Category Archives: Public Notices

Public Notices are primarily generated by the City Clerk and are mostly compromised of messages notifying residents and other stakeholders of public hearings.

Look Under Your Feet for Poetry by the Street

When you’re walking around Takoma Park, look down at your feet to see poems by local residents imprinted in new sidewalks across the city.

Seven poems have been stamped so far in an interactive public art project organized by the City of Takoma Park’s Arts and Humanities Division. A contest was held earlier this year where city residents of all ages could enter their original poems. A committee of local poets chose 10 adults and 10 children as the winners who each received a $100 prize. The poems are being stamped now during new sidewalk construction or sidewalk repairs.

“It’s exciting to see poetry by local residents in unusual locations,” Arts and Humanities Coordinator Brendan Smith said. “Takoma Park is a very walkable city so we wanted to bring some poetry to people where they live.”

The project was inspired by a sidewalk poetry program started by artist Marcus Young with Public Art Saint Paul in St. Paul, Minn. Sidewalk poetry has spread to other cities across the country.

Nala Miller’s poem about her little green ball is stamped at the entrance to Opal Daniels Park at 7414 Carroll Avenue. Nala just turned 8 years old and was very excited to see her poem in the sidewalk. She will be a third grader at Piney Branch Elementary School this fall.

Richard Weil’s sidewalk poem is located at 8106 Flower Avenue. “My wife and I moved here 40 years ago because we discovered a beautiful wooded place where there is a diversity of creative people who look out for each other,” he said.

Aissatou Thiam is 7 years old, and her short, funny poem about ants in her pants is located on Flower Avenue across the street from the Sligo Seventh Day Adventist Church near the Carroll Avenue intersection.

More poems will be stamped across the city during new sidewalk construction or repairs. You can read all 20 winning poems here.

City’s Minor Master Plan Moves Ahead



At their meeting on July 7th, City Council approved a resolution in support of the draft proposal for a Minor Master Plan Amendment.

A Minor Master Plan Amendment (MMA) is a tool used by Montgomery County to update the long-term plans for a specific geographic area when there is an unexpected change in the economic or land use circumstance. If those changes are unaccounted for in the City’s Master Plan (last updated in 2000 in Takoma Park), then an MMA allows the County to reimagine the way the area is used. This can involve updates to zoning and allow the City and County to set new goals for housing, economic development, open space, and transportation.

The departure of the Washington Adventist Hospital, formerly the largest employer in Takoma Park, prompted the City to partner with the County on an MMA that would include an area covering the full Washington Adventist Hospital and University Campus, as well as the civic buildings, retail, and multi-family housing located along Maple Avenue, from Philadelphia Avenue to Sligo Creek Parkway.

The City Council’s action on Wednesday offers an endorsement of the County staff’s proposed plan; however, the final project boundary and scope of work will not be finalized until the County Planning Commission votes to approve the boundary and scope of work in early September.

In the meantime, Montgomery County Planning will begin some initial community engagement with large stakeholders, including Washington Adventist University. Once the scope of work is finalized, a full-scale engagement process will begin for both residents within the MMA boundary and residents who live outside the boundary that would be impacted by any changes that the MMA could yield.


Visit the  Minor Master Plan project for more information.

Visit the City’s project page for a complete listing of projects.

City Manager Transition


The Summer Solstice ushers in a seasonal transition. In Takoma Park, we’re also experiencing a very important transition, as we say farewell to departing City Manager Suzanne Ludlow and welcome her replacement, Jamal Fox.

Suzanne has been important to the City government over the last 27 years, serving 7 years as City Manager. It’s almost impossible to find aspects of our municipal life that she hasn’t touched in meaningful ways. Whether it’s managing our annual budget and keeping Takoma Park fiscally strong; leading and inspiring City staff; coordinating work on key development projects; interacting directly with residents seeking information or assistance, and so many other vital initiatives, she’s had a hand in them and often played the lead role.

We were delighted that — in the last City Council meeting of Suzanne’s tenure in Takoma Park — the Council adopted a resolution honoring her many contributions to our local government, economy, and culture. Moreover, Councilmembers and residents had the opportunity to share their personal memories of Suzanne’s work on behalf of the City and their interactions with her. We wish her all the best as she moves on to a new phase in her life, with an appreciation for everything she has given to Takoma Park. You can watch a video of the tributes to Suzanne starting at the 26-minute mark.

Meanwhile, you may have seen Jamal in the City, even though he doesn’t formally start as the new City Manager until August 2. He and his family will be moving to the area in the coming weeks. However, we’re pleased he’s been able to start meeting with Councilmembers and staff, not to mention touring the City and saying hello to residents. We were particularly glad Jamal said a few words at the recent swearing-in ceremony for a group of new Takoma Park police officers.

Jamal’s background, in communities large and small, in different parts of the country, with service as both a staffer and an elected official, make him a great addition to the City staff. We look forward to collaborating with him as we inaugurate a great new chapter in Takoma Park’s story. For those in the City who haven’t yet met him, there will no doubt be many opportunities to give him a warm welcome.

Of course, transitions often come with a few challenges, and this one is no exception. There’s about a month between Suzanne’s departure and Jamal’s official start date. So our Deputy City Manager Jessica Clarke will serve as Acting City Manager for that month-long interim period. Those of us on the Council have full confidence in Jessica’s ability to keep everything on track during that hiatus. We’re also confident residents will appreciate there may be a need for a little patience as Jessica and Jamal work through the learning curves they’ll be facing. You can reach Jessica at Jamal’s email, which won’t be active until he starts on August 2, will be

Council City Manager Transition Sub-Committee

Mayor Stewart
Councilmember Kovar
Councilmember Searcy

Takoma Park Reopening Schedule


The City of Takoma Park can begin reopening our facilities to the public!

Here are the highlights:
  • On July 6 the Takoma Park Maryland Library will reopen for in-person services
  • On August 23 all City facilities will fully reopen to the general public
Passports and Notary Services will require an appointment.

Passport Service:

Notary Service:

Notary Service will resume on Tuesday, July 6th by appointment only.

  • Please make an appointment by email or call:
  • The service is free for Takoma Park residents
  • $4 per notary signature for non-residents.
  • For more information, visit Notary Services


Mask requirements:
  • In City facilities, masks will be required for visitors and staff in lobby areas and in areas with children’s programs or services
  • Masks are optional for City staff outdoors and in non-public areas of City facilities
  • City staff will be prepared to wear masks when entering homes and other constrained private spaces on City business and when requested to do so by a person with whom they are interacting

Mask requirements will continue through August 22, 2021.


See our COVID-19 page for more detailed information, which will be refined over the coming weeks. Any of these plans may change based on revised guidance from the CDC, State of Maryland or Montgomery County, and we will let you know if they do.

Thank you to so many Takoma Park residents for taking safety precautions over many months and then getting vaccinated when you were able to do so – your actions have made a real difference in our community!

City Council recommends that County Planning Board disapprove Neighborhood Development Company (NDC) site plan to develop Takoma Junction


On Wednesday, June 23, 2021, the Takoma Park City Council passed Resolution 2021-19, recommending that the Montgomery County Planning Board disapprove the site plan Neighborhood Development Company (NDC) submitted in January 2021 to develop Takoma Junction.

The site plan reviewed by the City Council lacks the necessary agency approvals for NDC’s proposed layby – the only proposed means for deliveries in the plan – and additional concerns remain about the available public space, parking, stormwater management, and the rear façade.

The Maryland Department of Transportation’s State Highway Administration (SHA) still has not approved the layby (or an optional shorter layby) proposed by NDC and has raised serious concerns regarding a number of safety-related issues in numerous communications.  In the absence of an approved layby, there is nothing in the current plan presented to the City Council to accommodate deliveries and trash removal.  Despite the City’s recommendation that NDC waits until work with SHA had resulted in an SHA-approved design, NDC insisted on presenting the plan to the Council. The Council’s June 23 resolution permits NDC to return to the City for review if changes to the proposed site plan address the absence of an approved layby and/or other issues raised.

Significant questions remain as to whether the current site plan could remain in its present form, or anything close to it if changes are needed to create a different layby or other delivery mechanism for the project.  Having no layby or a very different kind of layby for deliveries would likely affect the amount and configuration of public space, and could affect parking, stormwater, and other aspects of the site plan. The City Council would want to review the revised site plan if these changes were made.

The resolution continues to cite the City’s goals for the project at Takoma Junction to “act as a stimulus to the commercial district and locally-owned, independent businesses; improve the aesthetic appeal of the district, and be contextually sensitive and environmentally sustainable.” For the history of the project see here. For information about the development review process see here.

The City’s resolution was transmitted to the Planning Board on Thursday, June 24th.  Presently, NDC is tentatively scheduled to appear before the Planning Board in July.


City Council Sends Letter Opposing the Passage of ZTA 19-07


The City Council has sent a letter to the Montgomery County Council opposing the passage of Zoning Text Amendment 19-07 (Telecommunications Towers – Limited Use) as currently drafted.

“The City of Takoma Park wants every resident of Montgomery County to have equitable access to affordable broadband internet. However, everyone should have a voice in the planning process. This ZTA, as currently drafted, would cut municipalities and residents out of the planning and siting process for many new “small” cell towers and strip us of our voices.”

Read the complete letter


Vaccine Clinic at Park Ritchie this Saturday, June 26


Free Mobile COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic

Saturday, June 26, 2021
Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Park Ritchie Apartments
Parking Lot,
7600 Maple Avenue

Any Maryland resident aged 12 and up is eligible to receive the Pfizer vaccine for free at this mobile clinic. Register for an appointment.

Brought to you through collaboration between Southern Management/Park Ritchie Apartments, FEMA, the National Guard, Food Justice DMV, and the City of Takoma Park.

Partnership with FEMA, MoCo and WAU brings FREE Mobile Vaccines to TKPK Week of June 15-20

Free COVID-19 Vaccinations Available
in Takoma Park

FEMA’s mobile vaccination trailer will be parked in the Washington Adventist University lot at the intersection of Carroll and Flower Avenues.

  • Free MODERNA and Johnson & Johnson vaccines 
  • Safe for ages 18 and older
  • Plan to wait for 15-30 minutes after you receive your vaccine.
  • Return to the same location for the second dose on July 13 to July 18
  • Walk-ups accepted
  •  Return to the same location for the second dose on July 13 to July 18
First Dose:

June 15 – 20, 2021

  • Tuesday to  Friday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Saturday and  Sunday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm
Second Dose:

July 13  – 18, 2021

  • Tuesday to  Friday: 11:00 am – 7:00 pm
  • Saturday and  Sunday: 11:00 am – 5:00 pm

Expressing Appreciation for the City of Takoma Park Senior Leadership Team



On Wednesday, June 10, 2021, City Council passed a resolution to express appreciation for the Senior Leadership Team.

WHEREAS, the past fifteen months have been extremely challenging ones for the City’s Senior Leadership Team, which consists of department and key division heads; and WHEREAS, this time period included the COVID-19 pandemic and all of the work related to the shutdown of City facilities, continuity of City services, care of employees, and provision of assistance to residents and businesses; the death of George Floyd and its impacts; national and local elections; the January 6 insurrection at the U.S. Capitol; the second impeachment of President Trump; and preparations for the transition to a new City Manager;

Read the entire Resolution here.

Updated: Street Resurfacing to Begin Mon, June 14 – Please Check the Neighborhood Schedule


The City street resurfacing project, originally planned to begin on Thursday June 10, is now expected to start on Monday, July 14. The program is expected to continue over two weeks, weather dependent. Flyers will be delivered to all properties on the affected streets with more detailed information and likely work dates. The milling (scraping two inches of old asphalt) will take place first and the resurfacing will follow 5 to 7 days later. The streets will be posted with ‘No Parking’ signs prior to the work dates.

The work will take place in the following order:
  1. New York Avenue: from Takoma Avenue to Baltimore Avenue
  2. Baltimore Avenue: from New York Avenue to Philadelphia Avenue
  3. Birch Avenue: from Cedar Avenue to Barclay Avenue
  4. Maple Avenue: from Philadelphia Avenue to Maplewood Avenue
  5. Maplewood Avenue: from Maple Avenue to Flower Avenue
Key Points:
  • The work hours are from 7am to 5pm
  • Access to the street will be limited or blocked during milling and completely blocked during paving
  • No parking will be allowed on the streets during the work, but can resume after 5pm so long as they are moved before 7am
  • If residents have critical, scheduled events (dialysis appointments, medical transport, appliance delivery or household move), please contact Public Works: (301)-891-7611
  • Speed humps and street markings will. be reinstalled a week or so after the paving is completed