Category Archives: Public Notices

Public Notices are primarily generated by the City Clerk and are mostly compromised of messages notifying residents and other stakeholders of public hearings.

Status of Responding to Records Requests Under the Maryland Public Information Act

The City Clerk issued this public notice in the April 24 issue of the Takoma Insider:

Notice Of Order Temporarily Suspending Legal Time Requirements Regarding MD Public Information Act Timeline:
The legal time requirements for the City’s response to requests under the Maryland Public Information Act are temporarily suspended until thirty (30) days have elapsed from the expiration of the State of Emergency and public health catastrophe, as determined by Governor Hogan. Maryland’s Public Information Act ordinarily requires the City to respond to requests for public records within ten (10) days, if there are no responsive records, or thirty (30) days, if responsive records exist. These time requirements are suspended. Link to signed notice.

Publication of the notice has caused concerns that the City will no longer be responding to questions or requests for information. This is not the case. The information below is being provided to clarify the City’s intentions.

Information From the Maryland Attorney General’s Open Government Website:

What is the Public Information Act? Maryland’s Public Information Act (“PIA”) gives the public the right to access government records without unnecessary cost and delay.

The PIA grants you the right to review the available records that are disclosable and to obtain copies of those records. It does not require an agency to answer informational questions or to create a record to satisfy your request.

What is a public record? A public record is defined as the original or copy of any documentary material in any form created or received by an agency in connection with the transaction of public business. Included in this definition are written materials, books, photographs, photocopies, firms, microfilms, records, tapes, computerized records, maps, drawings and other materials.

City of Takoma Park staff members routinely respond to questions and requests for information.  This has not changed during the pandemic. Additionally, if requests for records are received, staff continues to provide records that are accessible under the circumstances.

Please be assured that PIA requests will be responded to during the current health crisis. The notice that was published is regarding the normal 30 day requirement within which governments are required to respond to such requests. Given the current crisis, meeting the 30 days will not always be feasible. This course of action has been recommended by the Maryland Municipal Attorneys Association which took the lead on addressing the issue with the Governor’s Office. The City’s notice was submitted to the Governor’s Office of Legal Counsel and approved by it before it was signed and posted. Please email the City Clerk with any questions.

Donate to the Emergency Assistance Fund

The City of Takoma Park Emergency Assistance Fund provides financial support to income-eligible residents in crisis. Read more about the Emergency Assistance Fund.

During the health emergency closing from March 14 through March 29, the City continues to accept donations for the Fund.

To donate by check:

  • Make check payable to City of Takoma Park
  • Note on the comment line: “Emergency Assistance Fund”
  • Mail check to: Takoma Park Finance Department; 7500 Maple Avenue; Takoma Park, MD 20912

To donate by Visa, Mastercard , or Discover:

  • Call the Finance Office at 301-891-7212 to speak with a staff member between 8:30 am and 5:00 pm weekdays. If a staff member does not answer, please leave your name, phone number, and reason for the call. You will receive a call back.
  • A convenience fee of 2.9% or $1.50, whichever is greater, will be charged for payment by credit card.

Thank you for your generous support of the Emergency Assistance Fund during this health emergency.

Montgomery County Ride On Bus – Presentation and Q&A – Wednesday, March 11, 6-7:15 p.m.

Before the City Council meeting, from 6:00 p.m. to 7:15 p.m., Montgomery County Ride On will make a presentation and respond to questions from the public and Council.

The meeting will take place in the Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium, 7500 Maple Avenue.

Bring your questions, comments and complaints. Residents are encouraged to send questions in advance to by 5:00 p.m on Tuesday.

The regular City Council meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m.

Artists Sought for Mural on Lincoln Avenue


Complete Call: 

Application Form:

Budget: Up to $25,000 

Deadline: March 2, 2020

The City of Takoma Park is seeking submissions from artists for a mural covering sections of a concrete retaining wall stretching three blocks along Lincoln Avenue in Takoma Park, Md. Artists must submit a cover letter, 3-5 sketches or mock-ups of their design, and a summary of prior public art projects. The theme of the design is up to the artist or artist team but should reflect the historical, cultural, or environmental character of Takoma Park in some way. Bids will be accepted up to $25,000. 

Artists do not need to be Takoma Park residents, and there is no fee to apply. Please review the full Call for Entries at before applying using the online submission form at Please share the news with your artist friends!            

Yasmin Williams Guitar Concert this Friday!

A Night of Guitar Music with Yasmin Williams

8 pm on Friday, Feb. 7 

Free concert with $10 suggested donation 

Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Md. 

Have you ever heard a guitar played with a bow, lap tapping, or alternate tunings? In this free concert, local acoustic finger-style guitarist Yasmin Williams expands the possibilities for guitar in a night of captivating music. She will perform songs from her debut album Unwind along with covers of instrumental classics.

NPR Music says Yasmin’s music “transcends the standard idea of what a guitarist should do.” U.S. Rep. Gerry Connolly said, “If only we could supplant gun violence in America with the beauty of Yasmin’s music.” To hear some of her music, go to

The City of Takoma Park’s Takoma Park Arts cultural series series organized this concert which celebrates Black History Month. For news about all of our upcoming events, please sign up for our weekly e-newsletter at


Hear a Black Union Soldier’s Life Story this Thursday

From Slavery to Freedom: A Black Union Soldier’s Life Story

Free Lecture at 7:30 pm on Thursday, Feb. 6 

Takoma Park Community Center Auditorium

7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Md. 

In an engaging lecture, Dianne Cross will share the remarkable life story of her great-great-grandfather Sgt. Isaac Hall who earned his freedom from slavery fighting in the Union Army during the Civil War. Starting with only his name, a portrait, and some oral family history, Dianne spent years researching his background to weave a compelling story of his life as one of more than 200,000 black soldiers who fought for freedom during the Civil War while facing discrimination and low pay in segregated units.

After earning a bachelor’s degree in history from Rutgers University, Dianne worked for 31 years for Lockheed Martin (now L-3 Communication System). She is retired now and lives with her husband in Laurel, Md.

The City of Takoma Park’s Takoma Park Arts cultural series series organized this event which celebrates Black History Month. For news about our upcoming events, please sign up for our weekly e-newsletter at

Public Hearing on 2020 Climate Emergency Response Framework: From Nuclear Free to Fossil Fuel Free

Wednesday, February 5
7:30 PM – Auditorium
Takoma Park Community Center, 7500 Maple Avenue

The City Council is holding a public hearing on a Resolution on 2020 Climate Emergency Response Framework: From Nuclear Fuel Free to Fossil Fuel Free. All interested residents should attend the public hearing and sign up to speak. (Advance sign up is not required.)

Background Information (from the January 22 Work Session)

January 22 PowerPoint Presentation

Link to Video of January 22 Presentation and Council Discussion
Presentation begins at 3:10:40


Join the Takoma Park Youth Council Tuesday, January 21 at 7pm for a film screening of Heather Booth, Changing the World!


Join the Takoma Park Youth Council for a film screening of Heather Booth, Changing the World!

Heather is a leading political strategist about progressive issues and electoral campaigns.

Question & Answer session with Heather will immediately follow the film.

Takoma Park Community Center
7500 Maple Ave
Takoma Park, MD 20912

Tuesday, January 21, 2020




The Community Police Academy will begin on Tuesday, January 7, 2020!



The Community Police Academy is a 13-week long program consisting of one class a week on Tuesday evenings from 7:00 pm to 9:30 pm. The classes cover topics such as patrol, traffic enforcement, use of force, criminal investigations, canine, firearms, crisis negotiation, etc. The presentations are slide show/lecture style and will be given by officers, detectives, and civilians of the Takoma Park Police Department. There will also be multiple opportunities for hands-on learning through equipment demonstrations, practical scenarios, field trips and ride-along with patrol officers.

The Takoma Park Police Department believes that educating the community will result in gaining their understanding and support. Through the implementation of the Community Police Academy, the community will gain new insight into how law enforcement officers perform their duties. The success of any law enforcement agency depends largely upon the amount of cooperation and support it receives from the community it serves. To hear what others have said about the Academy, please visit: Testimonials  

The Community Police Academy is free to the public. Seats are limited to the first 25 students and will be filled based on a first-come/first-serve basis. The Takoma Park Police Department encourages all applicants to be able to commit to the full 13 weeks to get the most out of the program.

If you are interested in learning about the Takoma Park Police Department and local government, you are 18 years of age or older, and live or work in Takoma Park, you may apply. The applicants may not have any serious misdemeanor or any felony offenses.

Applications for the Community Police Academy are available at the Takoma Park Police Department located at 7500 Maple Avenue, Takoma Park, Maryland 20912. You may also click the following link, fill out the application and submit it electronically to Cathy Plevy:  The deadline to turn in a completed application is Friday, December 20, 2019.


Catherine Plevy
Public Information Officer
Takoma Park Police Department

Phone: 301-891-7142
Cell:  240-338-2901