Category Archives: Public Notices

Public Notices are primarily generated by the City Clerk and are mostly compromised of messages notifying residents and other stakeholders of public hearings.

City of Takoma Park Releases Data Explorer

Press Release


City of Takoma Park Releases Data Explorer

The City of Takoma Park is pleased to announce the release of the Takoma Park Data Explorer, a one-stop-shop for members of the public to learn more about the City and its residents through data. The Data Explorer provides summary text and visualizations of selected Census American Community Survey data for 2015-2019, including the City’s demographics, racial and economic inequalities, and access to broadband internet among residents.

All visualizations are interactive, letting interested residents go further in exploring Census data. The Data Explorer also compares results for Takoma Park to Montgomery County and Maryland, identifying statistically significant differences in results for the City compared to the state and county.

The Data Explorer is organized into tabs and sub-tabs that users can move between. An “Overall” tab provides a summary of data analyzed throughout the Explorer. The “Methodology” tab includes methodological information and instructions on how to use the explorer. Each other tab is subject-based: Demographics; Race and Ethnicity; Housing; Poverty, employment, and income; and Education, health insurance, and computer-access, with summaries and sub-tabs allowing further exploration. The City webpage announcing the Explorer includes a PDF and a video explaining how to use the Explorer is coming soon!

Each year, the Explorer will be updated with the most recent 5-year American Community Survey data, allowing residents continued access to up-to-date information about their City. Over time, the City may add other visualizations or text to the Explorer, documented in the “Updates and citations” section of the “Methodology” tab. The code used to produce the Explorer can be found on the City’s GitHub page.


Daniel Powers
Public Administration Specialist

Statement Regarding Ongoing Union Negotiations


The City very much values the important work being done by Takoma Park employees and is committed to continuing the collective bargaining process with AFSCME. The COVID-19 pandemic has created hardship for many and caused uncertainty regarding the fiscal climate. The recent rise in inflation is one of the many unforeseeable impacts of the pandemic on our employees and residents alike.

With uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic, the City continues to work to promote a safe work environment for our staff and ensure they are supported, as well as continue to provide services and programs, such as rental and food assistance, to residents who have been most impacted by COVID-19.

Specifically, for City employees, the Council worked with City staff to:

  • Provide hazard pay to:  Police Patrol Officers, other front-facing officers, and some command staff, Police Dispatch; and Public Works employees in Sanitation, Building Maintenance, Custodial staff, Equipment Maintenance, Right of Way Maintenance, Vegetation Maintenance, and Urban Forest.
  • Avoid layoffs, retain and continue to pay staff who were unable to perform their job duties in light of pandemic-related complications.
  • Pay administrative leave to those who could not work due to COVID-related program closures.
  • Offer a retirement incentive to anyone eligible for retirement in an effort to avoid layoffs.
  • Increased the amount of vacation leave employees could carry over into the calendar year 2021, from 240 hours to 300 hours, given the impact of the pandemic on travel/vacation.

We will continue to find ways to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on our employees and the whole community, and the City looks forward to the opportunity to continue the discussions with AFSCME. The City and AFSCME will be continuing mediation soon and the City looks forward to continuing that process.

Additional Information:

  • The City is roughly halfway through a three-year Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA), and during the wage negotiations earlier this year under the terms of that CBA, the City offered to increase the pay scale for employees in the AFSCME bargaining unit by 1.8%. The City provided the same percentage adjustment to non-union employees, and Takoma Park’s police union agreed to that same pay adjustment earlier this year.
  • The City Code sets out the process for resolving issues if we are unable to reach an agreement during negotiations, which includes mediation. Two mediation sessions with AFSCME and City representatives were held recently in an effort to reach an agreement.
  • Regarding ARPA funds, City staff and Council are actively considering how to allocate funds the City received from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). ARPA federal funds can be targeted to assist the most vulnerable in our community (both short and longer-term), as well as provide hazard pay for front-line workers, replace lost city revenue, and improve water and broadband infrastructure, but cannot be used to reduce taxes, increase salaries, or fund regular ongoing City programs and services.
  • Regarding current compensation for City employees:
      • For full-time City employees, the lowest salary is $43,340, with health, dental, and vision plans provided with no premium cost to the employee for employee-only coverage.
      • The City provides a competitive benefits package beyond paid health insurance premiums for employee coverage, which also includes: a variety of paid leave options, availability to flexible spending accounts, a City match to an optional 457 deferred compensation account, three employee assistance programs, tuition reimbursement, and more.
      • The City is also about to conduct a compensation study and will adjust salaries as needed during our next budget discussions in the Spring.

COVID-19 vaccines are now available for children ages 5-11


The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have approved the first COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11. Beginning this week, limited doses will be available through Montgomery County clinics and private providers, with more doses available each week. Doses are allocated to local governments and private providers by the State of Maryland, based on our State’s allocation from the federal government.

More Resources:

City Manager Fox Continues Mask Mandate for All Employees and Visitors to City Buildings and Facilities Until Further Notice!


City Manager Jamal Fox has implemented a mask mandate for all city buildings and facilities in the City of Takoma Park. The mask mandate applies to all employees, both vaccinated and unvaccinated, and all visitors until further notice. 

Please be advised that all employees and visitors will wear a mask for all indoor public spaces while in the city buildings and facilitates such as;

  • Community Center/Police Department
  • Takoma Park Maryland Library and computer center
  • Public Works
  • Recreation Center
  • Heffner building

The City will take a healthy approach to stay the current course with our Mask Mandate policy for reasons listed below until further notice! 

  • Due to many reports regarding the potential serious flu season and COVID-19 surge over the next few months through the holidays.
  • Public health professionals say there is a new and more contagious COVID-19 variant, Delta Plus (as described in the media), now in the nation.
  • Vaccines for children ages 5-11 are in the early stages of deployment and will need time to be effective.
  • CDC is considering “test to stay” in school programs, an alternative to quarantining students. This will allow students who test negative to continue to attend classes at school rather than be quarantined at home. This program potentially would have an impact on our recreation programs.

Read the original mandate here

If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact:

Donna Wright, Communications Manager  |  202-754-2963

Takoma Park Police Release Arrest and Traffic Stop Data from 2015-2020 and Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) calls from 2018-2020


Chief Antonio B. DeVaul

Chief Antonio B. DeVaul is pleased to announce the release of Arrest and Traffic Stop Data from 2015-2020 and Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) calls from 2018-2020.

The Takoma Park Police Department has traditionally released information on all arrests, traffic stops, and calls for service data in the department’s annual report. The information released goes beyond the basic data previously released.

The release is consistent with one of the recommendations made by the Takoma Park Reimagining Public Safety Task Force to increase transparency and awareness surrounding public safety data and the department’s goal to be fully transparent with our community.

The City of Takoma Park has prepared interactive web pages with data on police interactions with the public. The arrest information is interactive and is broken down by race, gender, age, residency, initiation, type-specific, and offense. By race, the information is disaggregated by type of arrest, race, gender and race, age and race, initiation and race, specific type and race, and offense and race. We are also disaggregating the data for residents of Takoma Park by race, race and gender, and Ward of residency.

The traffic stop information is disaggregated by stops overall for race, the outcome of stops, outcome of stops over time, residence, the reason for the stop, gender, and age. The stops are also disaggregated by race for outcomes of stop, the outcome of stops over time, the reason for the stop, gender, age, race, age and gender.

The Takoma Park Police Department is committed to transparency and accountability. We remain committed to treating every person in Takoma Park equitably with dignity, and respect. To ensure transparency and accountability, on an annual basis the department will release arrests, traffic stops, and Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) call information.

Policing Data: Webpage and Release Link

City Facilities Reopening to the Public on August 23rd


We look forward to welcoming back all Takoma Park residents into our City facilities on Monday, August 23rd!  All City facilities will be open to the general public.  The Recreation Center and Community Center will return to normal building hours and allow limited room rentals once again. The Library, Computer Center and Passport Services will have extended hours.

To keep everyone in our community healthy, please follow our COVID-19 protocols when entering City facilities:

  • All staff and visitors must wear a mask covering nose and mouth inside City facilities at all times. Outdoors on City property, masks are optional.
  • We have placed hand sanitizer dispensers at all entrances to City facilities, for your convenience.

Reopening Hours

Community Center (7500 Maple Ave)

  • Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 9:30 pm
  • Saturday, 10:00 am – 6:00 pm
  • Sunday, 12:00 – 5:00 pm


  • Monday-Thursday, 10:00 am – 8:00 pm
  • Friday-Sunday, 12:00 – 6:00 pm

Computer Center

  • Monday-Thursday, 12:00 – 8:00 pm
  • Friday-Sunday, 12:00 – 6:00 pm

Public Works Department

  • Monday-Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
    See the full Public Works staff directory.

Recreation Center (7315 New Hampshire Ave)

  • Monday, Wednesday, Friday 2:30 – 9:00 pm
  • Tuesday and Thursday, 12:00 – 9:00 pm
    Note: Tuesdays and Thursdays 12:00-2:00pm are reserved for senior use only.
  • Saturday, 9:00 am – 5:00 pm
  • Sunday, Closed

Updates You Need to Know

Permits and Licenses
Most City permits and licenses are available online, with online payment, and do not require a visit to City facilities.  For a full list of permits and licenses, and to inquire with the issuing department about online availability, visit this link.

Notary and Passport
Both Notary and Passport services will continue by appointment only at the Community Center.

  • To make a passport appointment, please call 301-891-7100.  Passport hours are Monday-Thursday, 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
  • To make a notary public appointment, please call 301-891-7214.

Recreation Department

  • Indoor, outdoor and virtual classes will resume in September. Registration for City residents opens Tuesday, August 24th. Review program offerings here.
  • Interested in renting a room in a City facility or a park shelter? Residents can reserve a shelter here. Limited room reservations available, please call 301-891-7290 for more information.
  • The Community Center Game Room will be open for drop-ins from 7:00 – 9:00 pm on weekdays but with COVID-19 capacity limits.

COVID Prevention Reminders

COVID-19 safety protocols for City facilities are subject to change at any time by City Manager determination should there be updates to State or County health guidance.

For more information on reopening, including up-to-date information on department hours and any schedule changes, as well as COVID-related resources, we encourage you to check our COVID-19 Resource Page regularly.

Look Under Your Feet for Poetry by the Street

When you’re walking around Takoma Park, look down at your feet to see poems by local residents imprinted in new sidewalks across the city.

Seven poems have been stamped so far in an interactive public art project organized by the City of Takoma Park’s Arts and Humanities Division. A contest was held earlier this year where city residents of all ages could enter their original poems. A committee of local poets chose 10 adults and 10 children as the winners who each received a $100 prize. The poems are being stamped now during new sidewalk construction or sidewalk repairs.

“It’s exciting to see poetry by local residents in unusual locations,” Arts and Humanities Coordinator Brendan Smith said. “Takoma Park is a very walkable city so we wanted to bring some poetry to people where they live.”

The project was inspired by a sidewalk poetry program started by artist Marcus Young with Public Art Saint Paul in St. Paul, Minn. Sidewalk poetry has spread to other cities across the country.

Nala Miller’s poem about her little green ball is stamped at the entrance to Opal Daniels Park at 7414 Carroll Avenue. Nala just turned 8 years old and was very excited to see her poem in the sidewalk. She will be a third grader at Piney Branch Elementary School this fall.

Richard Weil’s sidewalk poem is located at 8106 Flower Avenue. “My wife and I moved here 40 years ago because we discovered a beautiful wooded place where there is a diversity of creative people who look out for each other,” he said.

Aissatou Thiam is 7 years old, and her short, funny poem about ants in her pants is located on Flower Avenue across the street from the Sligo Seventh Day Adventist Church near the Carroll Avenue intersection.

More poems will be stamped across the city during new sidewalk construction or repairs. You can read all 20 winning poems here.

City’s Minor Master Plan Moves Ahead



At their meeting on July 7th, City Council approved a resolution in support of the draft proposal for a Minor Master Plan Amendment.

A Minor Master Plan Amendment (MMA) is a tool used by Montgomery County to update the long-term plans for a specific geographic area when there is an unexpected change in the economic or land use circumstance. If those changes are unaccounted for in the City’s Master Plan (last updated in 2000 in Takoma Park), then an MMA allows the County to reimagine the way the area is used. This can involve updates to zoning and allow the City and County to set new goals for housing, economic development, open space, and transportation.

The departure of the Washington Adventist Hospital, formerly the largest employer in Takoma Park, prompted the City to partner with the County on an MMA that would include an area covering the full Washington Adventist Hospital and University Campus, as well as the civic buildings, retail, and multi-family housing located along Maple Avenue, from Philadelphia Avenue to Sligo Creek Parkway.

The City Council’s action on Wednesday offers an endorsement of the County staff’s proposed plan; however, the final project boundary and scope of work will not be finalized until the County Planning Commission votes to approve the boundary and scope of work in early September.

In the meantime, Montgomery County Planning will begin some initial community engagement with large stakeholders, including Washington Adventist University. Once the scope of work is finalized, a full-scale engagement process will begin for both residents within the MMA boundary and residents who live outside the boundary that would be impacted by any changes that the MMA could yield.


Visit the  Minor Master Plan project for more information.

Visit the City’s project page for a complete listing of projects.

City Manager Transition


The Summer Solstice ushers in a seasonal transition. In Takoma Park, we’re also experiencing a very important transition, as we say farewell to departing City Manager Suzanne Ludlow and welcome her replacement, Jamal Fox.

Suzanne has been important to the City government over the last 27 years, serving 7 years as City Manager. It’s almost impossible to find aspects of our municipal life that she hasn’t touched in meaningful ways. Whether it’s managing our annual budget and keeping Takoma Park fiscally strong; leading and inspiring City staff; coordinating work on key development projects; interacting directly with residents seeking information or assistance, and so many other vital initiatives, she’s had a hand in them and often played the lead role.

We were delighted that — in the last City Council meeting of Suzanne’s tenure in Takoma Park — the Council adopted a resolution honoring her many contributions to our local government, economy, and culture. Moreover, Councilmembers and residents had the opportunity to share their personal memories of Suzanne’s work on behalf of the City and their interactions with her. We wish her all the best as she moves on to a new phase in her life, with an appreciation for everything she has given to Takoma Park. You can watch a video of the tributes to Suzanne starting at the 26-minute mark.

Meanwhile, you may have seen Jamal in the City, even though he doesn’t formally start as the new City Manager until August 2. He and his family will be moving to the area in the coming weeks. However, we’re pleased he’s been able to start meeting with Councilmembers and staff, not to mention touring the City and saying hello to residents. We were particularly glad Jamal said a few words at the recent swearing-in ceremony for a group of new Takoma Park police officers.

Jamal’s background, in communities large and small, in different parts of the country, with service as both a staffer and an elected official, make him a great addition to the City staff. We look forward to collaborating with him as we inaugurate a great new chapter in Takoma Park’s story. For those in the City who haven’t yet met him, there will no doubt be many opportunities to give him a warm welcome.

Of course, transitions often come with a few challenges, and this one is no exception. There’s about a month between Suzanne’s departure and Jamal’s official start date. So our Deputy City Manager Jessica Clarke will serve as Acting City Manager for that month-long interim period. Those of us on the Council have full confidence in Jessica’s ability to keep everything on track during that hiatus. We’re also confident residents will appreciate there may be a need for a little patience as Jessica and Jamal work through the learning curves they’ll be facing. You can reach Jessica at Jamal’s email, which won’t be active until he starts on August 2, will be

Council City Manager Transition Sub-Committee

Mayor Stewart
Councilmember Kovar
Councilmember Searcy

Takoma Park Reopening Schedule


The City of Takoma Park can begin reopening our facilities to the public!

Here are the highlights:
  • On July 6 the Takoma Park Maryland Library will reopen for in-person services
  • On August 23 all City facilities will fully reopen to the general public
Passports and Notary Services will require an appointment.

Passport Service:

Notary Service:

Notary Service will resume on Tuesday, July 6th by appointment only.

  • Please make an appointment by email or call:
  • The service is free for Takoma Park residents
  • $4 per notary signature for non-residents.
  • For more information, visit Notary Services


Mask requirements:
  • In City facilities, masks will be required for visitors and staff in lobby areas and in areas with children’s programs or services
  • Masks are optional for City staff outdoors and in non-public areas of City facilities
  • City staff will be prepared to wear masks when entering homes and other constrained private spaces on City business and when requested to do so by a person with whom they are interacting

Mask requirements will continue through August 22, 2021.


See our COVID-19 page for more detailed information, which will be refined over the coming weeks. Any of these plans may change based on revised guidance from the CDC, State of Maryland or Montgomery County, and we will let you know if they do.

Thank you to so many Takoma Park residents for taking safety precautions over many months and then getting vaccinated when you were able to do so – your actions have made a real difference in our community!