Chief Antonio B. DeVaul is pleased to announce the release of Arrest and Traffic Stop Data from 2015-2020 and Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) calls from 2018-2020.
The Takoma Park Police Department has traditionally released information on all arrests, traffic stops, and calls for service data in the department’s annual report. The information released goes beyond the basic data previously released.
The release is consistent with one of the recommendations made by the Takoma Park Reimagining Public Safety Task Force to increase transparency and awareness surrounding public safety data and the department’s goal to be fully transparent with our community.
The City of Takoma Park has prepared interactive web pages with data on police interactions with the public. The arrest information is interactive and is broken down by race, gender, age, residency, initiation, type-specific, and offense. By race, the information is disaggregated by type of arrest, race, gender and race, age and race, initiation and race, specific type and race, and offense and race. We are also disaggregating the data for residents of Takoma Park by race, race and gender, and Ward of residency.
The traffic stop information is disaggregated by stops overall for race, the outcome of stops, outcome of stops over time, residence, the reason for the stop, gender, and age. The stops are also disaggregated by race for outcomes of stop, the outcome of stops over time, the reason for the stop, gender, age, race, age and gender.
The Takoma Park Police Department is committed to transparency and accountability. We remain committed to treating every person in Takoma Park equitably with dignity, and respect. To ensure transparency and accountability, on an annual basis the department will release arrests, traffic stops, and Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) call information.
Policing Data: Webpage and Release Link