony provided to the Planning Board within the designated timeframe collectively constitute the Public Record for the plan. The purpose of work sessions is for the Planning Board to discuss the comments received on the Public Record and determine if zoning, text, or other changes are needed to the Public Hearing Draft Plan.  After reviewing the Public Record, Montgomery Planning staff will schedule work sessions during the Planning Board’s regular meetings, with recommended topics to discuss at each.  The Planning Board ultimately determines the topics to be addressed at a work session.

“Dancing Joy” Film Screening Transports Viewers Across the World on Sept. 29

DANCING JOY Free Film Screening 

Friday, Sept. 29 at 7:30 pm

Takoma Park Community Center

7500 Maple Avenue

In a celebration of music and dance, a film crew traveled 56,000 miles to four continents to film local dance troupes performing traditional dances to Ode to Joy from Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9.

The City of Takoma Park’s Takoma Park Arts series will feature a free screening of Dancing Joy at 7:30 pm on Sept. 29 in the Takoma Park Community Center auditorium at 7500 Maple Avenue. All are welcome, and no tickets or reservations are required.

More than 200 dancers choreographed and performed dances in Indonesia, Fiji, Nepal, Korea, Botswana, Greece, Northern Ireland, West Virginia, and a dozen other locales.

In a female-led production, producer Kate Tsubata prepared for 12 years before embarking on the film’s production. Film director Lan T. Lee—herself a choreographer and dancer—utilized the language of dance to guide the performers, many of whom didn’t speak English. Closer to home, the film also featured deaf and hard-of-hearing dancers at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C.

“We wanted to honor Beethoven’s own battle with hearing loss so the first group we approached was the Gallaudet Dance Company, which was founded in 1955,” Tsubata said. “They originated ASL dance and play a key role in the film with sign language-based dance moves that interpret the choral lyrics.”

Authenticity was a priority for the filmmakers. Capturing the historic and natural beauty of the varied locations as well as the dance traditions of each culture was paramount. Handheld camera work, drone, and GoPro action cameras, brings viewers into close proximity with the performers.

Tsubata and film editor Mie Smith will take part in a Q&A with the audience after the screening. There is a trailer and more info about the film at

During two months of shooting, the film crew experienced summer and winter in the Northern and Southern hemispheres, high altitudes, and tropical climates. “Local crews in each nation helped with translation, local regulations, and wardrobes,” Tsubata said.

The Takoma Park Arts series, which is organized by the City’s Arts and Humanities Division, includes many free film screenings, art exhibitions, concerts, theater, and poetry readings at the Takoma Park Community Center.

Please go to and sign up for our e-newsletter to get more info about our upcoming events.

How Will the City’s Stormwater & Tree Protection Policies Impact the Minor Master Plan?

Process for Stormwater Permit

Stormwater management is regulated by the City of Takoma Park. The purpose of the stormwater permit process is to ensure the safe conduct of stormwater runoff for certain properties when being developed or expanded. It identifies both quantitative aspects (volume) and qualitative aspects (pollution removal). The permit requirements are identified in City Code, Section 16.04.140 and are based on the Maryland Dept of the Environment Stormwater Management Design Manual. The Maryland Manual defines the scope and extent of Environmental Site Design (ESD) elements and how they can be quantified to achieve ESD to the Maximum Extent Practical (MEP) as defined by law.

All institutional, commercial or industrial construction projects within the City limits require a stormwater permit, regardless of the size of the project. (For residential construction, the project must disturb 5,000 square feet in order to require a permit.)

The process includes three steps:

  • Concept Plan Review,
  • Site Plan Review,
  • Final Permitting.

For residential projects and smaller commercial projects, the concept and site plan review phase can be combined. During the Site Development phase of the permit process, the City will require geotechnical analysis, both for construction and for the stormwater features of the building. The final step concludes with issuance of a stormwater permit, providing the plans have been verified and meet the requirements.

Sediment and erosion control are a process overseen by Montgomery County, through the Department of Permitting Services. An applicant is required to apply for a Sediment and Erosion Control permit, as per the requirements of the County’s construction permitting process. The City does not review or issue approval for sediment and erosion control. However, the City works with the County inspector to ensure that the permit conditions are being followed and reports any perceived violations to the inspector.

The requirements for stormwater management are specified by City Code (Title 16), which references adherence to the Maryland Stormwater Design Manual (MDE Manual), and State of Maryland requirements outlined in Maryland Stormwater Design Manual: .

The MDE Stormwater Management Manual and the City’s permitting process and review guidelines are detailed on the City’s website:

The vacant hospital campus is approximately 20 acres, and the proposed Minor Master Plan amendment requires that “Redevelopment on site should be addressed under a single Sketch Plan application to the greatest extent practicable to ensure the site as a whole meets the recommendations of this Plan.”

The site currently has no stormwater management quality controls and all run-off from the site flows to the surrounding area and into Sligo Creek through over land sheet flow or via a limited number of inlets and discharge pipes. The stormwater management requirements for the site will require treatment of 50% of the run-off from the existing impervious area and treatment of 100% of run-off from the new impervious area added over the existing impervious area for the one-year storm.

The proposed stormwater management plans may include a number of different measures:

  • green roofs,
  • bioretention facilities,
  • permeable paving,
  • infiltration basin,
  • riparian buffer
  • and other options.

County requirements include a 100-foot buffer from the stream for any new development.

Process for Tree Removal & Tree Protection Permit

While the County does have tree replanting and protection requirements for development projects, the City maintains separate requirements related to tree removal and protection.

When a final site plan is determined, a developer will formally apply for the tree removal and Tree Protection Plan permits, if necessary. The City’s arborist will review the applications and assess the final number of tree replants as well as the conditions for tree protection. The City’s tree removal permit process requires the planting of replacement trees or payment of fee in lieu.

The details of the tree removal permit process are on the City website:

The details of the Tree Protection Plan requirements are on the city website:


Extended: Call for Youth Council Applications

The City Council is seeking applicants for the 2023-2024 Takoma  Park Youth Council.

Application Form

Applications have been extended for the Takoma Park Youth Council until Friday, August 25.

The Takoma Park Youth Council was established by the City Council:
  1. To provide an opportunity for the youth of Takoma Park to acquire a greater knowledge of and appreciation for local government through active participation in the system.
  2. To help the City Council to address problems and accomplish the goals of this community by working directly with the representatives of youth.
  3. To serve the youth of Takoma Park by:
    • informing the Takoma Park municipal government of the needs and wishes of youth;
    • planning and implementing social, educational, cultural and recreational activities for the youth;
    • working with the Mayor, City Council, City department heads, schools, civic clubs and service organizations to provide service and leadership opportunities for the youth of the City; and,
    • helping to instill a feeling of positive self-worth and esteem, teaching respect for the rights of others, and promoting community pride.

Youth Council members receive SSL hours for their service!

Youth Council Charter

Youth Council web page

Please contact Jessie Carpenter, City Clerk, with questions or requests for additional information: or 240-723-0437.

What is the Maple Avenue Connectivity Project?


The Maple Avenue Connectivity Project aims to redesign the roadway on Maple Avenue to prioritize the safety, comfort, and convenience of adults and children who walk, ride bikes and scooters, and take transit. In the process, we hope that it will make driving a car safer, too!

Maple Avenue is one of the most diverse roadways in the city. The one-mile corridor from the DC border to Sligo Creek Park traverses through three wards, past some of the most expensive single-family homes and some of the densest, most affordable apartment buildings

Along the route, there are:

  • a public elementary school,
  • a church,
  • senior living services,
  • public parks,
  • the city services contained in the Community Center (library, city offices, recreation spaces, and the police department),
  • and local retail shops.

The route is a vital transportation connection for public transit riders, hundreds of students and families walking to school, and bicycle commuters and recreationalists accessing the Sligo Creek Trail and DC’s bike lane network.

The Maple Avenue Connectivity Project, a reboot of the project previously known as the Maple Avenue Complete Street project, will spend Fall 2023 re-evaluating past preliminary designs for the roadway. There were many strong elements to the previous version, but we also heard from many corners of the community that more time was needed to create a design that is maximally inclusive and effective in creating a sense of safety and accessibility. Feedback will be gathered during a series of pop-up workshops along the corridor, focus groups, and a large format community meeting during the months of August, September, and October. 

Once a revised preliminary design is completed, the city’s consulting team, RK&K, will advance to a more detailed stage of design, known as semifinal or 60% design plans. In this stage, the broad brushstrokes of the preliminary designs are refined with more  technical analysis and permitting b in order to advance the design. Also during the early part of this stage, additional rounds of community feedback will help guide the design refinement. A complete, semifinal design plan is expected by Summer 2024, and a complete final design plan is expected by Fall 2024.

To find the schedule of community pop-ups, as well as information about the project and how to sign up for regular project updates, visit the project website:

The Minor Master Plan and Protecting Affordable Housing on Maple Avenue


The Minor Master Plan recommends preserving and improving existing affordable housing in the area while supporting the creation of a diversity of new market rates and affordable housing. The Plan proposes the increase of affordable housing opportunities and sets the benchmark of achieving no net loss of affordable housing (Public Hearing Draft Section 3.3.2).

The Minor Master Plan is  built on the goals of Thrive Montgomery 2050, which strive to make housing more affordable and attainable both through new construction and preservation. The Plan proposes new zoning for Maple Avenue from Philadelphia Avenue to Sligo Creek Parkway. The purpose of the new zoning is to clean up old zoning that is obsolete, to make existing buildings compliant with zoning laws, and to allow for a mix of both commercial and residential uses.

Existing Conditions

The current zoning in the Maple Avenue District is predominantly residential, with an overlay zone which allows for small amounts of retail. Most of the Maple Avenue properties are zoned R-10, the densest residential zone, and a few are R-20, moderately dense residential. Under current zoning, in an R-10 district, multi-unit properties may be redeveloped under the standard method to a maximum height of 100’. Currently, several of the largest buildings in the District are 12 stories, with a maximum building height of 17 stories. Most of the buildings were constructed in the 1950s and 1960s, and many are in need of reinvestment to ensure quality, affordable housing.

There are approximately 1,260 housing units in the Maple Avenue District;  condominiums make up 16 percent of the units; approximately 40 percent are market-rate rental units governed by the City’s rent stabilization laws; and 44 percent are affordable rental units, also known as “deed restricted subsidized housing”.

Affordable Housing and Market Rate Housing:

The City of Takoma Park has policies in place that offer protections for current renters on Maple Avenue. It is a multi-layered picture of how rent-stabilization policies, for-profit building owners, and non-profit affordable housing providers create and manage housing in the community.


Condominium units are individually owned and taxed, just like single-family homes. A condominium property is governed by a condo board, who oversees property improvements and maintenance. If a condominium owner decides to rent their unit, that rental unit would be subject to the City’s rent stabilization ordinance.

Market Rate

The City’s rent stabilization ordinance first implemented over 40 years ago, allows landlords to use the first five years after the creation of the rental unit to establish the base rent.  After five years, the landlord may only increase rent by a factor of inflation, as identified by the annual Consumer Price Index (CPI-U) adjustment. (3.7% in FY24).  In Montgomery County, larger multi-unit development is also impacted by the Moderately Priced Dwelling Unit (MPDU) law, which requires development to set aside at least 12.5% of new units for residents making no more than 65% AMI (for garden-style apartments) or 70% AMI (for high-rise apartments).

Deed-Restricted Subsidized Housing

There is a category of housing that does not fall under the rent stabilization laws of the City because it is “deed-restricted subsidized housing,” meaning there are covenants and easements on properties to guarantee units remain available only for low-income households. The federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Department and other affordable housing financing programs will set maximum allowable rents for deed restricted subsidized housing. The maximum rents are set so households pay no more than 30% of their annual income in housing expenses.

The existence of Takoma Park’s rent stabilization ordinance has succeeded in preserving highly affordable rents in the City as compared to the broader Washington Metro region. The below compares regional median rents based on the American Community Survey (ACS) 5-Year data survey. In Takoma Park, 93% of non-subsidized, market-rate rental housing rents at below the maximum federal limit for low-income (50% AMI) households.

Regional Median Monthly Rents

DC Metro AreaMontgomery CountyCity of Takoma Park
Diversified Housing:

In the Washington area, there is a shortage of housing. Takoma Park generally has two types of housing available: affordable apartments, or single-family housing, which in today’s market is out of reach of younger or lower income residents. The City  lacks the diverse housing options needed for an economically, socially and racially diverse community.  In October, 2019, the Takoma Park City Council adopted the Housing and Economic Development Strategic Plan. The overarching themes of the Strategic Plan are to:

  • Preserve existing businesses and affordable housing in Takoma Park, including in revitalizing areas;
  • Produce more housing and opportunities for businesses to start and grow across the income spectrum and in neighborhoods across the City to meet the diverse housing and economic needs;
  • Protect renters, homeowners, and local businesses from discrimination and displacement; and protect our environment from destruction.

The Strategic Plan includes details under each category: The following objectives are listed under “Produce:”

    1. Increase the number of units and variety of housing types across the affordability spectrum that are attractive to a diverse demographic and do not result in economically segregated communities or increase existing economic segregation.
    2. Encourage the construction of new moderate and higher density infill commercial, residential and mixed-use development and redevelopment, consistent with the recommendations of the City’s Sustainability and Climate Action Plan.

The Draft Minor Master Plan also presents recommendations for housing production, affordable housing production and preservation of housing and affordability. The following recommendations are for Housing Production:

  • Support a creative diversity of housing options including personal living quarters and/or micro units; “missing middle” housing types such as tiny houses, cottages, duplexes, townhomes, multiplexes, and small apartment buildings; shared housing, cooperative housing, co-housing, live-work units, and accessory dwelling units (ADUs), to help meet housing needs and diversify housing options.
  • Provide financial and other incentives to boost housing production for market rate and affordable housing, especially near transit and in Complete Communities.
  • New housing developments in the Plan Area should strive to increase the quality and quantity of housing units that are accessible to people with disabilities and older adults.

Public Hearing Draft Spring 2023 ( (p.68-70)

Minor Master Plan: What are Planning Board Work Sessions and how do they intersect with the Plan?


Source: Montgomery Planning

  1. What is the purpose of the Planning Board work sessions?  How is a given topic selected and by whom? 

Maryland law requires the Planning Department to conduct a “comprehensive review” of the numerous aspects related to land development (e.g., land use, environment, transportation, schools, and more) before zoning can be changed for a defined Plan Area.  As also required by the law, the Planning Board holds a Public Hearing on the Public Hearing Draft Plan to receive public comment.  Oral testimony provided at the Public Hearing and written testimony provided to the Planning Board within the designated timeframe collectively constitute the Public Record for the plan.  To restate: the purpose of the Public Hearing and the Public Record is to receive testimony.  The Public Hearing does not include discussion of the testimony provided. 

The purpose of work sessions is for the Planning Board to discuss the comments received on the Public Record and determine if zoning, text, or other changes are needed to the Public Hearing Draft Plan.  After reviewing the Public  Record, Montgomery Planning staff will schedule work sessions during the Planning Board’s regular meetings, with recommended topics to discuss at each.  The Planning Board ultimately determines the topics to be addressed at a work session.

  1. How does a Planning Board work session function?  Who leads it and who participates?

Planning Board work sessions are held during the Board’s regular public meetings online and in the 2nd Floor Auditorium, M-NCPPC Wheaton Headquarters, 2425 Reedie Drive. A staff report is posted one week before the work session that will outline the topics recommended for discussion.  The Planning Board Chair leads the work sessions and facilitates the conversation between staff and the Planning Board on the issues being discussed at that session. At the Chair’s discretion, other individuals may be permitted to answer specific questions raised by the Planning Board.  During each work session, the Planning Board will direct staff to make any changes to the recommendations or may ask for additional information to be presented at a subsequent work session. 


  1. What is the product of these work sessions and what time is allowed to reach a conclusion or recommendation?  

During each work session, the Planning Board will direct staff to make any changes to the recommendations or may ask for additional information to be presented at a subsequent work session. The Planning Board will decide how many work sessions are required.  After the Planning Board has reviewed and addressed at work sessions the issues raised on the Public Record, at a final work session Planning staff will present an updated version of the Public Hearing draft that reflects the Planning Board’s changes.  At this work session, Planning staff will request that the Planning Board approve designation of the updated Public Hearing Draft Plan as the Planning Board Draft Plan, which will be transmitted to the County Council for their review. 


  1. What happens with findings or recommendations developed in the sessions? 

During each work session, the Planning Board will direct staff to make any changes to the recommendations.  After the Planning Board has reviewed and addressed at work sessions the issues raised on the Public Record, at a final work session Planning staff will present an updated version of the Public Hearing draft that reflects the Planning Board’s changes.  At this work session, Montgomery Planning staff will request that the Planning Board designate the updated Public Hearing Draft Plan as the Planning Board Draft Plan, which will be transmitted to the County Council for their review. 


  1. How much of a work session is shared with the public?

All of the work sessions are public.  Planning Board work sessions are held during the Board’s regular public meetings online and in the 2nd Floor Auditorium, M-NCPPC Wheaton Headquarters, 2425 Reedie Drive. A staff report is posted one week before the work session that will outline the topics recommended for discussion.  As part of the regular agenda, each work session is recorded and streamed live as part of the Planning Board meeting. You can access live an on-demand videos on the Planning Board’s website.  

How does Thrive Montgomery 2050 fit with the Minor Master Plan process?


Source: Montgomery County Planning and the City of Takoma Park 

The Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment is not a stand-alone planning effort. It, and all other county master plans, sector plans, and minor master plans, are required to align with and advance the goals of the county’s own General Plan: Thrive Montgomery 2050.

Thrive Montgomery 2050 is a wide-ranging update to the county’s General Plan—the policy document that envisions what the future of Montgomery County could look like, with considerations for housing, transportation, economic development, natural resource preservation and conservation, climate impacts, cultural resources, and social justice. 

As the first update to the General Plan in nearly 60 years, Thrive Montgomery 2050 gives the county (and the city) a clear path forward: to create places where we can increase accessible housing, improve transit, and strengthen businesses together in equitable, sustainable ways. The plan was approved by the Planning Board on April 8, 2021, and approved by the Montgomery County Council on October 25, 2022.


Key recommendations from Thrive Montgomery 2050:

  • Focus on growth in downtowns, activity centers, and along key corridors—with amenities serving existing and new residents while preserving our open spaces;
  • Prioritize racial equity and economic competitiveness—throughout the county and especially in East County;
  • Emphasize walking, biking, and transit—to reduce car traffic, minimize emissions, and keep everyone safe in their travels;
  • Embed social connections and public health into our land use planning—because thriving depends on more than just new development;
  • Enhance public and private spaces alike with arts and culture—because quality of place is integral to quality of life, as well as shared economic health;
  • Target place-based environmental sustainability and resilience—so growth happens in already-dense places and the Agricultural Reserve and parkland remain protected for future generations.


Thrive Montgomery 2050 Outcomes

Racial equity and social justice:

Advancing racial equity through just planning policies and public investments in underserved communities, promoting the racial and economic integration of neighborhoods, and focusing on the potential for the design of communities to help build social trust and inclusion while encouraging civic participation are among the most significant elements of Thrive Montgomery 2050. Thrive Montgomery 2050 strives to create racially integrated and just communities.

Environmental resilience:

Thrive Montgomery’s focus on a compact form of development with a mix of uses supported by transportation systems that make alternatives to driving practical and attractive are essential pieces of any comprehensive strategy to fight climate change. A stronger focus on walking, biking, and transit infrastructure will be crucial, but the significance of mixed uses and compact development in reducing driving is equally important. The environmental benefits of dense, walkable neighborhoods dovetail with the increasing preference across age groups to live in walkable places served by a mix of uses and amenities.

Economic competitiveness:

We want to strengthen our economic competitiveness by creating the kind of places where people with diverse choices want to live and work. Its recommendations for land use, transportation, parks, and other public and private infrastructure lay the groundwork for economic development initiatives undertaken by other entities. Different skill and education levels and linguistic, racial, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds infuse the local economy with the varied pool of skills, experiences, and perspectives necessary to solve problems and innovate. The Plan’s compact land use pattern and walkable communities supported by an efficient transit network will connect the county’s diverse population to economic opportunities.



Thrive Montgomery 2050 establishes a framework for responding to economic, demographic, social, and environmental change in ways that are rooted in enduring lessons about what has made places successful in the past, while remaining adaptable to unforeseen circumstances. Implementing the vision laid out in this plan is important to achieving the plan’s key outcomes.

The Takoma Park Minor Master Plan Amendment is required to robustly address the goals of Thrive Montgomery 2050. County planning staff have used its framework to guide the analysis and recommendations within the Minor Master Plan, and the County Planning Board will use the same framework to evaluate different facets of the plan during their upcoming work sessions. 

To learn more about what’s included in Thrive Montgomery 2050, check it out online: