TKPK Community Center to be Closed Sunday, October 13, 2024 for Demolition Work

The Community Center will be closed on Sunday, 10/13/24, to accommodate demolition in the Recreation Department area. As always, the City of Takoma Park Police Department is available 24/7

2024 City Election for Mayor & Council

Takoma Park Elections Will Take Place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Library Renovations Update: Changes Coming to the Community Center/Recreation Beginning Thursday, September 26, 2024

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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Development Review

About Development Review in Takoma Park

In the City of Takoma Park, zoning authority lies with the Montgomery County Planning Department. Montgomery County has developed a Development Review brochure (PDF) to help understand the process. For information about how to get involved in Montgomery County’s Development Review process, check the County website.

The City plays an important role in guiding the development review process. The flowchart to the right outlines an overview of the development process. A more detailed site plan application review process and timeline is summarized in this gantt chart timeline (PDF).

Municipality Letters

All construction and development projects will require a Municipality Letter from the City of Takoma Park. Full information on Municipality Letters, as well as City-managed permits, can be found on the Municipality Letters for Construction/Renovation web page.

City Charter & Code

Renovating Property in the Historic District

A Historic Area Work Permit (HAWP) is required prior to undertaking any proposed changes to the exterior of a structure or to the environmental setting of a property within the historic district. This includes moving, demolishing, or altering the exterior of a house, building, or other structure. Applications are reviewed by the Montgomery County Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) and must be approved before a permit for the work may be issued. To search for properties listed in the located in the Historic District “Locational Atlas and Index of Historic Sites in Montgomery County” use the Historic Preservation Interactive Map.

Commercial Construction or Renovation

Many commercial properties in Takoma Park are located in the Takoma Park/East Silver Spring commercial revitalization overlay zone (TPESS), which outlines special requirements and provides for development flexibility. The TPESS is detailed in Section 4.9.14 of the Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 59 of the Montgomery County Code).

Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs)

An accessory dwelling unit (ADU) is a secondary home co-located on a single residential property with a single-family home. They are generally much smaller than the main house, and can be located within, attached, or standing apart. They are sometimes also referred to as granny flats, in-law apartments, and carriage houses, among others.

Current laws in Montgomery County make ADUs allowable on a wide range of single family residential lots. To create an ADU on your property follows the same development review process as any other building project. Properties located within a historic district require the added step of a Historic Area Work Permit (HAWP), mentioned earlier.

Accessory Dwelling Unites (ADUs)& Takoma Park, Design and Permitting Community Discussion hosted by Montgomery County Planning Department on 12/1/22.

Illustration of different styles of accessory dwelling units.
Montgomery County Accessory Dwelling Unit Styles


Development Review in Takoma Park

Type of PlanPlan NumberAddress / LocationStatusDescription / Update
Concept Plan5202302007001 New Hampshire AvenueGrace United Methodist Church Senior Apartments
Administrative Subdivision620221016037 Oswego AvenuePlanning Board Approved 4/18/2024Subdivision
Mandatory ReferralMR2021024New Hampshire AvenuePlanning Board Approved: 10/28/2021Bike lane on New Hampshire Ave from Auburn to Poplar Avenues
Mandatory ReferralMR2021007New Hampshire AvenuePlanning Board Approved: 2/112021Bike lane on New Hampshire Ave from Auburn to Holton Lane
Table: Development Review in Takoma Park. Details ongoing and recently approved projects in Takoma Park.

Development Review Flow Chart

Development Standards & Guidelines

Development and land use within the City of Takoma Park is governed by standards and guidelines adopted or enacted by the Takoma Park City Council, the Montgomery County Council, the Montgomery County Planning Board, and the State of Maryland. The implementation and application of these guidelines varies depending upon the scope of the project, its location, and the initiating party. The City and the Montgomery County Planning Board have a Memorandum of Understanding (PDF) regarding development review (Resolution No. 2001-37).

The Montgomery County Zoning Ordinance (Chapter 59 of the Montgomery County Code) is the primary standard used to evaluate proposed developments., Required permits for construction, renovation, or demolition are issued by the Montgomery County Department of Permitting Services (DPS). Depending on the scope and location of a proposed project the following standards may apply:


Planning and Community Development Division Sections