All posts by Ryan Kelly

The State of Sustainability in Takoma Park

By Gina Mathias, sustainability manager, 
City of Takoma Park

Recent reports from the International Panel and Climate Change (IPCC) and the National Climate Assessment have made clear that the world has run out of time on climate change. The reports also indicate that greenhouse gas emissions are the greatest catalyst of climate change. In light of the reports, we must ask ourselves and the City: Are we doing enough to address our greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions?

What ghg reduction strategies should we pursue in 2019?

As many cities do, Takoma Park completes ghg inventories on a three-year cycle. The City completed an update in 2012
and 2015, and the 2018 update will be completed in late 2019 when data becomes available. Despite tremendous efforts and participation in voluntary City-sponsored programs, emissions rose about 2 percent in Takoma Park from 2012 to 2015. There are many factors that affect emissions, including population (per capita emissions) and weather. Taking into account a 15 percent increase in Cooling Degree Days and an 8 percent increase in Heating Degree Days (that means 2015 had harsher weather than 2012), the residential emissions actually went down 10 percent. But is the 10 percent reduction enough? If not, what else can the City do to get bigger reductions in emissions?

First, we should look at what Takoma Park has already done to reduce emissions. Since Takoma Park adopted its
Sustainable Energy Action Plan (SEAP) in 2014, it has:

  • won third place in the national Georgetown University Energy Prize Competition for its municipal efforts and its voluntary residential energy efficiency programs;
  • completed free energy efficiency projects for lo
    w to moderate income home-owners;
  • won a Metropolitan Council of Governments award for climate and energy;
  • been named Sustainability Champion in 2017 by the Sustainable Maryland Certified program;
  • approved the conversion of nearly all streetlights in Takoma Park to LED;
  • offered grants and programs for multifamily buildings to increase energy efficiency;
  • hosted solar co-ops to increase solar installations in the City;
  • hosted an annual sustainability challenge for residents that has included an energy efficiency challenge,  transportation challenge, and a challenge to switch to 100 percent renewable electricity;
  • installed 13 electric vehicle charging stations powered by 100 percent wind;
  • increased the availability of bike share and bike lanes
  • ;
  • worked with local businesses in an energy efficiency campaign;
  • increased public outreach and education through major events and workshops; and
  • implemented nearly all of the 17 key strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (ghg) emissions from the 2014 plan.

Through Montgomery County and state programs, residents and business have access to additional rebates and financial incentive programs to improve energy efficiency and install renewable energy systems. Businesses in Takoma Park can become Certified Green Businesses, and they have access to both Commercial PACE (property assessed clean energy) and a Green Bank for financing sustainable projects. The City also offers curbside food waste collection, has banned plastic bags, polystyrene food service containers and cosmetic lawn care pesticides, and has an ordinance to protect the urban tree canopy. Sometimes it seems there isn’t much the City isn’t doing.

One of the biggest hurdles in reaching regional goals for ghg reductions is that renewable electricity sources are not the default options for residents and businesses – they are opt-in programs. If the Maryland Public Service Commission allowed municipalities like Takoma Park to create an opt-out Community Choice Aggregation (CCA) program with 100 percent renewable electricity, then Takoma Park could go from having approximately 20 percent of residents and businesses buying renewable electricity to having nearly 100 percent do so.

Aside from greening the power grid itself, we need to focus on where the most emissions in Takoma Park come from. Buildings in the City account for 80 percent of emissions. About 47 percent of emissions come from single family homes, with 33 percent from commercial and multifamily buildings, and less than 1 percent from municipal buildings. (See chart)

Even the most wildly successful voluntary programs hit a plateau of participation and effectiveness. Takoma Park implemented one of the country’s most successful voluntary residential programs with 20 percent of single family homes participating at some level. However the actual ghg emission data suggests that the realized reductions in emissions from the program are only a fraction of what was estimated and what is needed to make a real difference.

State-mandated utility sponsored programs, such as Home Performance with Energy Star home energy audit program and the free Quick Home Energy Check-up program, are great resources, but after 10 years, only about 25 percent of single family homes in Takoma Park have gotten either service, and only 5 percent have made significant energy efficiency improvements to their homes (insulation, air sealing, etc.), despite additional City-based incentives and outreach. In addition, 63 businesses participated in an energy efficiency assessment project. However, like homeowners, most business owners in Takoma Park have not made any significant energy efficiency improvements.

So what are other cities and counties doing? Montgomery County requires large commercial properties to benchmark their energy use. Soon Washington, D.C., will require large commercial properties to meet a minimum energy efficiency standard. Boulder, Colorado, requires all rental units to meet a minimum energy efficiency standard. Portland, Oregon, and Berkeley, California, require single family homes to get a Home Energy Score when a home is listed for sale or sold.

The big “players” in sustainability are moving towards mandatory programs and policies to achieve the aggressive carbon reductions we need according to the recent reports. Why not Takoma Park? If the City implemented minimum energy efficiency standards for all buildings, it could significantly reduce emissions since buildings make up 80 percent of emissions in the City. Energy efficiency is one of the best methods for reducing emissions. With very careful research, planning and consideration, a minimum energy efficiency standard for all can include assistance for low-income homeowners and business owners, improve resilience to extreme weather events and spur further innovation for small cities fighting climate change.

This year the City’s Sustainable Energy Action Plan is due to be updated. This process will include public meetings and community conversations to enable a variety of voices, opinions, and ideas to inform the new plan. The new generation of climate and energy plans calls for aggressive action. Will the City be ready for this next level of action? What ideas do you have to bring to the community conversations?

To stay up to date on Sustainability programs in Takoma Park visit


This article appeared in the February 2019 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

City Manager Staff Spotlight!

Welcome to the first City Manager Staff Spotlight. This will be an occasional quick look at the day-to-day work of City of Takoma Park staff. I hope you find it interesting!

The City of Takoma Park has huge projects and initiatives on the schedule for 2019. Mayor Stewart’s year-end blog discussed many of these major efforts that are related to the City Council’s Priorities. Right now, the Council is in the middle of its Priority Setting efforts for the upcoming year. Information on major projects can be found on the City’s website on the Initiatives link. We try to keep these project pages up-to-date and we list the contact information for each project manager if you have additional questions.

While some City staff work on these large projects, most staff focus on ongoing services such as trash collection, recreation, public safety, finance, human resources, etc. So, what do we do?

This Staff Spotlight is on the Finance Office. The office consists of five full-time positions and one part-time position. Languages spoken by the staff include English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Amharic, Tigrigna, Spanish, French and Thai.

The office is led by Susan Cheung, Finance Director. She manages the staff and oversees all of the City’s financial responsibilities. She provides advice to departments on adhering to best financial practices and adapting to new financial procedures, she oversees City investments, responds to Council inquiries, prepares the management discussion and analysis for the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, and works with our IT unit on the financial software systems used by the City. She also oversees the City’s banking and credit card accounts. Unlike many governments, we do not have a separate budget office, so she leads the effort on the financial side of our annual Budget preparation.

Kiros Alemseged, Accounting Supervisor processes the City payroll, which is time-intensive, and supervises the 2.5 staff that handle accounts receivable and accounts payable and that provide customer service at the Finance Office window on the third floor of the Community Center.

Alisa Trammell, Budget Specialist works on budget spreadsheets and is the primary compiler of the proposed and final budget documents each year. She also provides significant backup support to other staff in the office.

The Finance Office has a predictable year of busy times:

  • January – Preparation of 2nd Quarter Financial Report and the issuance of W2s and 1099 tax forms; heavy work begins on next fiscal year proposed budget
  • February – Work on proposed budget and 3rd Budget Amendment; Constant Yield number received around February 14th
  • March – Final work on proposed budget, including document preparation; preparation of budget
    amendment before proposed budget document finalized
  • April – City Manager presents Proposed Budget to Council; Finance Director assists with material for presentations, Budget Open House, and Council Budget Work Sessions, does research and answers questions as needed; preparation of 3rd Quarter Financial Report
  • May – Budget reconciliation done by City Council; Finance Director prepares budget ordinances and transmits final tax rate to Montgomery County for the combined tax billing; staff oversees the issuance of Tax Rebate checks to Takoma Park residents who qualify for them
  • June – Final budget document is prepared; Office prepares for the close of the Fiscal Year; the 4th Budget Amendment is prepared; personnel evaluations underway
  • July – Beginning of new fiscal year; personnel pay adjustments; preparation of 4th Quarter Financial Report; preparation of 1st budget amendment (mainly includes carry-overs from gap between adoption of final budget and the end of the fiscal year)
  • August – Prior fiscal year wrap-up; preparation for the Interim Financial Audit
  • September – City Final Audit underway
  • October – Preparation of the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and Uniform Financial Report (UFR), both due October 31 to State of Maryland; preparation of 1st Quarter
    Financial Report
  • November – Presentation by the City’s Auditor and the actuary for the Police Pension Fund to the City Council
  • December – Calendar year close-out of personnel-related matters; annual payments to retirement accounts

The Office also works on special projects, such as Socially-Responsible Investing and finance software upgrades.

I am always impressed by how much is done by the Finance Office with so few staff. Compare our 5.5 positions to other area municipalities:

  • College Park has 8
  • Hyattsville has 5 plus 3 part-time positions
  • Greenbelt has 8, 3 of whom are human resources employees, and
  • Rockville has 12.5.

I hope you have enjoyed this City Manager Staff Spotlight on the Finance Office. Feel free to contact me with any questions you have about our City of Takoma Park staff and their work. I want to hear from you!

Resources for Furloughed Agencies/Employees

We know that during a federal government shutdown, many employees and businesses in the DC Metro Area experience a sudden loss of income. We also know that the effects are not limited to federal employees and that there are trickle down impacts on our local economy. Here is a list of resources that are available for information and guidance.

Federal Government
Financial Institutions

Many banks, credit unions and credit card companies are offering assistance. Contact your financial institution to see what options are available for you.

Utilities and other assistance

Many gas and utility companies also are working with furloughed employees. Contact your company to see what options are available.

Nonprofit Resources
Takoma Park Silver Spring Co-op (TPSS)
  • All members who are furloughed due to the partial government shutdown are eligible for a TPSS Co-op line of credit through F.A.M (Furlough Assistance for Members). To learn more on this program and sign up:

  • The Co-op is also extending this program to all furloughed government workers who are not current Co-op members, by inviting them to join the Co-op for a $10 deposit paid now (on the $100 lifetime membership) to access the program.  To learn more on this program and sign up:
Resources for DC Residents
Resources for Montgomery County Residents
Resources for Prince George’s County Residents
Resources for Northern Virginia Residents




Evening Winter Weather Update

City of Takoma Park street plowing and sidewalk clearing crews made great progress during the day today. Unfortunately, the heavier late afternoon snow showers covered the cleared surfaces.

City Manager Suzanne Ludlow

The Right-of-Way division staff will work again from 6 pm to 6 am tonight, continuing to clear roads and treat areas with a sand/salt mixture. Please note that the temperature is dropping and many roads are very slippery. If you can, please avoid travel on the roads tonight.

It is likely that we will not know until early tomorrow morning if the Federal government will be closed or have a delayed opening due to weather. If the Federal government closes or has a delay in the morning, the City of Takoma Park will follow that decision. We will get the word out through Takoma Park Alert, the website and social media.

On Monday evening, there is a joint meeting scheduled of the City Council and Committee on the Environment. If there are any closings, we will make a decision as to whether or not the meeting should be canceled.

Monday is also a yard waste/Christmas tree collection day. We will do the collections, but please be careful to put materials out in a safe location that can be reached by our Public Works staff. If you can hold onto your yard waste for two weeks (until January 28th since January 21st is the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday), please do so. Regular trash/recycling collections scheduled for Tuesday are expected to take place with no delays.

Providing it stops snowing overnight tonight, all residential sidewalks are to be shoveled by noon Monday. Sidewalks in front of businesses are to be kept clear from 9 am to 5 pm daily. We will be enforcing the City’s laws on shoveling, but we prefer that folks do the shoveling because it’s the right thing to do. Please help your neighbors who may not be able to shovel. We have a wonderfully caring community that helps each other, and we have a commitment to pedestrian safety that, literally, requires many hands to get the work done when the snow falls.

A final note – I am so fortunate to work with so many good City staff that do excellent work. Two twelve-hour nights in a row at work driving snow plows is draining, but our Public Works staff take pride in their skill and their service. Kudos to them for all they do today and every day!

Winter Weather Update

Good morning!

It’s been a couple of years since we’ve had a substantial snowfall in Takoma Park. Nevertheless, it doesn’t take long before the snow clearing routines fall into place for City staff.

City Manager Suzanne Ludlow, Now

Public Works snow clearing crews reported for work a little before 6 pm last night and worked twelve hours. The crews include drivers of trucks (with plows and sand/salt spreaders attached) as well as a truck mechanic. Before the snow really stuck to the streets, the crews treated hills and major streets. After the snow became more substantial, plowing began. As of 5 am today, most streets had a lane plowed in Takoma Park.

We had one mechanical breakdown. A small truck that focuses on plowing alleys and dead-end streets had a problem with the drive shaft. Our mechanic was working on it overnight and it may be able to be repaired in a timely way.

Because it is Sunday, there are fewer people heading out early to work or school. City facilities are not scheduled to open until noon. If the snow keeps coming, however, we may choose not to open so that staff can focus on snow clearing. I will make a determination before 11 am after I hear from staff on conditions.

Today, I ask that residents work on clearing sidewalks and helping neighbors. It is much better to shovel several times during a snow event rather than wait until it is all over, and it is much easier and safer to shovel during daylight hours. If you can move cars off of the street so that our Public Works drivers can clear from curb to curb, that would be very helpful!

A look at our snow operations:

The second shift of plow operators reported to work before 6 am today. Last night’s shift were our Right-of-Way staff who normally do work on streets, medians, parks, etc for the City. Today’s day shift consists of our Sanitation workers. Right-of-Way staff will likely return at 6 pm today for another shift.

During the day today, the snow plow operators will be joined by other Public Works staff who will focus on clearing sidewalks and the areas around City facilities. A mechanic and other specialized Public Works staff will be working as well.

During a major snow event, the Police Department serves as our eyes and ears, identifying problem areas and issues. The Police Dispatch operators receive calls from the public and others reporting problems and send officers or alert Public Works managers to address them. If you become aware of a slippery street or other similar condition in Takoma Park, please call 301-270-1100 so that it can be addressed. (But, as always, call 911 if there is an emergency.)

Last night, there were few problems noted by the Police Department, which to me means most people were inside when roads were getting slippery. Things will pick up during the day today. Please be safe when you are out and about, whether you’re walking, shoveling or driving!

We will continue to get information out about closings and operations. Residents and businesses are responsible for clearing snow from sidewalks in front of their property, so that will be a big task. We’ll get through this snow event together.

While snow comes with work, it is also fun to play in! Whether you go sledding, or just are reading a book while enjoying the beauty of snow through a window, have a great day!

Mayor Stewart’s Response to Trump’s Oval Office Address

Kate Stewart, Mayor
Kate Stewart, Mayor

On November 9, 2016, the day after the national election, the City issued a statement reaffirming our stance and recommitting to the values we uphold in our community. We vowed that as our nation faced transition and uncertainty, in Takoma Park, we would stand strong against hate and vitriol based on ignorance and misinformation.

Given the current government shutdown and the slurs and attacks on immigrants and those seeking to come to our country, I believe it is once again time to reiterate our values.

We are a City with residents and staff from all over the world and we celebrate and cherish our diversity.

We are a City that welcomes those who are the victims of terrorism, violence, or economic upheaval regardless of their national origins.

We refuse to demonize individuals based on their place of birth, religion, or race.

We are a City that upholds the right of ALL people to live their lives with dignity and respect.

Today, in the face of hateful, dehumanizing, and blatant lies being espoused by the current occupant of the White House, we remind the world that in Takoma Park we believe in building strong, inclusive, and healthy communities by ensuring that the rights of all are upheld — immigrants, people of different faiths, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender individuals, people of color.

We believe our immigration system should prioritize keeping families together and not tearing them apart.
Here, we believe that every individual has an inherent right to be treated with fairness and justice, not with hatred and bigotry.

We are a City dedicated to forging stronger relationships and creating out of our myriad of differences and experiences one community that stands together.

Three Artists Explore the Beauty of Decay in Opening Reception this Thursday, Jan. 10

Opening Reception Jan. 10, 7 p.m.

Takoma Park Community Center
7500 Maple Avenue Free event

In our consumer-oriented society that disposes of everything that isn’t new, decay is a scary word, conjuring images of obsolescence, advancing age and death. But decay can be beautiful as shiny metal rusts and abandoned buildings crumble, leaving relics transformed by time and neglect. Three local artists will explore these themes in The Beauty of Decay, a new group exhibition in the galleries at the Takoma Park Community Center.

Kristina King creates handmade paper, large-scale drawings, installations and animation to explore themes of decay, fragility, turbulence and the ephemeral. Her ragged handmade paper pieces are riddled with holes and frayed edges, resembling a topographical map of mountain ranges or pock-marked craters on the moon.

Untitled (#77) by Kristina King

King earned a BFA in studio art from Denison University and has shown her work at Pyramid Atlantic Art Center, the Alleghany Arts Council, Willow Street Gallery and other venues. She is currently the gallery director at Georgetown Frame Shoppe.

David Mosher photographs himself in deteriorating and abandoned buildings, evoking scenes of melancholy and regret. By sharing very personal and psychological scenes, he engages viewers in exploring their own emotional responses to decay. He is inspired by artists Man Ray, Robert Mapplethorpe and Francesca Woodman, who used self-portraiture to communicate emotions and project different personal identities.

Drawing from personal loss and her own struggles with depression, Chrissy Wilkin’s paintings depict her psychological journey through grief towards acceptance. Her work offers a mandala or spiritual symbol that illustrates how life comes full circle as we continue to live in spirit even after death. She uses different mediums in her work, including marker, charcoal and bleach.

Wilkin has been teaching art since she was 16 years old when she took a mission trip to Haiti to make art with local children. She continues to teach art internationally at summer camps and locally as a teacher at Eleanor Roosevelt High School in Greenbelt, Md. She is a member of the Hyattsville Arts Alliance and the arts coordinator for the New Deal Café, and she displays her work at various venues in Prince George’s County.


This article appeared in the January 2019 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Public Works Winter Weather Response Plan

 Public Works staff are preparing to respond to whatever winter sends to Takoma Park’s 34 miles of city-maintained roads, as well as walkways and sidewalks around city parks and public buildings. City staff track potential storms, and prepare to respond as soon as the snow starts to fall. Crews start plowing operations when one inch of snow is on the ground and are prepared to work 12-hour shifts. The city uses Public Works Right of Way staff as primary plow drivers, and sanitation drivers fill in the second shift, if needed. When significant snowfall occurs, city trash and recycling collection may be canceled to allow sanitation drivers to pitch in with road clearing. The city’s Garden Division staff clears public sidewalks at city parks and public buildings during daylight hours, with assistance as needed from temporary laborers. Public Works encourages businesses and residents to do their part to clear snow and ice from the sidewalks adjoining their property.

Takoma Park’s winter weather response plan divides the city into five snow removal zones, each with an assigned response vehicle. Within each zone, “primary streets” are those with the most traffic, and those that connect neighborhoods. “Secondary streets” are shorter, with fewer homes, and include courts, alleys and dead ends. The map below identifies the Snow Zones and the secondary streets. City crews first clear primary streets then proceed to secondary streets. The city’s goal is to create two travelable lanes on each primary street within a 12-hour shift, if the snow fall is six inches or less. If the snow fall is more than six inches, the expectation is to make one travelable lane over a 12-hour period. Snow removal equipment remains in service around the clock until all the roads are cleared. To see a map of snow removal routes, go to

Often, when severe weather is on the way, the city begins anti-icing procedures by applying a sand salt mixture or liquid deicing chemicals to the street surface. Plowing begins once snowfall has accumulated to one inch on the street. If the storm produces only sleet and ice, the city treats roadways with sand and salt. Snow and ice response service on some streets within the City is performed by outside agencies. The State Highway Administration is responsible for clearing Carroll Avenue, Ethan Allen Avenue, New Hampshire Avenue, Philadelphia Avenue and Piney Branch Road. Sligo Creek Parkway is a Maryland National Capital Park and Planning Commission roadway and snow and ice response is performed by Montgomery County. However, city plows will assist with snow removal on these streets in the course of their work to clear city streets.

The Public Works Department has developed a few helpful tips for resident to follow during a snow event: Staying connected. Conditions leading to a declared snow emergency include the expectation of a significant quantity of snow or an ice event. The city manager may declare a snow emergency and will announce the status through Takoma Park Alert, local media, and on the city’s website, Facebook and Twitter. The following restrictions go into effect during declared snow emergencies:

Residents are strongly encouraged to park vehicles in their driveways whenever possible. Fewer cars on the street allow city plows to more quickly and safely clear the roads.

If you must park on the street, make sure to park your car as close to the curb as possible, and maintain a distance of at least 25 feet from an intersection.

Clearing sidewalks

Residents are responsible for clearing the public side-walks adjacent to their property. Keep sidewalks clear of snow and ice by regularly shoveling accumulated snow during and after a snow event. Please DO NOT shovel large amounts of snow into the street when clearing your driveway, lead walk or sidewalk. The best place to pile snow is on the lawn or grassy areas. Piles of snow shoveled out into the street can cause problems for passing vehicles.

Being a good neighbor and helping others in need. Reach out and ask neighbors if they need assistance with keeping their sidewalk clear. Many residents are physically unable to shovel snow and ice and are hesitant to request help from neighbors or friends. Your thoughtfulness can make a big difference to someone who might otherwise be unable to cope. If you have any questions before or during a winter event, please contact the Public Works Department at 301-891-7633.

This article appeared in the January 2019 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Dollars and Sense: Approaching Fiscal Year 2020

By Jason Damweber, Deputy City Manager

Developing an annual recommended budget is the single greatest  responsibility of a City administrator. It is a complex and ongoing task involving many stakeholders that culminates in the Council’s adoption of a document that reflects their priorities and the difficult decisions and compromises negotiated throughout the process. The annual budget is a tool used to plan for and reflect the balancing of resources with many competing needs.

As we gear up for the thick of budget season, we wanted to share information about the process, highlight challenges we expect to see, and begin engaging residents. After all, in the end, it is YOUR budget!

The Process in a Nutshell
While staff refers to late winter and early spring as “budget season,” the budget process is really ongoing throughout the year. We wrapped up and submitted the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2018 in October, the same time as we entered the second quarter of Fiscal Year 2019 and began planning for Fiscal Year 2020 (FY20).

In the past couple of months, staff committees have been meeting to review technology investment requests from departments and identify replacement needs of vehicles and other capital equipment. The City Manager and Deputy City Manager have been meeting with Councilmembers to gather feedback and ideas in preparation for both the upcoming Council Retreat meetings (where the Council establishes their priorities, including what they’d like to see in the upcoming budget) and the budget development process.

Looking forward, we’ll have the Council Retreat Meetings, staff work of developing preliminary departmental budgets, revenue projections, and development of a Capital Improvement Plan budget. Using this information coupled with the Constant Yield Tax Rate (more on this later), which we usually learn from the State in mid-February, we develop the City Manager’s Recommended Budget. The Recommended Budget reflects the costs of providing services and programs aligned with the Council’s priorities and the tax rate necessary to fund the work. In other words, where the money comes from and how it will be spent.

From there, Council will have a series of budget work sessions, a budget open house, a public hearing on the Recommended Bud- get and tax rate, and ultimately will adopt the FY20 budget and tax rate.

What We Know and Expect
Even if we “held the line” on the services and programs the City provides and did absolutely nothing new, the process to develop the budget would still be a challenge. In addition to expected increases in personnel and operating costs we have to project and account for, we also have to respond to changing assessments of home values and what those changes mean for the tax revenue that the City uses to provide services and programs. Additionally, we have to account for potential changes in revenues from sources other than property taxes, like funds received through the County or State. On the expenditure side, there are always changes that must be accounted and budgeted for. More on all of this below!

Revenues and the Budget
Revenues to the City come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to:

  • Real property taxes: the taxes paid by property owners on the assessed value of their property
  • Utility fees: taxes paid by public utilities on their property within the City
  • Intergovernmental payments: payments to the City from different levels of government or government agencies, such as grants or reimbursement payments for services provided by the City that would otherwise be provided by the County
  • Income taxes: the City’s portion of State-collected taxes applied to taxable income
  • Charges for particular services: charges for particular City services that are not taxes, such as inspection fees, fees for Recreation programs, passport services, etc.
  • Fines and forfeitures: funds received when the City institutes fines or realizes funds through the sale of forfeitures (the vast majority of these revenues are from fines related to speed cameras)
  • Many people don’t realize that real property taxes – the taxes paid by property owners on the assessed value of their property– make up less than half of the City’s total revenues. In fact, only 39 percent of revenues in the current fiscal year’s budget are derived from real property taxes.

So what do we expect regarding revenues as we head into FY20? At this point it is difficult to say, but we should have a much better idea in late February. While intergovernmental revenues have been flat for some time (we believe we should be receiving much more from the County, but that’s the subject of a different article!) and are relatively easy to project, the City does not receive information on the total impact of changes in assessed property values until February. Around that time, we receive notice of the Constant Yield Tax Rate from the State. The Constant Yield Tax Rate is the tax rate the City would charge in order to receive the same (constant) dollar amount in property tax revenue. In other words, if assessments increase then the Constant Yield Tax Rate would decrease to net the same amount of revenue.

Given the regional trends we have been seeing, it’s probably pretty safe to assume that property values have increased. In fact, in the City of Takoma Park they have increased over 17 percent since FY14. If the trend holds true, then the Constant Yield Tax Rate will be lower than the current tax rate. However, pegging the City’s tax rate to the Constant Yield also means that we wouldn’t bring in enough property tax revenue to cover increased costs to provide services and programs.

Expenditures and the Budget
So now we have a sense of where City funds come from, but how are they spent? A good place to see the types of services and programs the City provides is the page on the City’s website called “City Services: Your Dollars at Work” ( If we look at the total budget as we did with revenues above, expenditures break down into the following key areas:

  • Personnel: wages and benefits
  • Capital outlay: costs for capital items like infrastructure and facility improvements, vehicle replacement, equipment replacement, technology improvements, park development, and stormwater management
  • Services and charges: most operating costs other than those for personnel and capital outlay such as contracted services, licensing fees, non-capital small equipment, internal services (telephones, copying, postage), etc.
  • Debt service: payments for the principal and interest on loans to the City
  • Supplies: costs for office supplies, uniforms, vehicle fuel, construction and road repair materials, ice-melt, etc.
  • Other: a catch-all for items that don’t fit neatly into the other categories, such as costs to conduct elections, conferences and training for staff, professional association membership dues, employee recruitment, special events and programs, etc.

If we look at expenditures from just the General Fund (that is, removing special revenues/expenditures provided for a particular purpose, the speed camera fund, and the stormwater management fund), total expenditures drop down to $31,522,928, and break down as indicated in Figure 4.

Something worth noting about these FY19 budgeted expenditures is that Capital Outlay does not typically make up such a large  percentage of the budget. It can jump around a lot from year to year depending on what major projects are occurring or major equipment purchases are expected.

Personnel Costs
As noted above, even if we don’t add any staff, services, or programs, we can generally expect our costs to go up some each year. At the time this article was being drafted, it was not clear whether there would be a proposal to add or eliminate any positions. We also were not yet aware of the changes to costs for benefits like employee healthcare, which can fluctuate drastically from year-to-year. What we do know is that our staff members are our greatest assets and personnel costs make up about 49 percent of the City’s total budget, or 58 percent of the general fund budget.

So…if we assume that we will continue to have 168.86 Full Time Equivalents – the term used to represent the equivalent of the number of employees working full time – and hold the cost of benefits constant, we can expect to see an increase in personnel costs (wages) of somewhere in the ballpark of about three percent. This is a blend of a base increase and some merit pay. A three percent increase, which is in line with increases for local government workers nationally, equals some- where in the ballpark of $548,000. On top of that increase, it is reasonable to expect that employer costs for benefits will also increase slightly, though it is difficult to guess.

Operating Costs
Similar to personnel costs, it’s reasonable to assume that even if we continue to provide the same level of service and programs, the costs for doing so will increase. This is largely due to increasing prices for things like supplies, small equipment, contracted services, etc. That said, we are always looking for efficiencies, and occasionally are able to spend less than previous years on operating costs in certain areas. We also always have the option of discontinuing certain services or eliminating programs, but that could mean taking away something that residents have come to greatly appreciate or even rely on. This is all part of the annual balancing act. When we know more about Council’s expectations and any new priorities, departmental budget requests, and the Constant Yield, we’ll have a better sense of the extent to which we’ll need to hold the line, or change, eliminate, or add services and programs.

Debt Service
Debt service is one of the few areas where we have a good sense of what costs will be in the future. When we borrow money, we lock in a particular interest rate and can plan for spreading costs out over the term of the loan. For that reason, we don’t expect any surprises regarding our debt service payments on outstanding loans. Those loans include bonds used to pay for major Community Center renovations, construction of the Public Works facility, major transportation projects (Ethan Allen Gateway Streetscape and Flower Avenue Green Street), and planned Library Renovations.

Capital Outlay
As noted above, “capital outlay” refers to costs for capital items like infrastructure and facility improvements, vehicle replacement, equipment replacement, technology improvements, park development, and stormwater management. Most of the items in the “Capital Improvement Program” are things that we have known for at least a few years we would need to purchase.

For some items like vehicles and equipment replacement we may be able to realize some savings in the short term by pushing expenditures out if, say, a vehicle is in better shape than expected at the time we planned to replace it. On the “flipside,” sometimes vehicles and equipment may not last as long as we’d hoped. And for capital items involving construction, cost estimates developed one year could change significantly by the time a project goes out to bid. We have seen this recently as federal trade policies have caused dramatic fluctuations (mostly increases) in the costs of construction materials. A real-life and nearby example is the City of Gaithersburg’s planned public safety building. They expected to pay about $15 million on the project until very recently, and now they are looking at an $18 million price tag because of increases in the costs of steel!

There are also often new needs and expenditures that come up during the development process. Of course, these types of requests are viewed more favorably by the City Manager and Council when part of the justification for the expense involves cost-savings down the road.

For many years, we have used an unwritten standard that there should be at least $3 million in unassigned funds in the General Fund at the time of budget adoption. That amount had been identified as an approximation of the funds needed to cover monthly cash fluctuations over the course of the fiscal year. It also provided a reasonable amount of cushion in the event of an emergency or disaster. However, over the years personnel costs and the overall budget increased to the point where $3 million was less than comfortable. The “industry standard,” per the Government Finance Officers Association best practices, is for unassigned reserves to be 17 percent of the total General Fund Revenue or Expenditure amount or a minimum of two months of regular operating expenditures.

In May of last year, the Council adopted a reserve policy stating that unless a special situation justifies a lower amount, they would adopt a budget that reflected this minimum reserve level (based on General Fund Revenues). In the event of a special situation, which would be explained in a public statement, they would strive to reach the mini- mum level within three years.

The good news here is that we ended FY18 with a larger unassigned fund balance than we expected. This was due to unexpected savings due to staff vacancies and postponement of certain major projects (for example, the Library Renovations which were put on hold temporarily when we learned that a new floodplain study would have required). The flip-side is that much of what was not spent last year will be carried over into the current year to be spent, so it’s not all actually “savings.”

The Bottom Line
Very few people like it when they have to pay more in taxes. Government officials (who are also human and also pay taxes!) are acutely aware of this fact. We do our very best to understand the needs, interests and priorities of members of the community and develop a budget that balances all these things. While it’s a task with many factors and considerations, there are really two primary, related levers when it comes to the General Fund: taxes and services. In a budget year where we can expect increases in the cost of providing services, tax revenue will need to increase in order to maintain service levels and programs. If we do not increase taxes, service levels will need to be reduced and/or pro- grams eliminated.

If the expectation is that the City continues to provide the same level of services and programs, there is little wiggle room in the budget to make changes or cuts. Our staff and budget are very lean. We do not have “fluff.” This means we cannot add services or programs without adding staff unless we discontinue other services or programs. A reduction in tax revenues will require cuts to services and programs. Cuts to programs usually mean cuts to staff. Most of our staff members wear a variety of hats, so if a position is cut, there could be ripple impacts to other services or programs. Additionally, we have debt obligations that must be met if we are to remain in good financial standing, capital purchases that must be made if we are to continue collecting solid waste and clearing snow, staff members who must be paid…you get the idea.

Hopefully you now have a better sense of the budget process and the many considerations that need to be weighed and balanced as it is developed. As we enter budget season, we welcome your feedback, input and ideas.

Additional Resources
The annual budget is a forward-looking planning document developed by staff that includes proposed expenditures and the revenue sources that will be used to cover those expenditures for a given fiscal year. The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), on the other hand, is backward-looking, prepared by independent auditors, and includes actual rather than estimated/projected dollar figures from the previous year(s). In order to get a full picture of the City’s financial standing and plans, one should refer to both the adopted budget document and the CAFR. These documents are available on the City’s Budget and Financial Documents page of the City’s website: https:// finance/budgets-and-financial-documents.

This article appeared in the January 2019 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.

Tree Ordinance, tree canopy, and outreach improvements

By Takoma Park City Councilmembers Cindy Dyballa, Kacy Kostiuk, and Peter Kovar

When you ask what people think about Takoma Park, one of the attributes mentioned most often is our trees. A satellite image taken in spring or summer instantly reveals the intensity of our tree canopy. Some residents have trees in their yards dating back to before B. F. Gilbert began planning a new community that was “high up – near heaven” (reputed to be the translation of the Native American word “Tacoma”).

It’s no accident we still have such lush greenery in our city. For many years, we’ve had strong advocates for tree protection and equally strong laws. And today, we have an ever growing awareness of how trees help slow climate change by removing carbon dioxide, storing carbon, and reducing energy use in nearby buildings, as well as providing other critical ecological and social benefits. Not to mention they provide shade and look amazing! When the City Council conducted its annual priority-setting process earlier this year, we pledged to take the following inter-related actions:

  • Formulate tree canopy goals to strengthen and expand Takoma Park’s commitment to growing its canopy and helping address climate change
  • Review our Tree Ordinance policies and processes to address resident concerns and ensure alignment with canopy goals
  • Explore improved approaches for education and outreach to the community with a focus on tree retention, maintenance, and growth

At the Oct. 24 Council meeting, we discussed a schedule for moving forward on these points, with a goal of completing the work by May 2019. A crucial part of the plan is ensuring many opportunities for engagement by residents and input from staff members and Council-appointed committees

Tree Ordinance

The Council has asked the Tree Commission and the Committee on the Environment to review the ordinance and recommend areas for updates and improvement. The following are some areas the Council has initially identified for review based on resident feedback: What decisions can, and cannot, be appealed

  • Definition of “hazardous” and “hardship” and waiver policies
  • Timeframes for various actions
  • Fees and tree replacement requirements, including for multifamily buildings
  • Procedures for emergencies, including emergency tree fund

Tree Canopy

The Council asked the Commission and the Committee to review tree canopy data and identify recommended goals. Both panels have previously urged the Council to establish a formal tree canopy goal. Older, mature trees are dying, and a 2014 review showed that tree canopy coverage in Wards 4 and 6 lags behind other areas. The disparity between wards connects with the City’s commitment to racial equity.

A tree canopy goal would help prioritize how to provide residents throughout the City appropriate access to the many benefits that flow from a healthy urban forest. Canopy data compiled on our behalf by Montgomery County is now undergoing a rigorous academic review, after which we’ll be well positioned to start considering longer term canopy goals and policies.

Education and Outreach

The third component of our strategy is focused on helping residents gain a better understanding of tree health and maintenance. Professional arborists recommend that residents think about tree care as seriously as they focus on home maintenance, but many property owners aren’t aware of how best to promote tree health and extend life through regular pruning and watering, and adding soil amendments. We hope to develop ways of disseminating information of this type to residents, and also improving the accessibility of information about the Tree Ordinance. Throughout this process, resident feedback will be very important. There are many ways to engage and share your views, including:

  • Online Tree Ordinance Comment Form – Fill out this form to share your experiences with the tree ordinance, recommended modifications, and/or questions.
  • Open House/Public Forum – Details will be provided as we make plans this winter.
  • Contact your Councilmember – Residents are encouraged to contact their Councilmembers to share their thoughts and experiences.
  • Public Comments at Work Sessions – The Council will hold multiple work sessions this winter, at which residents can share their opinions during the public comment period. Resources The City’s website includes information and resources on the value of our trees, how to care for them and the tree permit program.
  • Tree ordinance and canopy review project page (including online survey): tree-ordinance-review-tree-canopy-goal
  • Tree Permits:
  • Tree Commission: government/boards-commissions-and committees/tree-commission
  • Councilmember contact information:

This article appeared in the January 2019 edition of the Takoma Park Newsletter. The Takoma Park Newsletter is available for download here.