2024 City Election for Mayor & Council

Takoma Park Elections Will Take Place on Tuesday, November 5, 2024

Library Renovations Update 10/17: Changes to the Community Center/Recreation and Maple Avenue Trench Work Continues

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

Monster Bash Info with Road Closures - Saturday, Oct. 26

Monster Bash is scheduled for this Saturday, October 26 starting at 1pm. We will be starting our festivities at Takoma Park Middle School Parking Lot and parading down ...

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Takoma Junction Redevelopment

Following a solicitation and evaluation process, the City Council selected Neighborhood Development Company (NDC) to redevelop the Takoma Junction City-owned parking lot. The Development Agreement (2016) establishes the framework for the project. Council’s votes on the project are listed in the right column on this page.

The City’s goals are for the project to act as a stimulus to the commercial district and locally-owned,  independent businesses; improve the aesthetic appeal of the district, and be contextually sensitive and environmentally sustainable.

To see the plans, check the Montgomery Planning webpages for the Takoma Junction redevelopment project. The most recently  submitted documents are dated 1/15/2021:

Current Status

January 26, 2024

The Updated City Council Statement (pdf) on Neighborhood Development Company (NDC).


March 17, 2022
The Montgomery County Planning Board adopted denial resolutions for the Takoma Junction Preliminary Plan and the Takoma Junction Site Plan. The adopted resolutions can be found at the following links:

January 27, 2022
The Montgomery County Planning Board reviewed the project on January 27, and voted to deny the application.  The agenda packet is posted on the Planning Board website.

September 15, 2021 – 3:30pm
The City is aware that the Montgomery County Planning Board met today to consider the Takoma Junction Project and that the Planning Board extended the review period for Neighborhood Development Company’s application to January 2022.  The Planning Board did not address either the Preliminary Plan or the Site Plan.

The Planning Board’s agenda and Takoma Junction related documents that were before the Planning Board may be found here:  https://montgomeryplanningboard.org/agenda-item/september-15-2021/


September 15, 2021

The Montgomery Planning Board will review an application to extend the project review period:


If the extension is denied, the Planning Board will review the project:



July 28, 2021

The Takoma Junction Project is tentatively scheduled as an item on the County Planning Board agenda for September.


June 23, 2021

City Council recommends that County Planning Board disapprove Neighborhood Development Company (NDC) site plan to develop Takoma Junction

On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the Takoma Park City Council passed Resolution 2021-19, recommending that the Montgomery County Planning Board disapprove the site plan Neighborhood Development Company (NDC) submitted in January 2021 to develop Takoma Junction.

City Council Meeting

The site plan reviewed by the City Council lacks the necessary agency approvals for NDC’s proposed layby – the only proposed means for deliveries in the plan – and additional concerns remain about the available public space, parking, stormwater management, and the rear façade.

The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) still has not approved the layby (or an optional shorter layby) proposed by NDC and has raised serious concerns regarding a number of safety-related issues in numerous communications.  In the absence of an approved layby, there is nothing in the current plan presented to the City Council to accommodate deliveries and trash removal.  Despite the City’s recommendation that NDC waits until work with SHA had resulted in an SHA-approved design, NDC insisted on presenting the plan to the Council. The Council’s June 23 resolution permits NDC to return to the City for review if changes to the proposed site plan address the absence of an approved layby and/or other issues raised.

Significant questions remain as to whether the current site plan could remain in its present form, or anything close to it if changes are needed to create a different layby or other delivery mechanism for the project.  Having no layby or a very different kind of layby for deliveries would likely affect the amount and configuration of public space, and could affect parking, stormwater, and other aspects of the site plan. The City Council would want to review the revised site plan if these changes were made.

The resolution continues to cite the City’s goals for the project at Takoma Junction to “act as a stimulus to the commercial district and locally-owned, independent businesses; improve the aesthetic appeal of the district, and be contextually sensitive and environmentally sustainable.” For the history of the project see here. For information about the development review process see here.

The City’s resolution was transmitted to the Planning Board on Thursday, June 24th.  Presently, NDC is tentatively scheduled to appear before the Planning Board in July.


June 23, 2021

Council passed  Resolution 2021-19: Recommending Disapproval of Takoma Junction Development Site Plan by The Montgomery County Planning Board


June 4, 2021

Upcoming Council Review of Takoma Junction Redevelopment Site Plan

Mayor Kate Stewart has rescheduled consideration of the Takoma Junction redevelopment project site plan and a resolution on the site plan, originally proposed for consideration in late April and early May.  Consideration was postponed in April to review concerns raised by the Maryland Department of Transportation – State Highway Administration (SHA).  Over the last two months, SHA has submitted three letters regarding the project.  These letters can be reviewed below. Given the near completion of the Planning Department’s review of the site plan and the input from SHA, the Council is now prepared to resume discussion and consideration of a resolution on the site plan.

The City Council will hold a work session on June 16th and Council vote on June 23rd.  The resolution will be in the form of a recommendation to the Montgomery County Planning Board to either approve, approve with conditions or deny the Takoma Junction site plan.  The draft resolution can be found here.

At its June 16 work session, the City Council will hear a summary of the key points of the site plan from the Neighborhood Development Company (NDC).  The presentation is expected to include an overview of the plan, a discussion of elements on which the City Council may have outstanding questions or recommendations, and a discussion of the proposed layby for deliveries. On April 12th, NDC did a full presentation of the project and breakout sessions were held to discuss key elements of the plan. You can watch the presentation here.

SHA Letters



May 13, 2021

Statement From the City On Today’s Montgomery County Circuit Court Ruling.

“The City welcomes the Circuit Court for Montgomery County’s decision today permitting the Co-op to continue to use the Takoma Junction lot for its deliveries and parking for the present time. The City continues to work with NDC and the Co-op in an effort to assist both parties in resolving differences.”



May 7, 2021

Since the City first learned of the lawsuit last week, it has continued to be in contact with both NDC and the Co-op and has worked to assist them in resolving their differences. As part of those communications, City representatives met with NDC representatives on May 6. Late in the day on May 7, the Circuit Court for Montgomery County met with the attorneys involved in the lawsuit in order to schedule a preliminary hearing on the emergency relief requested by the Co-op which is to continue its use of the lot it leases from NDC. That hearing is scheduled to take place remotely on the morning of May 12. The City continues to urge NDC and the Co-op to seek a resolution outside of court for the benefit of our community.



April 28, 2021

Over the past week, the City of Takoma Park has been actively involved in discussions to bring about a resolution to an ongoing dispute between the Neighborhood Development Company (NDC) and the Takoma Park Silver Spring Co-op (Co-op). This dispute is regarding the Co-op’s use of a City-owned parking lot at Takoma Junction for deliveries and parking. This lot is leased to NDC which, in turn, leases it to the Co-op.

Last week the City formally asked NDC to rescind its earlier demand that the Co-op immediately discontinue its use of the parking lot site. The City also asked NDC to not interfere with the Co-op’s use of the City-owned parking lot for its deliveries and parking for its customers, so that the Co-op could continue with its current sublease arrangement.

The City set a deadline of Friday, April 23 for NDC to comply with those requests. On Tuesday, April 27, attorneys for the Co-op filed suit against NDC and the City of Takoma Park. As a result of that legal action, the City is currently evaluating possible courses of action, while at the same time continuing to seek a resolution of the issues between NDC and the Co-op.

“As Mayor, I am extremely disappointed that NDC and the Co-op have been unable to successfully resolve these issues, and that this dispute has now moved into a court of law,” said City of Takoma Park Mayor Kate Stewart. “NDC must abide by its existing agreements with the City. The City is exploring all possible options to find a solution to the situation.  It is in the best interests of our residents that these issues get resolved as quickly as possible.”



April 16, 2021

The City of Takoma Park is aware of the communications between the Neighborhood Development Company and the Takoma Park Silver Spring Co-op regarding the Takoma Junction Redevelopment Project. The City staff and City Attorney are working together to formulate options regarding a path forward. Council will address the matter as appropriate. Staff notes that the FAQ page that the communications referred to had been removed from the City’s website for review over a week ago, but the link remains in a cached mode at this time.

Received  on April 13, 2021

The State Highway Administration (SHA) sent a letter of review of the concept plan, for the Takoma Junction development is completed. (Revised: dated April 13, 2021)

The State Highway Administration (SHA) sent a letter of review of the concept plan, for the Takoma Junction development is completed. (dated April 6, 2021)

April 12, 2021

An Interim Draft report from Montgomery Planning regarding the staff review of the project.

April 12, 2021

Council meeting – Presentation and documents

Takoma Junction Development Process: Where are we now?

Click on the image to see an enlarged version.

This visual depiction of the Takoma Junction development process was designed by Takoma Park resident, Bill Kules, in coordination with City staff.

August 17, 2020
Takoma Junction Project Next Steps –  Blog

Information prior to 2021 is available on the webpage:  Takoma Junction History and Timeline

Project Timeline
  • 2020-2021
    City Council and Montgomery County development review approval of site plan
  • January 2019
    Site Plan submitted to Montgomery County for development review
  • July 25, 2018
    Approval of Site Plan
  • October 25, 2017
    Approval of Concept Plan
  • July 27, 2016
    Approval of Development Agreement
  • April 13, 2015
    Selection of development partner
  • January 2014
    Release of Request for Proposals
Carroll Avenue view
Carroll Avenue view
Quick Links
Project  Costs

$89,630 (Legal fees – July 2015 to 2020)
$41,360 (Legal fees – 2020 to present)
$42,500 (Traffic Study – 2018)
$  5,000 (Mediation between NDC and TPSS Co-op – 2018)

Project Schedule

Detailed Project Schedule:  Updated April 16, 2021

Council Decisions

June 23, 2021

Council passed  Resolution 2021-19: Recommending Disapproval of Takoma Junction Development Site Plan by The Montgomery County Planning Board |  Agenda : Video of Council Meeting


July 25, 2018
Council discussed and voted on a Resolution authorizing NDC to submit the Takoma Junction Site Plan to the Montgomery County Planning. Agenda; Video of Council Meeting; Resolution.

November 29, 2017
Council discussed and voted on a Single Reading Ordinance Authorizing a Contract to Augment the Traffic Study for the Takoma Junction Redevelopment. The City study includes traffic generated by the Hospital, the Community Center, and cut-through traffic, among other things. Agenda; Video of Council Meeting; Presentation Slides; Ordinance

October 25, 2017
Council passed a Resolution regarding the Neighborhood Development Concept Plan. Agenda; Video of Council Meeting; Resolution

January 11, 2017
Council passed a Resolution authorizing NDC to seek a Letter of Intent with a new anchor tenant for the Takoma Junction  project.  Agenda; Video of Council Meeting;  Presentation Slides; Resolution.

December 7, 2016
Council passed a Resolution granting a 30-day extension period for the Letter of Intent between NDC and the TPSS Co-op.  Agenda; Video of Council Meeting; Resolution.

July 27, 2016
Council passed a Resolution authorizing execution of the  Development Agreement and a Resolution establishing the Community Consultation Process Advisory Committee.  Agenda; Video of Council Meeting; Development Agreement.

April 13, 2015
Council passed a resolution authorizing the initiation of negotiations with Neighborhood Development Company, LLC for the redevelopment of the City lot at the Takoma Junction. Resolution.

Takoma Junction Redevelopment Sections