All posts by Ryan Kelly

Takoma Park is Open for Business! Introducing the Open for Business Grant Program


The City’s newest grant program encourages businesses to locate within the City, or to expand their current Takoma Park space. Eligible businesses include those opening or expanding in the City with an ownership deed or a signed lease of at least three years for the property with a start date no earlier than October 1, 2023.

Funding awards range from $4-6/square foot and are capped at $10,000.

How to Apply
  • Interested business owners may apply online. Applications are accepted on a rolling basis.
Questions? Contact the City’s Grants Coordinator

Learn more about eligibility and the application process on the Open for Business Grant webpage

Takoma Park City Council Looks Toward Annapolis


On Wednesday, December 6, the Takoma Park City Council welcomed Maryland’s District 20 delegation to the council chamber to discuss priorities in the 2024 Maryland General Assembly, which will convene on January 10. Senator Will Smith, Delegate Jheanelle Wilkins, and Delegate David Moon joined the discussion live, with Delegate Lorig Charkoudian joining remotely from Austin, Texas, where she was attending the National Conference of State Legislators on Energy Security.

Delegate Charkoudian focused on climate justice, pedestrian safety, mental health, and food issues during her remarks, which she gave at the top of the meeting due to her short time window. She said that this year, she is focusing on networked geothermal as a possible way to electrify entire neighborhoods efficiently. She expressed her commitment to the Vision Zero pedestrian safety goals. And she said that she will be working on legislation to reduce food waste and make sure that food insecure families are being fed.

Turning to the members of the delegation in the council chamber, Mayor Talisha Searcy emphasized that in April 2023, the council adopted five priorities to ensure that “our community advances a community of belonging; has a fiscally sustainable government; is environmentally sustainable; encourages community development for an improved and equitable quality of life; and has an engaged, responsive, and service-oriented government.” She asked the delegation to consider how it can help the City advance these priorities.

Several councilmembers followed the mayor’s remarks with comments and queries.

Ward 5 Councilmember Cara Honzak said that the council specifically “supports legislative efforts to expand both public and private health insurance to people without legal documentation.” She added that the council supports “legislative and budget initiatives that make childcare services more accessible and affordable.” Honzak also said that municipalities like Takoma Park need additional funds to address community mental health service, citing the crisis intervention team that was put in place in Takoma Park during the pandemic, using funds from the American Relief Plan (ARPA).

Ward 1 Councilmember Shana Fulcher then told the state legislators that the city wants to “explore potential sources of new revenue streams for municipalities such as the authority to collect a sales tax, receive a percentage of sales tax collected in the jurisdiction, [and] receive a portion of revenue generated by alcohol and tobacco sales.” She also said that the council is interested in seeing a change to calculations for homeowner and renter property tax credit programs.

Ward 2 Councilmember Cindy Dyballa asked the delegation to support legislation that prohibits deceptive recycling claims on packaging and products, to support the Responding to Emergency Needs from Extreme Weather (RENEW) Act, to invest in disaster relief and preparedness, and to support progress on climate solutions. Dyballa said that climate legislation should specifically support municipal construction projects and stormwater mitigation efforts.

For his turn, Ward Six Councilmember Jason Small mentioned the City’s commitment to housing and economic development and Vision Zero goals to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries. “Specifically, we’re asking the D-20 delegation to pass legislation requiring the State Highway Administration to increase its responsiveness to the pedestrian and cyclist safety needs,” said Small.

He also emphasized that the City should have the authority to enact just-cause eviction laws and that he would like to see further support in terms of budget and legislation to “significantly increase the stock of affordable housing, including housing for the missing middle and for people with disabilities.”

Mayor Searcy then added a few requests. Echoing Honzak, Searcy mentioned the pilot program that brought two mental health counselors to the city. She said that the City needs additional space to “adequately implement and sustain” the program. Space has been allocated in the $1.2 million capital project to renovate the community center, but that an additional $200,000 would help ensure that this program finds space in the renovated building.

Senator Smith responded that the mental health counseling program resonates with him because of work that he has done at the intersection of mental health and the criminal justice system.

Delegate Moon added that the $200,000 request is reasonable and in alignment with the goals and values of the delegation, but he cautioned that 2024 is “heading into tight budget times.”

“The era of those pandemic surpluses is more or less over,” said Moon. He highlighted that there is already an underfunded commitment to the Blueprint for Maryland’s future, an education plan passed in 2021 that commits a $3.8 billion increase to education every year for ten years.

Moon pointed out that transportation is taking cuts and that he is trying to “steer that towards unnecessary highway projects and preserve our Ride-on transit, Marc, and WMATA funding to the maximum extent possible along with our pedestrian safety upgrades on state highways.”

“I really do think the budget … impacts all of our policies,” said Moon. “That’s the big story for the year that we’re heading into.”

Moon emphasized that Governor Wes Moore has reinstated the program—shut down under Governor Larry Hogan—to allow non-citizens to be licensed for childcare. He also mentioned the support of the District 20 team regarding bills that can bring more affordable housing to Montgomery County. And he reiterated Smith’s work on advancing bills that address mentalhealth when it comes to the criminal justice system.

Check out the full January TKPK Newsletter.

Takoma Park Newsletter: Community Police Academy Begins On Tuesday, March 5

The Community Police Academy begins on Tuesday, March 5. The Application for the Community Police Academy is now available!

The Community Police Academy is a 12-week program held on Tuesday evenings from 7 to 9:30 p.m. The classes cover topics such as patrol, traffic enforcement, use of force, criminal investigations, firearms, and crime analyses. The presentations are slide show/lecture style and are given by officers, detectives, and civilians of the Takoma Park Police Department. There are multiple opportunities for hands-on learning through equipment demonstrations, practical scenarios, field trips, and ride-alongs with patrol officers.

The Takoma Park Police Department believes that educating the community will result in gaining their understanding and support. Through implementation of the Community Police Academy, the community gains new insight into how law enforcement officers perform their duties. The success of any law enforcement agency depends largely upon the amount of cooperation and support it receives from the community it serves.

To hear what others have said about the Academy, please visit the City website.

The Community Police Academy is free to the public. Seats are limited to the first 25 students and are filled on a first-come-first served basis. The Takoma Park Police Department encourages all applicants to be able to commit to the full 12 weeks to get the most out of the program.

If you are interested in learning about the Takoma Park Police Department and local government, you are 16 years of age or older, and live or work in Takoma Park, you may apply. The applicants may not have any serious misdemeanor or any felony offenses. Any questions about the Community Police Academy can be directed to Police Public Information Manager Cathy Plevy, at 301- 891-7142 or

Check out the full TKPK January Newsletter.

Takoma Park Bird Call Phone Featured in Washington Post Article

The Bird Calls Phone has soared onto the pages of the Washington Post!

Artists David Shulman and Howard Connelly collaborated on an interactive installation titled Bird Calls, which reprogrammed a pay phone so it plays bird calls from local bird species along with information about the birds.

You can learn more about our unique public art project and then go check it out at 8000 Flower Avenue. No quarters needed.

Check out the Washington Post article about this Takoma Park staple online!

Want more Bird Call content? Check out ABC7’s 2019 Bird Call Phone segment.


Call for Public Art Installation

Request for Entries

Call for Public Art Installation:

The Arts and Humanities Committee is pleased to announce this call for entries for a site-specific sculptural installation as part of the City of Takoma Park’s ongoing efforts to further the creation of public art to build community, enhance public spaces, and celebrate the arts.


March 3, 2024 – 5:00 pm


The City is seeking proposals that reflect a “welcome” or “crossroads” theme for a permanent sculptural installation outside the Takoma Park Recreation Center at 7315 New Hampshire Avenue, Takoma Park, MD 20912. The Recreation Center is located on a state highway, a major entry point to the city near several diverse, vibrant, and multicultural neighborhoods.


Brendan Smith
Arts and Humanities Coordinator
City of Takoma Park
Phone: 301-891-7266.

Apply Online:

Click here for the online submission form.

Project Guidelines:

View the Project Guidelines document here. 

Contracts Page:

View a full list of open Contracts, including the call for Public Art Installation, on the Bids & Contracts webpage.

Governor Moore Announces $63.7 Million in FY 2024 State Revitalization Program Awards – TKPK receives a total of $400,000


ANNAPOLIS, MD — Governor Wes Moore announced $63.7 million in Fiscal Year 2024 awards for seven state revitalization programs administered by the Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development. The awards to county and municipal governments, community development organizations, and other community institutions and partners will fund 219 projects and activities directly supporting local revitalization goals.

Read the entire Press Release (PDF). 

The City of Takoma Park received two awards totaling $400,000:
  • City of Takoma Park: Richardson School of Music Rehab Rehabilitation of the historic 7312 Carroll Ave for the Richardson School of Music. Award – $150,000
  • City of Takoma Park: Multifamily Building Improvement Fund Complete weatherization, energy efficiency, and electrification improvements to preserve affordable housing of small-scale (5 – 25 unit) rent-stabilized multifamily properties. Award – $250,000

Read the full SRP Awards List (PDF). 

Meet the New Youth Council


by Haven Rhodd

Let’s give a warm welcome to our new Takoma Park Youth Council, who range from grade 7 to 12 and represent all six wards of the city. The youth council was recently restructured under the Recreation Department, and the City Council appointed this year’s cohort: Ava Bedaque (Ward 2), Nuhamin Michael (Ward 2), Maeve Monahan (Ward 3), Nathaniel DeRoche (Ward 3), Anand Ginsburg-Shukla (Ward 3), Safi ya Sorenson (Ward 3), Leul Wondwosen (Ward 4), Leah Kirschner Ward 5), and Kalib Bond (Ward 6). Two more seats are available, which may be filled later.

The purpose of the youth council is to give the youth of Takoma Park the opportunity to learn about and appreciate local government. It also provides a chance for the municipal government to better understand the needs and wishes of local youth. The youth council plans and implements social, educational, cultural and recreational activities for the youth. It also works with the mayor, city council, city departments, and service organizations to provide service and leadership opportunities for the youth of the city and instill positive self-worth.

“The thing I like best about living in Takoma Park is the effort the Takoma Park city government has put in to encourage youth engagement in the government and the community,” says Youth Councilmember Leah Kirschner. “Policies and programs such as setting the voting age to 16, this Youth Advisory Council, and offering programs such as a Summer Youth Employment Program are great efforts to help prepare people my age for adulthood. These are all great ways for young people to learn how they can make a difference in their community and the impact they can have at a young age.”

“One idea I have for making positive change for young people in the city is having an approval process for art that residents want to make on their sidewalk outside their house or working together in public spaces to make art,” says Maeve Monahan. “I think these types of programs add to the city’s beauty and culture, which are two things that are important to having a close community. I think with a process in place we could help make more projects happen, which would add to our community spirit”.

Nathaniel DeRoche also has an interest in public spaces, including “making our streets safer, advocating for protected bike lanes, as well as new, denser, more walkable and accessible development.”

Anand Ginsburg-Shukla suggests “holding more festivals/events that represent and emphasize the diversity of the city—especially that target the city’s youth—could be a great way to make positive change and build a strong community.”

“I love that everyone in this community is so kind and supportive,” says Kalib Bond.

“One of the best things about living in Takoma Park is the diversity and strong sense of community,” adds Nuhamin Michael. “The bond between residents creates a supportive environment and close-knit community.”

The youth council has already held a Thanksgiving food drive and is currently holding a winter clothing drive. They are planning other community events and activities for the spring.

The Takoma Park Youth Council can be contacted at

Check out the full December Newsletter:

Metropolitan Branch Trail to Get an Upgrade


In September, the Maryland Department of Transportation announced that the City of Takoma Park was awarded a grant to complete the technical plans for full upgrade of the Metropolitan Branch Trail (MBT).

The $465,000 award through the state’s Kim Lamphier Bikeways Network Program will build on the preliminary design efforts completed in June 2023. The preliminary designs propose widening and resurfacing the existing trail, which currently does not meet Montgomery County or industry standards for a high-volume trail of its type.

The design also proposes a number of amenity changes. One is the addition of new pedestrian-scale lighting to improve comfort and safety after sunset. The new design also proposes relocating the crosswalk at Takoma and Buffalo Avenues to the western leg of the intersection to reduce the number of crossings required to get from the trail to Belle Ziegler Park.

To reduce the distance needed to cross the street and make pedestrians more visible, curb bump outs are proposed, and the new crossing suggests the exploration of whether a stop sign would be appropriate, in addition to a raised crosswalk. The whole project would explore opportunities for improved stormwater management infrastructure and new striping and wayfinding signage on the trail.

The city manages a nearly half-mile section of the MBT, which will eventually extend eight miles, end-to-end, between Silver Spring and Union Station in D.C. The trail roughly follows the Metropolitan Branch Line of the B&O Railroad, now used by Metro, Amtrak, and commuter trains and freight rail carriers. The City’s portion of the trail will intersect with new sections that connect to the Fort Totten Metro in D.C. and to the Silver Spring Transit Center. Both are currently under development and are expected to begin construction between now and summer 2025.

The next steps for the Takoma Park project include the finalization of the funding agreement with the state. Upon selection of a contractor, additional rounds of community engagement will be initiated to refine the preliminary designs and advance the project toward semifinal designs, which begin to cement the components of the project and begin necessary analyses, such as a tree inventory, stormwater management assessments, and inventories of impacts on utilities. To learn more about the project, and follow along with its progress, visit .

Check out the full December Newsletter on the City of Takoma Park Newsletter page.

A Decade of High School Students Speaking Through the Ballot Box

By Eric Bond

Ten years ago, Ben Miller, a junior at Montgomery Blair High School, made history as the first 16-year-old to register to vote in Takoma Park under the May 2013 amendment lowering the voting age in municipal elections. With the 2013 election, Takoma Park became the first jurisdiction in the United States to lower the voting age to 16. Twenty years previously, Takoma Park enfranchised city residents who are not U.S. citizens. (See the October 2023 Newsletter for an article on the 30th anniversary of non-citizen voting.)

“I voted to show that it is a valuable chance to be able to vote,” Miller said according to a 2013 Washington Post article.

“One of the reasons why I voted was because I was involved in getting the legislature passed,” said Nick Byron, according to a 2013 Silver Chips article. Byron and many other teenagers attended city council meetings to express their support for the amendment. “I wanted to be part of the history being made,” Byron said.

Today, Miller works in New York City as a case manager for incarcerated people reentering society. He says that he still supports the right of 16- and 17-year-olds to vote, but he is also quick to remind that in 2013 the Takoma Park City Council also extended the right to vote to people convicted of felonies. In 2016, the Maryland General Assembly overrode the veto of Gov. Larry Hogan and restored the voting rights of all formerly incarcerated people in Maryland to vote—but Takoma Park had led the way.

And Takoma Park also led the way with 16+ voting, with six other Maryland cities, later, extending that right. Ten cities around the county now allow 16- and 17-year-olds to vote.

“As I see it, any way that we can reach the people who are currently not [part of] the political system and bringing them in to having a voice,” says Miller now. “I definitely think that’s a beautiful thing, and I think young people are definitely included in that.”

Tim Male, the Ward 2 councilmember in 2013, sponsored the legislation because he was concerned about low turnout in city elections.

“During the [2011] election, talking to voters, walking the neighborhoods, I heard a call for us to do something around protecting elections, like pass a proclamation,” says Male. “But I wanted it to be something that has substance to it. So after being elected, I spent time trying to fi nd ideas that I thought would matter, that would increase the electorate.

“Scotland was looking at an independence referendum and they let 16-year-olds vote. And I was like, Aha, we need to do that. We need to get more young people involved because if you look at the people who do vote in Takoma Park, it’s [mostly] very old people. Sixteen is [an age] when neuroscientists say that the human brain is developed to a point where it’s really good at making slow cognitive decisions. So part of the rationale is that this is a great set of people to engage in a thoughtful process around voting.”

“Sixteen-year-olds are old enough to assume a job and thus, have taxes come out of their paycheck, so it’s a pretty originating kind of argument of taxation without representation,” says Andrew Wilkes, the citizens chief policy and advocacy officer at VOTE16USA. “If you’re old enough to participate economically, you’re old enough to participate politically and cast a ballot on the issues of your choice.

“The objections or concerns that are sometimes raised are that 16- and 17-year-olds are not ready or mature enough to vote or that their vote will be a necessary replication of what their parents or mentors in their life necessarily think. And the research doesn’t bear either of those things out. We have seen that 16-year-olds, particularly in Takoma Park, show quite a bit of readiness relative to their older counterparts in terms of being ready and energized and coming out to the ballot box.”

In fact, registered 16- and 17-year-old voters have outperformed all registered voters in each municipal election from November 2013 onward, with 63% of them voting in 2022, compared to 49% of all registered voters.

“From a research perspective, this is a really interesting thing to study,” says Mike Hamner, the director of the Center for Democracy and Civic Engagement at the University of Maryland. “Takoma Park is particularly instructive because of the way that young people were involved from the start. It really was the young people coming together with the wider community and making this happen. It doesn’t work as well in places where it’s just top down and there hasn’t been an initial engagement and then support.

“But at the end of the day, it’s about voting rights in efficacy and capacity and the way that the government does or doesn’t work for the people,” says Hamner.

Male also sees younger voting as a way to set a pattern of en – gaging in civic life.

“When I started digging into Scotland and Austria, what they had found was that people who were given the chance to vote at 16 are far more likely to keep voting. In other words, it’s habitforming to vote at 16, when they’re at home still living in the community they grew up in. It’s a great time to tap them as voters as opposed to 18, when everyone is just on the brink of college or leaving home.”

In the decade since Ben Miller cast his first vote, national politics have shifted to such an extent that some Takoma Park residents wonder about the future of the democratic process in the United States. Miller expresses his own discouragement. But he maintains his belief in the voting process, especially at the local level.

“I think voting when you’re 16 is a good way to teach young people about the process, about how to vote,” he says. “A lot of the young generation does not have too much faith in the partisan system. What is particularly exciting about voting in Takoma Park is that there’s so much more ability to effect change, to apply social pressure, and to organize.”

Takoma Park’s next municipal election will be in November 2024. Any resident who is 16 or older on election day and has registered is eligible to vote. Registration is available on the city website:

Mayor Searcy’s Statement on Motorkat Incident on Saturday, December 9, 2023


Mayor Searcy

On December 9th, Takoma Park restaurant, Motorkat, received an email potentially threatening the safety and well-being of its patrons. Motorkat and 17 other surrounding businesses were closed as law enforcement investigated the threat. After careful examination and diligent efforts by the Takoma Park Police Department and its partners, it was confirmed that there was not a credible threat to the area.

Although the threat was not credible, this bomb threat has sent a shockwave through our community. The City of Takoma Park is a welcoming community to all. We support and stand in solidarity with our LGBTQ+ residents and visitors alike. The City of Takoma Park Police Department will continue to work with our LGBTQ+ community and families to ensure they feel safe when participating in events in Takoma Park.

I want to thank the Takoma Park Police Department and its partners for their investigation of the bomb threat. I also want to send my appreciation to the impacted businesses for your support during this challenging time. During this holiday season, let us remember that we are one Takoma Park and must stand together and support one another during events such as this.