2023 Bike to Work Day on Friday, May 19th! Starting at 6:30 am – 9:30 am in Takoma Park.
Whether you are commuting to work, or looking for a morning activity between your bed and your home office, join the City of Takoma Park at one of two pit stops on the Sligo Creek Trail at New Hampshire Ave or in Old Takoma at the Gazebo.
The Takoma Park team will be ready to greet you, rain or shine!
This annual event is coordinated by the Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments (MWCOG) and sponsored by regional jurisdictions and businesses.
- At face value, Bike to Work Day is a fun community event, but it aims for larger, less visible impacts, too.
- The community bike riding event aims to invite people to practice switching their commute to include bike riding some of the time, touting the impacts on reduced greenhouse gas emissions from private vehicles, reduced traffic congestion, and increased physical activity for participants.
- They even provide resources for first-time riders that might need some extra support!
To register, visit https://www.biketoworkmetrodc.org/.