Library Renovations Update 12/13: Latest Updates and Presentation from City Staff

The scheduling of demolition and construction timelines are pending weather.

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City Planning

About City Planning in Takoma Park

Planning is an ongoing process that helps residents and government leaders shape growth in a way that makes the community a better place to live and work, and adapt to population and economic changes over time. The City has many documents in place that guide the process.

Minor Master Plan Amendment

Montgomery County Planning Department, in partnership with the City of Takoma Park, developed a Minor Master Plan Amendment for the area surrounding Maple Avenue, from Philadelphia Ave to Sligo Creek Pkwy, and the Washington Adventist University and Adventist Healthcare campuses. The County Council approved the Plan in April, 2024.

Thrive Montgomery 2050

The Thrive Montgomery 2050 plan is an update to Montgomery County’s leading planning policy document, the General Plan. City Manager, Suzanne Ludlow, sent a letter in support of Thrive to the Planning Board in December, 2020, and to the County Council in June 2021.

Plans for the Ethan Allen Gateway Streetscape improvement on display.
Plans for the Ethan Allen Gateway Streetscape improvement on display.

Takoma Park Master Plan

The Takoma Park Master Plan (2000) provides a set of comprehensive recommendations and guidelines for the use of publicly and privately owned land. The document reflects a vision of future development in Takoma Park that responds to the unique character of the community within the context of a broader, County-wide perspective.

The Approved and Adopted Amendment to the Master Plan for Historic Preservation: Takoma Park Historic District and Carroll Manor/Douglas House (1992) is designed to preserve the historic and architectural heritage of the area.

New Hampshire Avenue Corridor Concept Plan

The New Hampshire Avenue Corridor Concept Plan (2008, PDF) provides a framework for the redevelopment and revitalization of New Hampshire Avenue, south of Sligo Creek.

Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan

The Takoma/Langley Crossroads Sector Plan (2012) provides a revitalization and redevelopment framework for the northeast portion of the city encompassing University Boulevard and New Hampshire Avenue, north of Sligo Creek Parkway.

Long Branch Sector Plan

The Long Branch Sector Plan (2013) provides a revitalization and redevelopment framework in preparation for the proposed Purple Line stop at Arliss Street.



Other Master Plans Impacting Takoma Park

Montgomery County’s Planning Department has prepared several county-wide master plans that are relevant to Takoma Park. The following documents are available online:

  • Montgomery County Pedestrian Master Plan
    Montgomery Planning developed the county’s first Pedestrian Master Plan to make walking and rolling safer, more comfortable, more convenient and more accessible for pedestrians of all ages and abilities.
  • Montgomery County Bike Master Plan (2018) sets forth a vision for Montgomery County as a world-class bicycling community, where people  have access to a comfortable, safe and connected bicycle network, and  bicycling is a viable transportation option
  • Countywide Transit Corridors Functional Master Plan (2013) establishes a countywide bus rapid transit (BRT) network to improve accessibility and mobility throughout Montgomery County.
  • Countywide Bikeways Functional Master Plan (2005) establishes a countywide network for utilitarian bicycle transportation and serves as an amendment to all community master plans and sector plans. The plan is being updated in 2015-2017, here.
  • Master Plan of Highways and Transitways (PDF) updates Montgomery County’s road network and includes all transitways, rail stations and other transit centers in the county.
  • Purple Line Functional Master Plan presents a series of recommendations for the proposed transit line’s route, mode and stations.

Planning Resources

The following agencies and organizations provide additional comprehensive planning services in Takoma Park and the region:

County Planning Organizations & Agencies

  • Montgomery County Planning Department.  The Montgomery County Planning Department develops master plans, reviews proposed development and analyzes a variety of types of information to help plan for the future in the county as a whole and specifically on projects in the Takoma Park / Silver Spring area.
  • Prince George’s County Planning Department. The Prince George’s County Planning Department is responsible for the development of plans affecting the International Corridor, Langley Park and other neighborhoods adjacent to Takoma Park.

State/District Planning Organizations & Agencies

City Planning Sections