All posts by Jason Damweber

Sunday Morning Winter Storm Update From the City Manager

Photo of City Manager Suzanne Ludlow
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

January 24, 2016 9:00 AM

Dear Residents,

Today is a day to start digging out!

We have extra crews in today to help our Public Works staff clear roads, areas around public facilities, key crosswalks, etc.

The Snow Angels will be out in force clearing sidewalks of people who signed up with the program. If you see them out and are inclined to lend a hand, we encourage you to do so! And, if you know of someone close by who is unable to remove snow themselves, please consider being a good neighbor and offering assistance.

As you clear cars parked on streets, please try not to leave too much snow in the travel lane. And, if you move and re-park your car, please pull as close to the curb as possible to give room to snowplows passing by.

It’s still a good idea to keep from driving on the roads. They remain hazardous. And, roads across the region remain unplowed, so it’s hard to go anywhere. The biggest problem is that the more cars that are out on the road, the harder it is to get the clearing work done.

Our Police Department and Public Works staff have been doing a great job helping others during this storm. Some of the stories are:

  • Officers regularly checked on a homeless woman who refused to go to a shelter. They brought her hot beverages and food.
  • An airport shuttle driver whose vehicle was stuck on Piney Branch Avenue spent two days in the Police Lobby. He was provided with food during the time and, when asked if there was anything else he needed, he said “a shower!” Police staff found supplies for him and escorted him to the shower in the Police locker room. Public Works is helping get his vehicle freed so he can go home to Glen Burnie today.
  • A couple called and told the Police Department that the woman’s water had broken and they needed to get to Shady Grove Hospital to have a baby. Public Works crews cleared their front porch for safety and a Police officer drove the couple to Shady Grove Hospital. (This was during the time that Governor Hogan closed I-270 to all but emergency vehicles.)
  • While at Washington Adventist Hospital on another matter, officers assisted a man in the ER who needed to get home to Chillum, and provided some supplies to a family with an 18-month old.

For today, please give us a chance to get to your roads. Today is our first day to plow without blowing snow, so we hope to make real progress. As I mentioned yesterday, our plows will continue to leave snow blocking driveways and some sidewalks, due to the amount of snow we are clearing. It’s unfortunate, but it’s the only way to get the job done.

If you have snowplowing complaints or areas that need attention, please email them You can copy me on your emails if you wish ( If it’s just that your street needs more snowplowing done, please wait. We will be continuing operations over the next few days until we do every street, curb to curb.

As you shovel, follow health precautions so that you don’t over-do. My husband and I will be shoveling, resting, resting, shoveling, resting and more resting. (Sure wish our son wasn’t away at college!) Please, please be careful.

Happy Sunny Sunday!

Suzanne Ludlow
City Manager
Phone: 301-891-7229

Saturday Night Winter Storm Update From the City Manager

Photo of City Manager Suzanne Ludlow
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

January 23, 2016 8:30 PM

Dear Residents,

The snow storm is winding down and we’ll need to wait until the morning to see just how much digging out we will need to do.

Right now, the roads are VERY slippery, VERY hazardous. Please be careful if you are outside. All of our snow plowing equipment is still running and our crews will be working through the night to make the roads safer for travel.

Tomorrow, besides continuing to work on clearing the roads, we will be addressing the areas we weren’t able to get to yet. We will have some contractors in to help clear small roads and cul-de-sacs (areas where our snow plows are too big to work well), and we will have additional Public Works crews out to start clearing sidewalks around our public facilities and some crosswalks and curb ramps.

As you begin snow clearing as well, please shovel onto lawns, tree lawns or as close to the curb as possible. Please help clear out around fire hydrants, bus stops, and sidewalk ramps at intersections. Please help each other clear, and re-clear, driveways that get blocked by plowed snow.

I have started hearing complaints of snowplows leaving a ridge of snow along driveways, parked cars, and sidewalk ramps. I want you to be aware that this will continue through at least tomorrow. We had so much snow that we cannot do the precise snowplowing that would otherwise be desirable.

As we face this severe storm together, we will not be citing people for not clearing the sidewalks in front of their homes right away, especially when it is clear that plows deposited the snow there. On Monday, I will be consulting with our Code Enforcement staff to determine when and how enforcement of our snow clearing law will begin. I will share my decision publicly so that the community knows what to expect.

On my evening conference call with staff, I asked for some good news. I was told that there would be sunshine tomorrow! But then the follow up comment was that the melting will mean we will have ice tomorrow night. Darn – I’d rather just focus on the sunshine!

As I write this, there still are 335 households without power in Takoma Park, including the homes of our Mayor and our Public Works Director. I send warm thoughts to all those without heat and hope Pepco can restore power quickly.

Still focusing on the sunshine to come!

Suzanne Ludlow
City Manager
Phone: 301-891-7229

Saturday Afternoon Winter Storm Update from the City Manager

Photo of City Manager Suzanne Ludlow
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

Saturday, January 23, 2016, 2:00 PM

Dear Residents,

I just got an update from our public works and police staff.

A tree on Poplar Avenue fell and took out power lines and caused some of the power outages in the area. Both Public Works crews and Pepco responded and I understand the power is being restored.  Power outages affected about 1200 households, including the Victory Tower senior building on Carroll, as well as the traffic signals at Maple and Philadelphia and New Hampshire Avenue and Sligo Creek Parkway.

If you are affected by a power outage, please report it to Pepco by calling 1-877-737-2662, visiting their website or by using the Pepco app. If you see a hazardous situation, please contact the Police Department at 301-270-1100. Medical or fire emergencies should be reported to 911.

Another band of snow is on its way for the afternoon, so the storm is not over. It should finally dissipate this evening.

While it is still light, please check on any vulnerable neighbors, especially if there are power outages in your area.

The Police Department has reported no significant problems. Both our Police officers and Public Works crews are reported to be in good spirits.

Public Works has been working to clear one lane on most roads and was able to get to blacktop on many roads. The new snow band will take care of that, but we are making progress. Overnight, the crews will continue to do clearing and widening of the travel lanes. Please continue to stay off the roads while clearing efforts are underway.

As the roads continue to be cleared tomorrow, crews will work to clear the roads from curb to curb. This means many adjacent sidewalks and corner ramps will be covered with snow. It will take a lot of effort by our crews and residents together to clear the sidewalks, bus stops, fire hydrants, etc. I ask everyone to try not to get too frustrated, and, if you are able, to pitch in on the cleanup efforts, even if it’s just to give some cookies and hot beverages to your neighbors working outside.

Finally, thanks to some of you who have passed on nice words of encouragement to our City staff. We’re happy to serve, but it’s really great to hear from you!

We’ll get back to normal pretty soon!

Suzanne Ludlow
City Manager
Phone: 301-891-7229

Saturday Morning Winter Storm Update from the City Manager

Photo of City Manager Suzanne Ludlow
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

Saturday, January 23, 2016, 8:00 AM

Dear Residents,

This morning, I woke up to thunder (!) and 14 inches of snow on my front porch. I am so glad that our area made it through the night with no power outages.

The most important message I want to convey this morning is PLEASE STAY OFF THE ROADS! It is nearly impossible to drive anywhere and the snowplows need to do their work.

In my morning conference call with public works and police staff, I learned that our crews were able to plow all night long with six trucks. Unfortunately, as soon as they would plow, the wind drifted the snow across the road again. Our new shift reported in at 6:00 AM and will keep working at it until 6:00 PM tonight. Please help them move quickly by staying out of the roadway if you are out walking, and please don’t let your pets run loose in the streets. Our snowplows cannot stop easily.

Police calls last night were limited to stranded drivers. And, stranded cars mean the snowplows can’t clear that section of roadway.

Police officers regularly checked locations homeless persons often occupy. One homeless person was found who refused to go to a shelter, so the officers frequently checked on her through the night.

Emergency Manager Ron Hardy reported that he received a call from Montgomery County emergency officials this morning checking to see if we needed anything, but we are in good shape for now.

The heavier snow is projected to continue until about 1:00 PM, and then snow should taper off by about 7:00 PM. I’ll send out an update in early afternoon.

Stay warm and enjoy your snow day!

Suzanne Ludlow
City Manager
Phone: 301-891-7229

Friday Night Winter Storm Update From the City Manager

Photo of City Manager Suzanne Ludlow
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

Dear Residents,

So far, so good. Today’s first shifts of public works and police employees have been completed, and there were no major issues from the storm.

However, the weather predictions – which have been right so far – are that the strong winds and faster rate of snow are expected to begin around 1:00 AM and last to early Saturday afternoon. The predictions of snow totals remain in the 18-24” levels, with concern that the snow could become a little wetter, a little heavier.

Public Works crews are working tonight from 6:00 PM to 6:00 AM, using five to six trucks. Besides the road crews, we have a mechanic on each shift to fix problems with the plows as they occur, as they often do.

If the winds pick up so much that the drivers cannot see to drive, they will return to the Public Works yard or just pull over until they are able to proceed. Because we have so many narrow streets, speed humps, parked cars and other obstacles, the drivers must be extra cautious when visibility is low. We are fortunate to have drivers that are very familiar with the streets in the parts of the city to which they are assigned, so they can move right along most of the time.

Our Police Department reports that they have not had difficulty in driving around Takoma Park. No major problems have been reported by them.

Our Emergency Manager Ron Hardy has been monitoring regional operations and reports that Montgomery County has not yet opened any shelters, although they have facilities stocked with supplies if a shelter is needed. If power outages begin occurring, and shelters or warming centers are needed, we will be able to share information on options. Ron also reports that area hospitals are well-staffed.

If you have downed trees, wires, or other hazardous situations, call the Takoma Park Police Department at 301-270-1100. If you have a medical emergency or fire, call 911.

Staff will confer Saturday morning to learn how Takoma Park fared through the night. I’ll give an update at that time.

Stay safe and warm!

Suzanne Ludlow
City Manager
Phone: 301-891-7229

Winter Storm Message from the City Manager

Photo of City Manager Suzanne Ludlow
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

Dear Takoma Park Residents,

The storm will be here soon. Please take these last few hours to move your cars off the road if possible, get any remaining medicines, food, and supplies you need, and prepare to stay inside until Sunday.

During the storm, if there is a medical or fire emergency, call 911. If there is a downed tree, wires down, or other hazardous situation, please call the Takoma Park Police Department at 301-270-1100. Calling or emailing the Public Works department, your Councilmembers or me will not get the best response to a hazardous situation.

If your power goes out, please report it to Pepco by calling 1-877-737-2662, visiting their website or using the Pepco app.

City offices and facilities are closing at noon. The Police Department remains open for emergency services and the Police lobby will remain open to the public. It is located at the front lower level entrance of the Community Center at 7500 Maple Avenue.

We will be housing our first shifts of essential employees nearby so that we have staff here throughout the storm. Our primary effort will be to try to keep main streets passable for emergency services through Saturday. Unless there is an emergency situation, do not go out onto the streets on Saturday.

Stay safe – we’re all in this together!

Suzanne Ludlow
City Manager
Phone: 301-891-7229

Winter Message from the City Manager

Photo of City Manager Suzanne Ludlow
Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager

Update from Thursday, January 21, 4:30 PM:

We are beginning to receive information about plans for governmental and transportation closings for this weekend. Here is what I anticipate for the City of Takoma Park:

  • City offices open Friday morning, closing by mid-afternoon.
  • City offices and facilities closed Saturday and Sunday, except for emergency services.
  • On Saturday, Public Works crews will focus on road clearing and responding to emergency situations. The only clearing of public sidewalks and property will be to maintain access to and from the Police station on the lower level of the Community Center.
  • On Sunday, Public Works crews will begin digging out, just as the rest of the community will be.

I plan to provide updates a couple of times per day, as new information becomes available.


Original Message:

From Suzanne Ludlow, City Manager of Takoma Park

Dear Takoma Park Residents,

Well, winter is here!

The timing of last night’s light snow caused serious road icing and caught us off guard. I hope you and your family were able to travel safely last night if you were out at that time. Because we are still treating the roads, today’s trash and recycling collection will begin after 10 AM today.

The large storm coming tomorrow has been talked about for several days, so won’t be a surprise, but it will be remarkably difficult.

Prepare today to be snowed in for several days, possibly with power outages. Predictions are for 18+ inches of snow and 40+ mph winds.

City staff are preparing for 24 hour snow plowing and other emergency services. I will be sending out messages periodically and they will be posted on the City’s webpage,

Take a few minutes to sign up with Takoma Park Alert! for emergency messages ( ). We also have different kinds of notices you can choose to receive ( and you can follow us via Facebook and Twitter (takomaparkmd).

Besides making sure you have emergency supplies for your family, please take time today to make things easier for our road clearing crews and your neighbors. Please avoid parking on roadways, if at all possible. If cars must be parked on roads, please arrange with your neighbors to park on just one side of the street – the even-numbered side, if possible – so we can get lanes cleared quickly. Do not park close to corners because our snow plows need a lot of room to make the turns.

Snow shoveling requirements will be suspended for the weekend because it will not be possible to do much during the blizzard. Once it is safe to go outside, we need to all work together to dig out and make the sidewalks safe.

What we really need to do is help each other. Check on your neighbors who may need help before the storm to see if they need supplies while it is still possible to get them, and check on them after the storm to make sure they’re okay.

If the storm brings down trees, wires, or causes other unsafe conditions, please call the City of Takoma Park Police Department at 301-270-1100. If you need an ambulance or have a fire, call 911.

If your power goes out, report it to PEPCO at 877-737-2662 or use the PEPCO mobile app.

This will be a very bad storm and we’re all in it together. City staff will be doing all we can to serve and protect you and we know you will pitch in to help. Takoma Park is truly a wonderful place.

If you have any concerns now or through the storm, feel free to contact me via email at .

Stay safe.

Suzanne Ludlow
City Manager
Phone: 301-891-7229

A Place To Call Home

Photo of Kate Stewart, Mayor of Takoma Park
Kate Stewart, Mayor of Takoma Park

From Kate Stewart, Mayor of Takoma Park

In Takoma Park, we are committed to being a diverse and inclusive community, which requires a variety of housing options for residents. As our City grows and changes, we must remain diligent to ensure residents have such options and, most importantly, continued access to safe, decent and stable places to call home.

Taking a closer look at our current housing goals and priorities and developing and implementing new goals and targets is a crucial first step toward addressing the affordable housing needs of our community. To begin this process, we invite you to join the City Council for a Community Conversation on Affordable Housing on Saturday, February 6th from 9:30 AM-1:15 PM.

The meeting, the first in a series of Community Conversations on various topics, will provide an opportunity to learn and engage in a discussion about the City’s approach to housing, current trends at the local and state level, and some new ideas for addressing the issue of affordable housing in Takoma Park.  Most importantly we need YOU, residents of Takoma Park to  share your thoughts and participate in the conversation.

Small group discussions will begin to answer questions such as:

  • What should be our affordable housing goals in Takoma Park?
  • What is currently working and what needs to be changed about our approach to affordable housing? For example, should the City’s Rent Stabilization program continue to keep rents at moderate levels no matter the income of the tenants?
  • How do we accommodate the needs of low and very low income residents, residents with disabilities, families with children, and older residents who want to age in place?
  • Do we have the correct mix of rental and ownership opportunities? Do we have the correct mix of apartments, condominiums, single family detached homes and townhouses?
  • To what extent should the community pursue economically integrated neighborhoods or complexes?
  • Can redevelopment along New Hampshire Avenue help meet some of our housing goals?
  • What are new approaches the City can take to ensure opportunities to affordable housing?

Please join City Council, subject matter experts from City staff and national and community organizations as we share information, respond to questions, and participate in the conversation.

Community Conversation on Affordable Housing

Saturday, February 6
9:30 AM-1:15 PM
Takoma Park Community Center – Sam Abbott Citizens’ Center

Community Conversation on Affordable Housing

Visit the Community Conversations page for more event details & documents.

You are invited to join the City Council for a Community Conversation on Affordable Housing on Saturday, February 6th from 9:30 AM-1:15 PM.

Community Conversation on Affordable Housing

Saturday, February 6
9:30 AM-1:15 PM
Takoma Park Community Center – Sam Abbot Citizens’ Center

The meeting, the first in a series of Community Conversations on various topics, will provide an opportunity to learn and engage in a discussion about the City’s approach to housing, current trends at the local and state level, and some new ideas for addressing the issue of affordable housing in Takoma Park. In addition to City Council, subject matter experts from City staff and national and community organizations will be present to share information, respond to questions, and participate in the conversation.

The meeting will take place at the Takoma Park Community Center – Sam Abbott Citizens’  Center located at 7500 Maple Avenue.

Join Our Celebration of Takoma Park Elders!

This event has been rescheduled for February 23rd, 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM, in the Azalea Room.

You are invited to a free social event with music and delicious refreshments!

Celebration of Takoma Park Elders

Tuesday, January 26
Tuesday, February 23
10:00 AM-12:00 PM
Takoma Park Community Center – Sam Abbot Citizens’ Center
Azalea Room

It’s a fun opportunity to connect with other city residents, and learn about what is going on in the city and how we can support one another with living well.

Feel free to bring your music CD.  We will play it at the event!  For more information contact Karen Maricheau at 301-891-7232 or

Check out the Lifelong Takoma section of our website for more info (including volunteer opportunities) on the Lifelong Takoma program!

Event brought to you by Lifelong Takoma and the Village of Takoma Park.

The Village of Takoma Park logo
The Village of Takoma Park logo
Lifelong Takoma Logo
Lifelong Takoma Logo