Holiday Closure: City Offices and Facilities Closed Thursday, July 4 for Independence Day

City Offices and Facilities will be closed on Thursday, July 4,  2024, in observance of the Independence Day holiday.

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Takoma Park Elections Will Take Place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

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Maple Avenue Connectivity Project

The Maple Avenue Connectivity Project is getting a reboot!

We envision a corridor where walking to school, biking to Sligo Creek, or catching the bus feels easy, comfortable, convenient and safe.  As one of the most diverse and central corridors in the city, this project aims to strengthen transportation connections on Maple Avenue, especially for pedestrians, bike riders, and transit users.

We’re revisiting the previous Maple Avenue Complete Street planning process, and we need your help to make this project the best version of itself.

Community Engagement


Explore the NEW draft preliminary designs for the Maple Avenue using the following StoryMap (link):


Please share your feedback by February 4 through the survey  in the StoryMap or send written comments to the City’s Planner, Alex Freedman (

You can view a recording of the presentation from the meeting here:

PDF Links of the Proposed Designs:

Residents at a community meeting

A view of the intersection of Maple Avenue and Sherman Avenue.
A view of the intersection of Maple Avenue and Sherman Avenue.


Project History

In a previous planning effort, now-outdated preliminary concept designs (30% Designs) were completed in June  2021. The concept design was developed from community input based on four public meetings and a City Council hearing.  However, feedback after completion suggested that the designs needed additional rounds of review, feedback, and revision before moving the project forward.

In October, 2022, the MDOT Kim Lamphier Bikeways Program awarded the City  a grant for funds to complete the design work for the Maple Avenue Connectivity Project (formerly Complete Streets Project). The grant scope includes design work that revisits the existing preliminary (30% design) and then progresses the designs to shovel readiness (100%). It also includes funding dedicated to a feasibility study that explores better bike and pedestrian facilities for crossing the Maple Ave bridge.

RK&K was selected as the project consultant, and they have begun meeting with city staff to prepare the community engagement strategy for Fall 2023.

Links and Notes

Project Lead

Rosalind Grigsby
Community Development Manager
Housing and Community Development
Phone: 301-891-7119

A bike rider on Maple Avenue in the late afternoon.


Stay Updated

Sign-up for regular project updates and announcements here

Project Info & Timeline

Budget & Funding Source

In May 2020, the City was awarded $50,000 in the form of a Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments Technical Assistance Grant to develop an initial design concept for a Complete Street-style redesign of Maple Avenue from the Sligo Creek Pkwy to the DC Line.

In October 2022, the City was awarded $304,000 from the MDOT Kim Lamphier Bikeways Program to develop final design plans for Maple Ave. The grant requires a 20% City match of $76,000. Once completed, the project will be shovel ready, pending construction funds.

Engagement Touch Points to Date

  • 10 pop-ups workshops
  • 5  community meetings
  • 5 flyering events
  • 4 focus groups
  • 2 City Council presentation
  • 2 online survey

Project Timeline

  • November 2024
    Final (100%) designs presented to City Council for approval
  • Summer 2024
    Public engagement (Round 3)
  • June 2024
    Finalize semifinal (60%) designs
  • Winter – Spring 2024
    Public engagement (Round 2)
  • Fall 2023 -Winter 2024
    Finalize the preliminary (30%) designs
  • January 18, 2024
    Community Meeting to Review Draft Preliminary Designs
  • Summer – Fall 2023
    Public engagement (Round 1)
  • June 8, 2023
    Project kick-off meeting with RK&K
  • December-February 2023
    Open bidding process to identify project contractor
  • October – November 2022
    Develop and complete grant agreement with MDOT
  • October 2022
    City was awarded a MDOT Kim Lamphier Bikeways Program grant to complete design work 
  • June 2021
    Preliminary Concept Designs (30%) submitted to the City 
  • June 9, 2021
    City Council Presentation [Slides from meeting (PDF); Video from meeting (Web link)]
  • March  30, 2021
    Community Meeting [Slides from meeting (PDF); Video from meeting (Web link);  Chat comments from meeting (PDF)]
  • March 18, 2021
    Community Meeting [Slides from meeting (PDF); Video from meeting (Web link)]
  • January 26 & 27, 2021
    Stakeholders Meetings [Slides from meeting (PDF)]
  • Winter 2020/2021
    Toole Design Survey of Project Area
  • November 2020
    Kick-Off Meeting with Toole Design Group
  • October 2020
    Toole Design Group Selected as Consultant
  • May 2020
    MWCOG Technical Assistance Grant Awarded for Maple Avenue Complete Streets Redesign

Planning and Community Development Division Sections