2 Hour Delay for Morning Care- Wednesday and Thursday, Jan 22 & Jan 23

Due to MCPS’s delayed opening, TPRD’s morning care …

Launch Postponed: New Website to Go Live Feb. 6, 2025

The transition to the CivicEngage® platform is expected to occur on February 6, 2025, at around 10 am. The City URL (www.takomaparkmd.gov) will remain the same after the transition. For more details on what to expect, click "More Information"

Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Recreation Scholarships

The Takoma Park Recreation Department scholarship program is designed to assist individuals and families accessing our programs, by providing an opportunity to apply for a lesser fee than the published amounts. Scholarships give Takoma Park residents an opportunity to learn, grow and have fun. Scholarship applications are valid for the calendar year in which you apply and all applications will need to be resubmitted every year, three weeks before registration.


The Recreation Department’s scholarship opportunity is available to families who reside within Takoma Park City limits who are in need.  Please note that some may have a Takoma Park mailing address but not live within City limits. To verify which Ward you live in visit our interactive map.

Available Programs

Most programs offered by the Takoma Park Recreation Department are eligible including child care, day camps, and many other programs covering all ages. However, there are important exceptions which are listed below.

Exclusions from the Scholarship Program: 

  • All facility rentals
  • Full sports team registration fees 
  • Admission fees for performances and drop-in programs
  • Trip admission and meal fees 
  • Fees for materials, uniforms, and equipment for classes, programs, and workshops 
  • Amusement park tickets 
  • All membership passes

How To Apply

  • Applications are valid for the calendar year in which you apply (Dec applications rollover).
  • Completed applications, income chart, and accompanying documentation should be emailed to recreation@takomaparkmd.gov
  • All applications will need to be resubmitted every year, three weeks before registration.

Applications are available below in Amharic, English, French and  Spanish.  Simply click on one of the versions below to print and complete. Please read the entire document prior to completing the application and income chart.


Quick Links

Youth with globe at After the Bell program


Frequently Asked Questions


How is eligibility determined?
Approval is based on the most recent HUD Income Limits for Montgomery County. Scholarships are based on the family’s gross income.

If awarded, what is the discounted rate?
Rates will be adjusted depending on HUD Income Limits to reflect a 20, 50, 70 or even 100% discount.

Am I a City of Takoma Park resident?
A resident of Takoma Park is any person who lives within the 2.4 square mile corporate limits. A nonresident lives outside the corporate limits, regardless of your mailing address. If you are not sure of your residency status, enter your address on the interactive Ward Map. Each Ward is a different color, the grey area represents non-residents.

Why do I need to reapply every year, especially  if my financial situation has not changed?
We understand that financial situations can change frequently. In order to award your family with the correct amount we ask that you update/resubmit yearly.  Scholarship are awarded each calendar year. We recommend reapplying in early December, in order to take advantage of a full year of programming.

Does the scholarship apply to my entire family?
Yes, everyone living in the same household. Be sure to look at programs for yourself as well as your children.

After I submit my application, what can I do while I wait for approval?
We make our best effort to be as efficient as possible when routing scholarship applications. While you wait we encourage you to set up your family’s account in our ActiveNet registration system. Be sure to include yourself as well as everyone listed on the application.

I currently have RecAssist with Montgomery County Recreation Department, do I still need to complete your application?
The City of Takoma Park is a separate entity from Montgomery County Recreation and therefore we would need our application and supplemental documentation submitted.


Preview Online Recreation Department  Programs

You can register for childcare, classes and request rentals through ActiveNet.

Active Network logo
You can register for childcare, classes and request rentals online via Takoma Park’s ActiveNet system.

Recreation Sections